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Full Version: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
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Hi Cardone

Have you selected I2C for your screen? For the following display it looks like it is configured for SPI by default

The other thing is that the chip is SSD1305. The driver code I use for mpd_oled supports SSD1306 (mpd_oled -o3) and SH1106 (mpd_oled -o6). It may be that none of the mpd_oled -o options are compatible with SSD1305. I looked at the link for the 2.42" display that caca047 is using with mpd_oled, and it has an SSD1306 chip

hello Adrian,

I should watch in the future before I buy something first here in the forum .. Smile Smile
have now ordered from you specified link ......

Thank you for your support ....
All these MoOde version updates result in  the Spectrum Display not functioning...
Easy fix....

cd mpd_oled

sudo cp mpd_oled_fifo.conf /usr/local/etc/
sudo patch -d/ -p0 -N < moode_mpd_fifo.patch
and reboot...:-)
Hi Bob

Thanks for the report. I have added a note to the installation instructions for Moode.

Hi Adrian, I have a question re disabling the display update.....
I now have a Moode project where I can mount 2 screens.... One will be the standard MoOde configuration of your oled code Smile

The other I wish to have remain static at the non-player state whilst MoOde is playing.
i.e...the initial 'splash screen' for the oled shows a large 'time value' and the ip address. I would like that to remain and not change to the song title info etc but simply update the that possible..?

Thanks, Bob.
Hi Bob

You will need to modify the code. Grab a separate copy of mpd_oled. The screen selection code is in

void draw_display(ArduiPi_OLED &display, const display_info &disp_info)
 if (disp_info.status.get_state() == MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN ||
     disp_info.status.get_state() == MPD_STATE_STOP)
   draw_clock(display, disp_info);
   draw_spect_display(display, disp_info);

Change this to

void draw_display(ArduiPi_OLED &display, const display_info &disp_info)
 draw_clock(display, disp_info);

After building, change the name of the executable mpd_oled to mpd_oled_clock. Rename mpd_oled.service to mpd_oled_clock.service and edit it to call mpd_oled_clock (you may need to create a dummy fifo for the audio input, e.g.  mkfifo /tmp/dummy) . Now make an script for mpd_oled_clock

sed 's/mpd_oled/mpd_oled_clock/g' >

Review the contents, printed by the second command above, then install with

sudo bash

For your other display, you may be able to amend the draw display funcion to look like

void draw_display(ArduiPi_OLED &display, const display_info &disp_info)
 draw_spect_display(display, disp_info);

This would hopefully now show an emply spectrum display when stopped, which might be preferable to having two clocks.

This is all untested! (Sorry, I am short of time). The approach seems reasonable, but there may be issues or some extra steps needed.

Good luck!

Wow..!! thanks for the super fast reply and instructions....

About to retire for the day so plan on trying this tomorrow morning and will report my progress.

EDIT.... Morning and works without errors  !  You're the magician Adrian Cool 
I have the clock and ip display working and updates time as expected.
Only change was to your instruction..
sudo bash
changed to

sudo bash

Next I will add the original display and see if both work independently...
Perfect ! Does exactly what I had hoped.
I simply paralleled the display connections, re-soldered the resistor on one display to change the address, followed Adrian's instructions and it works fine. (Dummy fifo not needed)

Once I have the case back together I'll post some images.
Hi Bob

Well done for getting it all working!


P.S. I have edited my post to correct thje install command.
(09-23-2018, 05:34 PM)remy1961 Wrote: [ -> ]pydPiper for the 128x64 oled and raspdac script for the 16x2 oled.

[Image: 14b3uok.jpg]

Hi Remy, where can I find a procedure to enable Display like in this picture? I don't care about specrtum analyzer and I've been able to display what I want but... I loose everything every tyme I reload or reboot the system... please help me!
Angelo ( Rome - IT )