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Full Version: I think my pi is dying --?
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I fear my Raspberry Pi may be failing. I loaded the latest release, first onto a uSD card and then onto an 8GB USB thumb drive. In both cases, the UI loads up from over the network (Ethernet connection) but I could only go into the Configure screens once before it crashed. Now when I go to the Configure screen, all icons are dead. I can click on them but no response. The only button that works is 'Close'. That takes me back to the main screen. (Correction: the 'Clock Radio' button appears to work. That's the only one.)

Also, I can't make any changes because of the notification, 'Notice - An Access Point password needs to be entered'
Is that now required to be able to make any configuration changes?

As an experiment, I opened the new audio processor button to the left of the 'm' menu button and selected 'Off'. A dialog popped up announcing 'Updating configuration... Volume type change to: Hardware', but the screen is hung there. In the lower left of the screen it says, 'Waiting for moode.local'. It's been like this for at least 5 minutes.

I have nothing connected to the Raspberry Pi except for the Ethernet cable and the USB thumb drive it's booting from. Nothing else.

Does this sound like a dying pi?

Any troubleshooting steps to recommend?

What does "I loaded the latest release..." mean? Did you follow the Setup info and use the Raspberry Pi Imager and set the user name and password before first boot?

Good question. It looks like I goofed up.
I followed the procedure from the old days, using Win 32 Disk Imager to load the image file onto the uSD card.
The Raspberry Pi Imager is new to me. I'll give that a try.
In the Setup info, I don't see the recommended steps for when to set the user name and password.
Should that be done from within the Raspberry Pi Imager > Use OS customization? screen?
Or is that done on first boot from the uSD card in the RPi?
I guess I'll find out...
Thanks for getting me to read the setup info and actually following it. Everything worked after I re-did the image to the uSD card with correct settings from the 'Use OS customisation?' screen in the Raspberry Pi Imager.
In Moode, I see the new (to me, anyway) set of options for sorting albums by Artist (Strict) tag in the Library. That's working perfectly for me. Nice! Thanks for that.

In my experience, RaspBerry Pi hardware is quite reliable.

The problem can be caused by the power supply, cable and connector.
If the "lightning" appears on the screen, various problems will start.

At the other side, the symptoms that you mention let me think that the boot SD card is dying.

To answer you second question, I found this in the setup.txt file :

For improved security the OS image does not contain the userid pi, SSH service,
WiFi SSID or Access Point password.
- Use the official Raspberry Pi Imager to choose a moOde OS image, enable SSH,
 create a userid and password and optionally a WiFi SSID and password."
(11-05-2023, 11:47 AM)rongon Wrote: [ -> ]Success!
Thanks for getting me to read the setup info and actually following it. Everything worked after I re-did the image to the uSD card with correct settings from the 'Use OS customisation?' screen in the Raspberry Pi Imager.
In Moode, I see the new (to me, anyway) set of options for sorting albums by Artist (Strict) tag in the Library. That's working perfectly for me. Nice! Thanks for that.

