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new problem with upmpdcli Tidal plugin
An 'oh, by the way' comment.

I was looking just now at the upmpdcli repo to see how logging is handled (subject of a different thread). I came across this entry in the git log

commit d63ba916ce43d4b6ec0a974c24fc7606ecf7a608
Author: Jean-Francois Dockes <>
Date:   Sun May 17 10:44:14 2020 +0200

   Update tidal api token and allow setting it from the config file (tidalapitoken). Return it in ohcred get data

So, the good news is, once moOde bumps to the current version of upmpdcli, it will be possible to edit the api token right in the configuration file (/etc/upmpdcli.conf in moOde).

The bad news is, you'll still have to play Whack-A-Mole. Here's what the upmpdcli dev says in response to the "Tidal login failure again" issue posted to his repo:

Jean-Francois Dockes @medoc92 · 3 weeks ago
It seems that there are number of tokens floating around. For example, searching for Tidal 3rd party apps tokens on a search engine seems to yield some results.



Messages In This Thread
RE: new problem with upmpdcli Tidal plugin - by TheOldPresbyope - 06-19-2020, 05:45 PM

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