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Problem: mpd error open mpd socket failed
under some load, cpu goes up to 25-35%, RAM usage up to 78%
Hi Jkutya,
did you activated 64-bit kernel? If you are using pi1, so this may not your case...

Since I activated 64-bit kernel, I also got the same error: mpd error open mpd socket failed at almost the time I update/rescan library.
I'm using external hdd via usb, no permission issue. When I moved some directories, then I tried to update library both UI or command (mpc), I got the mpd error opensocketfailed().

Someone suggested to change back to 32-bit kernel.
"After changing it back to 32 bit and regen/update MPD-Database, the library now shows my music."

@Tim Curtis From mpd log, while update/rescan library, I only see 1 exception with ffmpeg/mp3 (ffmpeg/mp3: Failed to read frame size: Could not seek to 1026.) with both cases:
1) the mp3 file does not exists (moved).
2) the mp3 file does exists.

There are many logs showing that remove/add files, but actually from the UI nothing changed.

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