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Status of upcoming in-place update for 6.2.1 --> 6.3.0
Hi guys,
on my Pi3B no problem but on my Pi2B there is that error pop-up on start-up and the update shows Raspbian 10.0 when the Pi3B shows 10.1.
Nevertheless it will play fine both shared files and Internet radios. But that pops up on every boot/reboot.
What to do?

[Image: Capture-d-e-cran-2019-10-10-a-21-04-25.png]
The error

[Image: Capture-d-e-cran-2019-10-10-a-21-14-38.png]
On Pi2B

[Image: Capture-d-e-cran-2019-10-10-a-21-14-27.png]
On the Pi3B...

Edit: the same message when the Pi3B starts! ='(

Messages In This Thread
RE: Status of upcoming in-place update for 6.2.1 --> 6.3.0 - by Malefoda - 10-10-2019, 07:27 PM

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