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[PROBLEM] 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - Printable Version

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4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

Hi, I just updated my Moode installation to the 4.3 OTA and now no album covers are showing. My album covers are all separate files named "Folder.jpg" in each of the album's folder.

A few observations:
- For the few files that I have embedded cover art, they work fine. So this problem is isolated to the separate covers (Folder.jpg, Cover.jpg, etc.)
- Moode can still generate the album cover cache fine, however when I click on it the album itself and play it, the cover is not shown.
- I cannot set the new cover backdrop setting in the customization. The box appears blank, and changing it to "Yes" or "No" does nothing.
- Could this be related to the new - UPD: Eliminate unnecessary cover image reloads feature?

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - Tim Curtis - 10-23-2018

The symptom "I cannot set the new cover backdrop setting in the customization" suggests stale Browser cache.

My experience is that Browsers don't readily expire cached modal html i.e. the popup screens like Customize. Sometimes after an in-place update I've had to refresh the Browser while the popup screen is displayed :-0

Let me know how that goes :-)


RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

(10-23-2018, 12:44 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: The symptom "I cannot set the new cover backdrop setting in the customization" suggests stale Browser cache.

My experience is that Browsers don't readily expire cached modal html i.e. the popup screens like Customize. Sometimes after an in-place update I've had to refresh the Browser while the popup screen is displayed :-0

Let me know how that goes :-)


That did not help, I've tried restarting my PC and phone and using different devices and clearing the cache as well. None of that helped. I also feel like I am stuck in an update loop, after I boot up for a while moodelog would say:

20181022 205417 updater: Start 2018-10-19 update for moOde 4.3
20181022 205417 updater: ** Version check
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 1-7: SQL updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 2-7: Binary updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 3-7: Code and Config updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 4-7: Package updates...
20181022 205417 updater: ** Pkg 1 of 1: ethtool
20181022 205426 updater: ** Step 5-7: Kernel update to 4.14.76...
20181022 205447 updater: ** Step 6-7: Reset accent color to Alizarin
20181022 205447 updater: ** Step 7-7: Cached disk writes flushed
20181022 205448 updater: Update installed, REBOOT required

And after a reboot it would come back.

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

(10-23-2018, 12:56 AM)tuan2195 Wrote:
(10-23-2018, 12:44 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: The symptom "I cannot set the new cover backdrop setting in the customization" suggests stale Browser cache.

My experience is that Browsers don't readily expire cached modal html i.e. the popup screens like Customize. Sometimes after an in-place update I've had to refresh the Browser while the popup screen is displayed :-0

Let me know how that goes :-)


That did not help, I've tried restarting my PC and phone and using different devices and clearing the cache as well. None of that helped. I also feel like I am stuck in an update loop, after I boot up for a while moodelog would say:

20181022 205417 updater: Start 2018-10-19 update for moOde 4.3
20181022 205417 updater: ** Version check
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 1-7: SQL updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 2-7: Binary updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 3-7: Code and Config updates
20181022 205417 updater: ** Step 4-7: Package updates...
20181022 205417 updater: ** Pkg 1 of 1: ethtool
20181022 205426 updater: ** Step 5-7: Kernel update to 4.14.76...
20181022 205447 updater: ** Step 6-7: Reset accent color to Alizarin
20181022 205447 updater: ** Step 7-7: Cached disk writes flushed
20181022 205448 updater: Update installed, REBOOT required

And after a reboot it would come back.

Quick update, now even the albums with embedded cover arts no longer work...

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - Tim Curtis - 10-23-2018

Does the log timestamp 20181022 205448 correspond to the time that u most recently rebooted?

If not then it would indicate that worker.php has crashed for some reason which is highly abnormal.

You could try running the cmd below and see of there are any errors

sudo ./


RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

(10-23-2018, 01:01 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Does the log timestamp 20181022 205448 correspond to the time that u most recently rebooted?

If not then it would indicate that worker.php has crashed for some reason which is highly abnormal.

You could try running the cmd below and see of there are any errors

sudo ./


The timestamps correspond to a few minutes after I restart. I just restarted again and after a bit it's showing:
20181022 205743 updater: ** Step 2-7: Binary updates
20181022 205743 updater: ** Step 3-7: Code and Config updates
20181022 205744 updater: ** Step 4-7: Package updates...
20181022 205744 updater: ** Pkg 1 of 1: ethtool

I've tried running sudo ./ and there doesn't seem to be any error (or output).

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

Update, after clearing the cache from my desktop browser the option shows up. Must mean the clear cache button on my mobile browser is not doing what it's supposed to do. The update loop and the missing covers problem still persist, however.

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - Tim Curtis - 10-23-2018

Very odd.

moOde's startup process does not invoke the Updater. It's only invoked by user clicking on INSTALL from the System config screen.

Maybe try opening System config screen and turn on Debug logging. Then post the output in a code box and I'll have a look.


RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - tuan2195 - 10-23-2018

This is the log I get right after booting moode. I also see that there are references to coverart.php, but I'm not sure if it's doing what it's supposed to do.

