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Full Version: Fresh Moode install Wi-Fi not working
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Seems like setup of Wi-Fi breaks something in my fresh moode installation.

I follow setup instructions on github:

1. Use latest 8.3.6 moode image from website or provided by RPI Imager - no difference, outcome is the same.
2. write moode to sd card (tested multiple cards, no difference) with setting of user and password as well as locale settings, If i choose to set up Wi-Di from here, moode will not be possible to connect to at all
3. Ignoring the Wi-Fi setup i write SD card, insert it to RPI4 with Pi2Aes and boot with Ethernet connection
4. Everything works well
5. When trying to set up Wi-Fi from moode UI (adhering to steps in setup guide on github, i choose DHCP, scan and choose network, enter password) everything saves correctly and ui prompts me to restart.
6. After restarting (shutdown, disconnect Ethernet, boot) moode is not reachable, "Server not found" in browser, ssh connection also fails. Looking into my router UI i can see that RPI is not connected to it.

I experimented with trying to boot again using Ethernet connection, or restarting without disconnecting Ethernet, but same result. Seems like configuring Wi-Fi breaks installation or at least whole networking.
I used moode for some time with same SD card, RPI, Pi2AES, power supply and everything, configuring and using Wi-Fi always worked correctly.

Help greatly appreciated.
Reboot with Ethernet and post the startup log.

moodeutl -l from the command line or download it from the Logs section of System Config.
20231109 145849 worker: --
20231109 145849 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20231109 145849 worker: --
20231109 145849 worker: Successfully daemonized
20231109 145849 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20231109 145901 worker: Linux startup complete
20231109 145901 worker: Boot config backed up
20231109 145905 worker: File check (OK)
20231109 145907 worker: Session vacuumed
20231109 145907 worker: Session loaded
20231109 145907 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20231109 145907 worker: Reduced system logging (OFF)
20231109 145907 worker: --
20231109 145907 worker: -- Audio debug
20231109 145907 worker: --
20231109 145907 worker: ALSA cards: (0:sndrpihifiberry | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20231109 145907 worker: MPD config: (0:HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro | mixer:(PCM) | card:0)
20231109 145908 worker: ALSA mixer actual (none)
20231109 145908 worker: ALSA volume (none)
20231109 145908 worker: --
20231109 145908 worker: -- System
20231109 145908 worker: --
20231109 145910 worker: Host      (moode)
20231109 145910 worker: Hardware  (Pi-4B 1.4 2GB)
20231109 145910 worker: moOde     (8.3.6 2023-09-05)
20231109 145910 worker: RaspiOS   (11.7)
20231109 145910 worker: Kernel    (6.1.21-v8+ #1642)
20231109 145910 worker: Procarch  (aarch64, 64-bit)
20231109 145910 worker: MPD ver   (0.23.12)
20231109 145910 worker: CPU gov   (ondemand)
20231109 145910 worker: Userid    (greezye)
20231109 145910 worker: Homedir   (/home/greezye)
20231109 145910 worker: Timezone  (Europe/Warsaw)
20231109 145910 worker: Keyboard  (pl)
20231109 145910 worker: USB boot  (enabled)
20231109 145910 worker: File sys  (expanded)
20231109 145911 worker: HDMI port (On)
20231109 145911 worker: Sys LED0  (On)
20231109 145911 worker: Sys LED1  (On)
20231109 145911 worker: --
20231109 145911 worker: -- Network
20231109 145911 worker: --
20231109 145911 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20231109 145911 worker: eth0 address check (Off)
20231109 145911 worker: IP addr (
20231109 145911 worker: Netmask (
20231109 145911 worker: Gateway (
20231109 145911 worker: Pri DNS (
20231109 145911 worker: Domain  ()
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 adapter exists
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 country (US)
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 configured SSID (None (activates AP mode))
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 SSID alternates (None)
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 router mode (Off)
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 AP mode not activated, eth0 active but Router mode is Off
20231109 145911 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: -- Software update
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: Automatic check (Off)
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: -- File sharing
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: SMB file sharing (Off)
20231109 145912 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: -- Audio config
20231109 145912 worker: --
20231109 145912 worker: MPD conf updated
20231109 145912 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20231109 145912 worker: MPD audio output (HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)
20231109 145912 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE, S24_LE)
20231109 145912 worker: ALSA mixer name (none)
20231109 145912 worker: MPD mixer type (software)
20231109 145913 worker: Hdwr volume controller not detected
20231109 145913 worker: ALSA output mode (Default)
20231109 145913 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20231109 145913 worker: Renderer active flags (reset)
20231109 145913 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20231109 145913 worker: --
20231109 145913 worker: -- MPD startup
20231109 145913 worker: --
Also, a reboot with ethernet OFF would be useful, to see what the wifi address looks like...
IMO, this boot looks quite perfect.
Not possible to currently do that. As mentioned in original post, configuring Wi-fi makes moode unconnectable. I'll try booting with connected keyboard and monitor, to try get startup logs after configuring Wi-fi (I suspect OS starts correctly and just networking is broken). But I can do this tomorrow.
I prolly wasn't too clear earlier but what I meant was to leave WiFi configured with your SSID, password and WiFi country but also leave the Ethernet cable plugged in then reboot and post the log.

