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Full Version: Enable/disable a NAS source
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Quite a few times library scanning errors being mentioned were associated to very large music collections on N.A.S. (one particular recent thread springs to mind). Creating selectable libraries may come as a huge benefit for those with large digital music collections...

(thanks for taking the time)
The problem I see with this is that each time you select / deselect, MPD will have to rescan everything selected.

Oh, this might help:

"Mounting is only possible with the simple database plugin and a cache_directory, e.g.:

database {
plugin "simple"
path "~/.mpd/db"
cache_directory "~/.mpd/cache"

This requires migrating from the old db_file setting to a database section. The cache directory must exist, and MPD will put one file per mount there, which will be reused when the same storage is used again later."

At the moment Moode uses the old db_file setting in /etc/mpd.conf.

I don't know enough about either mpd or the Moode internals to know whether this is barking up the wrong tree or not.

Right, Library update would need to happen otherwise the MPD database and moOde Library would be out of sync with the music sources.

The right way to handle this is to filter the Library which would eliminate the need to reindex the MPD database. There is actually a TODO list item for this but it's not getting any priority given the other items on the the list.

Maybe for moOde 7 series.
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