20181022 212731 worker: - Start
20181022 212731 worker: Successfully daemonized
20181022 212731 worker: Integrity check ok
20181022 212732 worker: Session loaded
20181022 212732 worker: Debug logging (on)
20181022 212732 worker: - Platform
20181022 212733 worker: Host (moode)
20181022 212733 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B+ 1GB v1.3)
20181022 212733 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20181022 212733 worker: Rasp (9.4)
20181022 212733 worker: Kver (4.14.76-v7+)
20181022 212733 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20181022 212733 worker: Gov (performance)
20181022 212733 worker: Rel (Moode 4.3 2018-09-27)
20181022 212733 worker: Upd (None)
20181022 212733 worker: MPD (0.20.20)
20181022 212733 worker: USB boot enabled
20181022 212733 worker: File system expanded
20181022 212733 worker: HDMI port off
20181022 212733 worker: File check ok
20181022 212733 worker: - Network
20181022 212733 worker: eth0 exists
20181022 212733 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20181022 212733 worker: wlan0 exists
20181022 212733 worker: wifi country (US)
20181022 212733 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (Stratton Oakmont)
20181022 212733 worker: wlan0 (
20181022 212734 worker: - Audio
20181022 212734 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20181022 212734 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20181022 212734 worker: Audio output (USB audio device)
20181022 212734 worker: ALSA mixer name (Peachtree 24/192 Internal Clock Validity)
20181022 212734 worker: MPD volume control (disabled)
20181022 212734 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20181022 212734 worker: - Services
20181022 212734 worker: Reset renderer active
20181022 212736 worker: MPD started
20181022 212736 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20181022 212736 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(outputid: 0)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20181022 212736 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20181022 212736 worker: (librespot --name "Moode Spotify" --bitrate 320 --initial-volume 100 --cache /var/local/www/spotify_cache --backend alsa --device "default:CARD=X" --onevent /var/local/www/commandw/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &)
20181022 212736 worker: Spotify receiver started
20181022 212736 worker: - Music sources
20181022 212736 worker: USB source (HDD)
20181022 212736 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20181022 212736 worker: - Miscellaneous
20181022 212736 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK)
20181022 212736 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
20181022 212736 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20181022 212736 worker: Watchdog started
20181022 212736 worker: Ready
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: UI state=(reconnect), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Generating enhanced metadata
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: UI state=(reconnect), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Generating enhanced metadata
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: UI state=(reconnect), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Generating enhanced metadata
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: UI state=(reconnect), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212736 engine-mpd: Generating enhanced metadata
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212736 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212736 avprobe -show_streams "/var/lib/mpd/music/USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a" 2>&1 | egrep "codec_name|sample_fmt|sample_rate|channels|bits_per_raw_sample"
20181022 212736 avprobe -show_streams "/var/lib/mpd/music/USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a" 2>&1 | egrep "codec_name|sample_fmt|sample_rate|channels|bits_per_raw_sample"
20181022 212737 avprobe -show_streams "/var/lib/mpd/music/USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a" 2>&1 | egrep "codec_name|sample_fmt|sample_rate|channels|bits_per_raw_sample"
20181022 212737 avprobe -show_streams "/var/lib/mpd/music/USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/04 Vet Thu Tren Lung Ngua Hoang.m4a" 2>&1 | egrep "codec_name|sample_fmt|sample_rate|channels|bits_per_raw_sample"
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): coverurl: (/coverart.php/USB%2FHDD%2FMusic%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%20-%20Chan%20Dung%20%282012%29%20%5BAAC%5D%2F04%20Vet%20Thu%20Tren%20Lung%20Ngua%20Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): Song file
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Metadata returned to client: Size=(30)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): coverurl: (/coverart.php/USB%2FHDD%2FMusic%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%20-%20Chan%20Dung%20%282012%29%20%5BAAC%5D%2F04%20Vet%20Thu%20Tren%20Lung%20Ngua%20Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): Song file
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Metadata returned to client: Size=(30)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): coverurl: (/coverart.php/USB%2FHDD%2FMusic%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%20-%20Chan%20Dung%20%282012%29%20%5BAAC%5D%2F04%20Vet%20Thu%20Tren%20Lung%20Ngua%20Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): Song file
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Metadata returned to client: Size=(30)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: UI state=(stop), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Idle
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Wait for idle timeout
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/01 Xin Cho Toi.m4a)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: UI state=(stop), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Idle
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Wait for idle timeout
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): coverurl: (/coverart.php/USB%2FHDD%2FMusic%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%2FHa%20Anh%20Tuan%20-%20Chan%20Dung%20%282012%29%20%5BAAC%5D%2F04%20Vet%20Thu%20Tren%20Lung%20Ngua%20Hoang.m4a)
20181022 212738 enhanceMetadata(): Song file
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Metadata returned to client: Size=(30)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/01 Xin Cho Toi.m4a)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: UI state=(stop), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Idle
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Wait for idle timeout
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(file: USB/HDD/Music/Ha Anh Tuan/Ha Anh Tuan - Chan Dung (2012) [AAC]/01 Xin Cho Toi.m4a)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Connect
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Session loaded
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Open socket
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(OK MPD 0.20.0)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Get initial status
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $str=(OK)
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): success $resp[0]=(volume: -1)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: UI state=(stop), MPD state=(stop)
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Idle
20181022 212738 engine-mpd: Wait for idle timeout
20181022 212738 readMpdResponse(): reading response
20181022 212742 worker: Job installupd
20181022 212742 updater: Downloading update package r43
20181022 212747 updater: Start 2018-10-19 update for moOde 4.3
20181022 212747 updater: ** Version check
20181022 212747 updater: ** Step 1-7: SQL updates
20181022 212748 updater: ** Step 2-7: Binary updates
20181022 212748 updater: ** Step 3-7: Code and Config updates

RE: 4.3 Update, no album covers for separate file (folder.jpg, etc.) - Tim Curtis - 10-23-2018

Very odd. The line below would only appear in the log if there was a click on the INSTALL button in System config.

20181022 212742 worker: Job installed

Of course bugs can never be ruled out but I'm not seeing anything that would allow me to try and repro the issue.