Make sure you post the complete log because the log you posted earlier stops at the beginning of the MPD startup section.
Since moOde could find your AP in a wifi scan, I suspect the problem is a faulty passphrase.

Possibly you'll learn something through this command-line exercise

First, kill the existing wpa_supplicant processes

pi@moode:~ $ sudo killall wpa_supplicant

Create a new wpa_supplicant configuration file [caution, don't post the result unless you edit out the comment line containing your passphrase in plain text On secod thought, just don't post it.]. The actual name of the file is unimportant; I used the customary and usual name here.

pi@moode:~ $ wpa_passphrase the-SSID the-passphrase > wpa_supplicant.conf

The result will be something like

pi@moode:~ $ more wpa_supplicant.conf

where m833p3a is a real AP (you can guess what that test rig is and how long it's been up) and the passphrase used is fake

Now, try the connection process using the bare-minimum configuration file just created

pi@moode:~ $ sudo wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlan0                
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'm833p3a'
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT bssid=b8:27:eb:04:e5:41 status_code=16
wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'm833p3a'
^Cnl80211: deinit ifname=p2p-dev-wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=b8:27:eb:04:e5:41 reason=3 locally_generated=1
nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0

where I used ctrl-C to stop the process. As you see, we failed to associate with the AP using my fake passphrase

On the other hand, using a configuration file generated from the correct passphrase

pi@moode:~ $ sudo wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlan0
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'm833p3a'
wlan0: Associated with b8:27:eb:04:e5:41
wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to b8:27:eb:04:e5:41 completed [id=0 id_str=]

You should reboot when you're done to re-establish moOde's control of the interfaces.

Aside: I was thinking that wpa_supplicant would issue a more meaningful error message during the handshaking if the SSID is correct (and the AP is up and running) but the passphrase is incorrect. Maybe I just haven't looked hard enough at the docs.

2nd aside: Tim has worked hard to make moOde's Network configuration panel work for all manner of user-entered plaintext passphrases but it's always possible you have something weird about yours, such as odd character set, which can't make its way through to the backend code. This would seem likely if the passphrase you use works in this command-line test but not in the moOde WebUI. 

3rd aside: I'm in the US and the bare-minimum configuration file worked for me. Possibly you have to edit the file to include a line with your country code

country=<your country code>
Thank you for answers and suggestions. It helped me narrow the problem and find the solution. Turns out my power supply got a wire loose. Don't know why but during Wi-Fi configuration during startup RPI just rebooted every time resulting in boot loop. After fixing power supply issue dissapeared.