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[IDEA] Coverart UI customization - Printable Version

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RE: Coverart UI customization - Mattt - 09-22-2022

@Tim Curtis
I also really like the wide view, any chance of an option to remove the playbar from a local display too?

RE: Coverart UI customization - Tim Curtis - 09-22-2022

There is a Prefs, Playback setting that controls visibility of the Playbar.

RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 09-22-2022

Great @Tim Curtis
If I can help doin' something please let me know!

RE: Coverart UI customization - Tim Curtis - 09-22-2022

You mentioned an issue with the centering of the album art. Can you post a pic of what yo are seeing?

RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 09-23-2022

Sure, I will do ASAP

RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 09-23-2022

Here I am.

This is how it looks on a widescreen and on a regular 16:9 monitor.
I think that is (my humble opinion) much better than before Smile 

Pic. n.1


This is how it looks on widescreen:

Pic. n.2


It's pretty good but, as you can see the top/left/bottom are unequally spaced;
The tracktitle, i think must be centred (if possible to toggle the fontsize even better)
The metadata line is missing and it would be awesome to have as in the pic. n.3

Pic. n.3


Then I think that the bottom bar is nice to have, but if someone doesn't like it could be made invisibile with a show/hide button.

Great job so far!!!

RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 10-07-2022

While waiting for the 821 and the new updates, I am working on the new mediaplayer:

Recycled the previous case with a more modern and minimal look. 

This is non the beta... It's not even the alpha version because I have to reengeneer the power supply section and I have to find a friend who can 3D print the front panel...

Let's see... 



RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 10-13-2022

@Tim Curtis
Great improvements!

Now just one (or two) little things:

1) center the text (now left aligned)
2) bigger font size (fixed or user choosable small-medium-large)

Then, just to me, the DEFINITIVE raspberry pi audio software experience!

I'll be waiting for these minor changes on the 8.2.2 Smile

RE: Coverart UI customization - Tim Curtis - 10-13-2022

The text centering might look a bit odd on typical displays and monitors for example Raspberry Pi Touch. I'll have to run some tests to see how it looks.

As far as the font sizes go are you looking to fill up the space on the right side of that ultra-wide screen?

RE: Coverart UI customization - manolomalele - 10-14-2022

Quote:The text centering might look a bit odd on typical displays and monitors for example Raspberry Pi Touch. I'll have to run some tests to see how it looks.

For the centering could be an option only for widescreen, on regular monitors or 16:9 (pi touch) I think it is not a big problem.

Quote:As far as the font sizes go are you looking to fill up the space on the right side of that ultra-wide screen?

Surely not, just make it little more readable... 

Here's an exampe of what (in my opinion) it has to be looking like:


Thank you for listening all the ideas and trying to make the Os always better!