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[PROBLEM] Some settings not saved correctly - Printable Version

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RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-15-2024

It went ok for a couple of days. Yesterday evening, just before shutting down, everyyhing was ok. This morning I booted the system, and when going to the page "Software update: "Norification"", I actually saw moving the slider from "on" to "off". Other settings (see first post) were reset as well.
A backup restore of the prefs fixed it. Any thoughts @Tim Curtis

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - Tim Curtis - 04-15-2024

(04-15-2024, 05:23 AM)kurt1970 Wrote: It went ok for a couple of days. Yesterday evening, just before shutting down, everyyhing was ok. This morning I booted the system, and when going to the page "Software update: "Norification"", I actually saw moving the slider from "on" to "off". Other settings (see first post) were reset as well.
A backup restore of the prefs fixed it. Any thoughts @Tim Curtis

Its very odd for sure but unless someone is able to reproduce the issue my assumption is that it is something unique in your particular setup or environment.

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - Nutul - 04-15-2024

TTYTT in my setup it always, ALWAYS forgets the setting for the popup keyboard. And I am pretty sure is does when I shut it down.
Reboot, IIRC, is not affected.
Other specific settings I cannot say, as all those important for me are retained.

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - Tim Curtis - 04-15-2024

Theres a few "Local display" settings missing from backup/restore. I'll fix that for ~pre4

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-15-2024

Hi @Tim Curtis, there's indeed something odd going on.

I've 2 different moOde devices:
1) PI4, SSD boot, via USB connected to DAC
2) PI3B+, Micro SD boot (a brand new one!), via HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro S/PDIF hat connected to DAC

I use moOde 1) since a while and do all updates. Never got an issue with it!

moOde 2) is used since a month on another set, and this is the one showing this strange behavior.

Even more strange is that when accessing the page, I actually see the sliders moving to "off" or to the default settings.

This time - due to lack of time - I reinstalled a backup of my prefs. Next time when it happens, I'll just reboot to see what happens after a reboot. If it's still not ok, than it's clear that some code persists the incorrect settings.

Unfortunately I don't have a reproducer case (and I haven't seen UFO's Smile )

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-15-2024

Just happened again. After a complete shutdown and restart, settings are gone. Tried a couple of times. So, I believe settings are lost or overwritten...

