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[PROBLEM] Missing alpha-indexes on local 7'' display - Printable Version

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RE: Missing alpha-indexes on local 7'' display - Nutul - 06-14-2023

(06-14-2023, 01:44 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(06-14-2023, 11:54 AM)Nutul Wrote:
(06-14-2023, 11:41 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: That's not what I get on my "official" 7-in Touch.
Odd to see an "off by one" error here.


I'm using "square" pixel mode, don't know if that makes any difference... maybe I'll try in both modes later today.

Anyway, I am more keen to understand a 800 pixels wide viewport (min x = 0, max x = 799), rather than a 799-wide one...

Maybe something changed in the browser? older versions returned maxX / maxY instead? I cannot comment, as this is the very first time I use the "show viewport" thing.

Quick test with a Pi 7" Touch and the viewport popup shows the following:

Pixel aspect ratio
- Default 799 x 479
- Square 799 x 443

AFAIK viewport is 0-based so an 800px wide screen with pixel ratio = 1 and no Browser zoom would have a viewport max width of 799px. 

I'm not sure what could be causing viewport width to show 800px on your end.

Sorry Tim,

but 799 x 479, or 799 x 443 are not viewports... viewports express the width and height, not the max-values. I would consider the 7'' viewports as follows:

- Default 800 x 480 (having 0-799, 0-479)
- Square 800 x 444 (having 0-799, 0-443)

As 1080p is 1920 x 1080 (width 0-1919, height 0-1079), and not 1919 x 1079, which would imply 0-1918...

Anyway, it's indeed weird why I see 800 x 444, while you see 799 x 443. I get the same result if, to test it out, I define a mobile device with screen resolution of 800 x 444 in Chrome's developer tools...

BTW, where is the flag for showing such data dealt with in the UI? I may see, eventually, what data is available on my side.
Keep in mind, anyway, that my system is still online-updated; haven't re-flashed anything, I think, since 8.2.0 (or even 8.1.x)

Is there anywhere else I can look? Startup / config files...

Even weirder... rebooted, and now shows the same as yours... :-O

RE: Missing alpha-indexes on local 7'' display - Tim Curtis - 06-14-2023

The viewport size reported in the popup comes from scripts-panels.js

notify('viewport', window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight

I just go with 799 x 499 or 443 to construct the media query for the 7" touch since thats the viewport size reported by chromium-browser using the code above.

The same technique also works for the mobile, ultra-wide and other media queries.

RE: Missing alpha-indexes on local 7'' display - Nutul - 06-14-2023

(06-14-2023, 05:01 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: The viewport size reported in the popup comes from scripts-panels.js

notify('viewport', window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight

I just go with 799 x 499 or 443 to construct the media query for the 7" touch since thats the viewport size reported by chromium-browser using the code above.

The same technique also works for the mobile, ultra-wide and other media queries.

Hmm, I see.

As I said, a reboot made the thing back to "normal". What surprises me is indeed innerWidth and innerHeight being odd numbers (odd not meaning strange here, just not what you would expect from a width / height...)

Anyway, glad to see everything is back to normality.
The thing made me look here and there, though, and I saw something strange (more kind of not fully understandable), at least to my eye; but I'll post in the beta-crew not to pollute elsewhere. It's something related to the - basic - audio chain.