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So I tried to get my google music account running within Moode today.
After installing with the command ''sudo pip install gmusicapi'' there is still nowhere a login template  for google music???
Does the directory below exist?

Nope, nothing there (?)
AFAIK thats where it's supposed to be installed, and that's the directory that the code is checking to determine whether to display the login template.

If you can find it in a different directory I'll look into it.
(12-06-2018, 01:49 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: [ -> ]AFAIK thats where it's supposed to be installed, and that's the directory that the code is checking to determine whether to display the login template.

If you can find it in a different directory I'll look into it.


So I just installed gmusicapi on a moOde r43 player. Afterwards,

pi@moode:~ $ find /usr -name gmusicapi

so the package has been installed just where Tim tests for it.

Why this location? Because the package says so

pi@moodeLR:~ $ pip show gmusicapi
Name: gmusicapi
Version: 11.1.1
Summary: An unofficial api for Google Play Music.
Author: Simon Weber
License: Copyright (c) 2018, Simon Weber
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
Requires: appdirs, six, protobuf, oauth2client, gpsoauth, proboscis, validictory, future, mock, python-dateutil, decorator, requests, mutagen, MechanicalSoup

after a new ''sudo pip install gmusicapi'' command in the web ssh terminal under system config/local services: still nothing. I used the web ssh terminal because a connection via putty won't work (?)
During the command everything seems to be ok and after several minutes the connection is terminated. 
I rebooted and tried again to find the gmusicapi...Nothing (again Huh)

(12-06-2018, 05:34 PM)harsl Wrote: [ -> ]after a new ''sudo pip install gmusicapi'' command in the web ssh terminal under system config/local services: still nothing. I used the web ssh terminal because a connection via putty won't work (?)
During the command everything seems to be ok and after several minutes the connection is terminated. 
I rebooted and tried again to find the gmusicapi...Nothing (again Huh)

Hi, @harsl

Normally I'd say using the Web SSH Terminal is fine but I'm wondering if it has a timer which logouts out after a period of input activity and thus aborts your build. 

I'm looking at your third attachment. It ends with "Session closed" while still in the midst of "Running bdist_wheel for lxml...." Did you close the session or did the Web SSH Terminal? The build takes many minutes even on an RPi3B+.

That line occurs mid-stream in my build from the command line. My build ends with

Successfully built gmusicapi future gpsoauth mutagen proboscis lxml pycryptodomex httplib2
Installing collected packages: beautifulsoup4, lxml, MechanicalSoup, appdirs, decorator, future, pycryptodomex, gpsoauth, funcsigs, pbr, mock, mutagen, rsa, httplib2, pyasn1-modules, oauth2client, proboscis, protobuf, python-dateutil, validictory, gmusicapi
Successfully installed MechanicalSoup-0.11.0 appdirs-1.4.3 beautifulsoup4-4.6.3 decorator-4.3.0 funcsigs-1.0.2 future-0.17.1 gmusicapi-11.1.1 gpsoauth-0.4.1 httplib2-0.12.0 lxml-4.2.5 mock-2.0.0 mutagen-1.41.1 oauth2client-4.1.3 pbr-5.1.1 proboscis- protobuf-3.6.1 pyasn1-modules-0.2.2 pycryptodomex-3.7.2 python-dateutil-2.7.5 rsa-4.0 validictory-1.1.2

I haven't used PuTTY in quite a while but I thought it handled SSH via a setting you make when you define a new session. No time to check until tonight.

If you are running recent-vintage Windows 10 you can use the SSH client in the Windows for Linux subsystem instead of PuTTY.

Tried the Windows10 ssh, but gives same denile as the PuTTy. Not allow to login en refuse of the connection. SO leaves me only with the internal Web version????
Put the sd-card into my rasp3B (my setup with the problem was a raspZerow) and again no connection allowed. But with the Web SSH verion I got it done.

During the test in the rasp3B I came across an other problem I had since my first start with the MoodeAudio Player namely the Random Play ! It plays random tracks flawless in the 3b without any change of the setup on my SD card. The same setup in the ZeroW won't????
(12-10-2018, 10:54 AM)harsl Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Tried the Windows10 ssh, but gives same denile as the PuTTy. Not allow to login en refuse of the connection. SO leaves me only with the internal Web version????

I just logged into one of my moOde players twice from Windows 10 Pro (Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134), first using PuTTY (v0.70, the current version, but my older v0.68 worked too) directly from Win10 and then again using ssh from the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The experience was, as my doctor would say, unremarkable.

Are you using the correct username/password credentials to log in? The default is pi/moodeaudio. If you're in the WSL then entering the command "ssh moode" will automatically use your Windows username (actually, this is true on any Linux machine, not just WSL) and the login will fail with "Permission denied".

For example, from my laptop "T520" and my user account kreed

kreed@T520:/mnt/c/Windows/System32$ ssh moode
kreed@moode's password: <<doesn't matter what I enter here; no kreed account on moode>>
Permission denied, please try again.


kreed@T520:/mnt/c/Windows/System32$ ssh pi@moode
pi@moode's password: <<entered pi's password>>
Linux kernel 4.14.84-v7+ armv71, moOde 4.4 2018-12-05
...and the rest of the moOde login banner...

This happens to be a beta-test version of moOde r4.4 but the behavior is the same on previous r4.x versions.

Hi Kent, thanks for your on going tries to help me out. Although I have this done via the internal webSSH, the ''old'' way via PuTTy and windows ssh wont go:
IF if put :
ssh pi@moode sshresponse is : ssh connect to host moode port 22: Connection refused ????
Same for the ssh pi@IPADRESS
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