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moOde 5.4 Beta 2 is available
There may not be any other Open Media Vault users on this forum but just in case:

It turns out that miniDLNA (at least at and around v1.1.6) doesn't reliably rescan its Media directory to pick up new files. The remedy I found on more than one blog/forum is to log into the server, stop the miniDLNA service, delete its index file (which in my OMV is /var/cache/minidlna/files.db), and restart the service.

When I did this, then my new albums are found by the moOde UPNP Web Browser and once I define the appropriate UPNP Music Source they show up in my Library.

Obviously, this is a miniDLNA problem, rather than an Open Media Vault problem per se, but the OMV repo offers no newer version. Perhaps it would go away if I built the latest miniDLNA version (v1.2.1, the same as Tim is using) from source on my OMV server. mañana

Hi All,

I just jumped on the Rasberry PI 4 bandwagon as I needed my 3B for something else, then realized moode was only in beta for the Pi4

I have to say though, great work by Tim and the team as I have my PI4 running perfectly with 5.4b2

However, I found a small issue in the setup that I would like to report before V6 is released.

As per other posts, I have the Raspberry original 7" touch screen in my rig.

When I was setting this up in Moode (Local Display area), all went well until I change the brightness level and clicked the SET button.

When I did that, I got a HTTP 500 error. I didnt get any errors clicking the SET button for other options.

Im not too fussed about it as I was able to change the brightness from the command line, but just thought it should be reported.

Pi 4B 2GB, HiFi Berry Digi+, Original 7" Raspberry Pi Screen, Ethernet Connected, Sandisk Ultra10 SD card, 5amp power supply (Drives the PI and Screen separately) streaming audio via NFS shares from QNAP NAS.
Just wanted to say thanks again, and can't wait for Moode 6.0!
I have been running 5.4b2 on the 1GB version of the RPi4 as a UPnP Renderer with no glitches, full 16,000 track library from a JRiver Server playing on shuffle mode for about a week now.
Nice. We are almost done with moOde 6 and are just waiting for the results of some testing and a point release of one component. The goal s to ship the release sometime in August :-)

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