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[SOLVED] Replay gain - Printable Version

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RE: Replay gain - DRONE7 - 04-04-2024

Yes, having looked further into MPD replay gain currently the only info from tag/mpc is the mode and not the values.

Possibly this will be implemented in the future by mpd maintainer and then it may be possible to include it as extra metadata option below the now playing artwork.

Kent, the linux 'rsgain' is available and can non-destructively tag any music folder you point it to.
It is also a plugin for Musicbrainz Picard but not active as default.

Yes, mediainfo does report the tag value.

RE: Replay gain - TheOldPresbyope - 04-04-2024

(04-04-2024, 12:01 AM)DRONE7 Wrote: Yes, having looked further into MPD replay gain currently the only info from tag/mpc is the mode and not the values.

Possibly this will be implemented in the future by mpd maintainer and then it may be possible to include it as extra metadata option below the now playing artwork.

Kent, the linux 'rsgain' is available and can non-destructively tag any music folder you point it to.
It is also a plugin for Musicbrainz Picard but not active as default.

Yes, mediainfo does report the tag value.

Yeah, I downloaded rsgain earlier today to my Linux laptop, created a test album of pink noise tracks in .aiff, .mp3, .flac, .ogg, and .wav format and ran rsgain on it. (I was too lazy to create tracks in yet more formats.) ETA: I also did an .m4a track.

I can see by other means that the tags were recreated with names REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN, etc., as is recognized, e.g., by MusicBrainz.

As a specific example, for the .flac file, metaflac reports, in part,

   comment[3]: REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN=-2.63 dB
   comment[4]: REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK=0.885590
   comment[5]: REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN=-2.74 dB
   comment[6]: REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK=0.870758

I was rather distressed but not surprised to see that mediainfo does an imperfect job of reporting the metadata. For the same .flac file, mediainfo reports, in part,

Album replay gain                        : -2.63 dB
Album replay gain peak                   : 0.885590

Specifically, it reports only two of the four tags and prettifies their names creating an issue if one were to want to parse its output in a script.

I see the same behavior with mediainfo reporting the .ogg file.

ETA:  OTOH, mediainfo faithfully reports these tags' names on .mp3, .aiff, and .wav files.

As an aside, I've seen other tags arbitrarily renamed by mediainfo in the past. I consider it an unreliable observer.


RE: Replay gain - DRONE7 - 04-05-2024

Aha !! Success
I have just tried using the hardware mixer


audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA Default"
device "_audioout"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_control "DIYINHK USB Audio 2.0 "
mixer_device "hw:2"
mixer_index "0"
dop "no"
stop_dsd_silence "no"
thesycon_dsd_workaround "no"
replay_gain_handler "mixer"
and in the MoOde volume display, to the right of the main output volume is displayed dynamically the adjusted gain. :-)
This varies in value relative to the setting of the main Volume but adjusts on a per track basis when using random play.
Must be already coded into the mpd-volume control as default ?
(using USB out to xmos to SRC to ProtoDac.

Tim, as this exists already can an additional option be added to the Replay Gain settings to invoke the replay_gain_handler "mixer" so it is preserved over reboots. ? Something like 'Software volume adjustment (auto)' and "Hardware mixer volume adjustment with level display

RE: Replay gain - Tim Curtis - 04-05-2024

Hardware mixer for replaygain was an option way back in like the 4.x series but it was dropped because there was some sort of issue managing the setting along with the mixer type settings for mpd, shairport-sync etc. I don't think I want to relive that again.

If MPD carries the gain tag in its database I could prolly add it to audio info but as I mentioned earlier I don't have any files with replaygain tags to test with.

As far as preserving the setting in mpd.conf there is the dev tweaks feature.