moode@moode:~ $ moodeutl -l
20240416 004130 worker: --
20240416 004132 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20240416 004132 worker: --
20240416 004132 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240416 004132 worker: Wait for Linux startup...
20240416 004139 worker: Linux startup complete
20240416 004139 worker: Boot config backed up
20240416 004309 worker: Session loaded
20240416 004343 worker: Package holds applied
20240416 004344 worker: File check complete
20240416 004344 worker: Debug logging off
20240416 004344 worker: Reduced logging off
20240416 004344 worker: --
20240416 004344 worker: -- Audio debug
20240416 004344 worker: --
20240416 004344 worker: ALSA cards:   0Confusedndrpihifiberry | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20240416 004344 worker: MPD config:   0:HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro | mixer:none | cardnum:0
20240416 004345 worker: Mixer name:   none exists
20240416 004345 worker: Hdwr volume:  controller not detected
20240416 004345 worker: Volume knob:  0
20240416 004345 worker: --
20240416 004345 worker: -- System
20240416 004345 worker: --
20240416 004405 worker: Host:     moode
20240416 004405 worker: Model:    Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB
20240416 004406 worker: moOde:    8.3.9 2024-02-23
20240416 004406 worker: RaspiOS:  11.9 Bullseye 64-bit
20240416 004406 worker: Kernel:   6.1.21 64-bit
20240416 004406 worker: MPD ver:  0.23.14
20240416 004406 worker: CPU gov:  ondemand
20240416 004406 worker: Userid:   moode
20240416 004406 worker: Homedir:  /home/moode
20240416 004406 worker: Timezone: Europe/Brussels
20240416 004406 worker: Keyboard: us
20240416 004406 worker: USB boot: enabled
20240416 004406 worker: File sys: expanded
20240416 004406 worker: HDMI out: off
20240416 004406 worker: Sys LED0: on
20240416 004406 worker: Sys LED1: on
20240416 004406 worker: --
20240416 004406 worker: -- Network
20240416 004406 worker: --
20240416 004406 worker: Eth: adapter exists
20240416 004406 worker: Eth: timeout off
20240416 004406 worker: Eth: address not assigned
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: adapter exists
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: country BE
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: SSID    Diablo 5 GHz
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: other   Diablo 2.4 GHz
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: router  off
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: timeout up to 60 secs
20240416 004406 worker: Wlan: connect to Diablo 5 GHz
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: sleep   disabled
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: method  dhcp
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: address
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: netmask
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: gateway
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: pri DNS
20240416 004407 worker: Wlan: domain  sitecom.router
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: -- Software update
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: Automatic check off
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: -- File sharing
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240416 004407 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240416 004407 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: -- Audio config
20240416 004407 worker: --
20240416 004407 worker: MPD config:    updated
20240416 004407 worker: Audio device:  HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro
20240416 004408 worker: Formats:       S16_LE, S24_LE
20240416 004408 worker: Mixer type     Fixed (0dB)
20240416 004408 worker: Mixer name     none exists
20240416 004408 worker: Hdwr volume:   controller not detected
20240416 004408 worker: ALSA card:     0
20240416 004408 worker: ALSA mode:     Direct
20240416 004408 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240416 004408 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20240416 004408 worker: Renderers:     active flags reset
20240416 004408 worker: --
20240416 004408 worker: -- MPD startup
20240416 004408 worker: --
20240416 004410 worker: MPD service:        started
20240416 004410 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240416 004410 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240416 004410 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240416 004410 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20240416 004410 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240416 004410 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     yes
20240416 004410 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240416 004410 worker: MPD CDSP volrange:  60 dB
20240416 004410 worker: --
20240416 004410 worker: -- Music sources
20240416 004410 worker: --
20240416 004410 worker: USB auto-mount: udisks-glue
20240416 004410 worker: USB drives:     no drives found
20240416 004410 worker: NAS source:     Music
20240416 004416 worker: NAS mount:      mount all submitted
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: -- Feature availability
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: Input select:    available, src MPD, out HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro
20240416 004416 worker: Bluetooth:       available, ALSA mode Default
20240416 004416 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240416 004416 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20240416 004416 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240416 004416 worker: RoonBridge:      not installed
20240416 004416 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240416 004416 worker: UPnP client:     available
20240416 004416 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240416 004416 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240416 004416 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: -- Volume levels
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: Volume knob:   0
20240416 004416 worker: Saved MPD vol: -1
20240416 004416 worker: Saved SRC vol: 0
20240416 004416 worker: Mixer type:    none
20240416 004416 worker: Hdwr volume:   controller not detected
20240416 004416 worker: CDSP volume:   0.0dB
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: -- Peripherals
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: Local display:   off
20240416 004416 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240416 004416 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240416 004416 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240416 004416 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240416 004416 worker: --
20240416 004416 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240416 004416 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240416 004416 worker: Auto-shuffle:      off
20240416 004416 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240416 004416 worker: Web SSH server:    off
20240416 004416 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240416 004416 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240416 004417 worker: Session check:     ok
20240416 004417 worker: --
20240416 004417 worker: -- Startup complete
20240416 004417 worker: --
20240416 004417 worker: Mount monitor:    off
20240416 004417 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240416 004417 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240416 004417 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240416 004417 worker: Ready

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-16-2024

Ok. last night I downloaded the same latest image as I already used, and re-configured a player. So far, so good. Keep you posted.

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-17-2024

Yesterday evening, before doing a shutdown, all settings were ok. This morning I booted the system and settings are gone again. Note that this is with a brand new insall.

I restored the prefs from my backup and did a shutdown, took the power off and restarted. Did that a couple of times, but was unable to reproduce the issue.

Fact is that:
* It always happens when I boot up the device in the morning, or when it was down for some time.
* When the settings are gone, they seem to be really gone. Subsequent reboots etc don't fix it. Only a restore of the prefs make it work.
* It always happens on my PI3. A PI4 with the same config never gives an issue.

@Tim Curtis some questions:
* What happens whith the prefs during shutdown and booting up?
* Where are the prefs stored?

Is there anything I can do to provide more information or logging?

As a test, I could check when stopping the device if everything is still ok, and take off the power instead of doing a proper shutdown. If settings are corrupted/gone the next time I boot it up, it may be an indication something went wrong when starting up. Not sure if this is recommended?

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - Nutul - 04-17-2024

Are the settings always saved at shutdown? Or only when changed (and SAVE applied) in the configuration page(s)?
It seems to me that if you start-up, don't go to settings, and shut-down, next boot they are gone...
It could be nice to see if:
1. boot
2. whatever settings you have, set them correctly and SAVE
3. shut-down
4. boot
5. go to settings and check
6. shut-down
7. boot
8. go to settings and check

Now, to see if they are being reset/ignored/overwritten with the default:
1. boot
2. whatever settings you have, set them correctly and SAVE
3. shut-down
4. boot
6. shut-down
7. boot
8. go to settings and check

I cannot checck ATM, could try later tonight, but it's not going to be before 5 hours from now or so.

RE: Some settings not saved correctly - kurt1970 - 04-17-2024

Hi All,

Tx. I did both tests and everything works as expected. 

Today I had the issue after 1 day, but it could also take more days. 

As everything works ok - it's only the CPU settings, the update check notification and SMB auto monitor settings going back to the default settings - the thing is that you don't see it unless you really check it. So, difficult to see when settings are actually changed, and for what reason.

Important to note that the issue is always about setting the by me modified settings back to default. Never the other way around.
