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[SOLVED] 8.3.1 Legacy on Pi Zero - failed upgrade. - Printable Version

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RE: 8.3.1 Legacy on Pi Zero - failed upgrade. - demian.smith - 04-19-2023

(04-19-2023, 01:02 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(04-19-2023, 12:53 PM)demian.smith Wrote: Just to chime in, I had the same issue. Moode reported the update, I downloaded / installed it, after the pop up "restart needed" i rebooted and got the "Linux startup failed to complete". I am using moode on a b03112 ( 4 Model B with 2 GB RAM). "sudo systemctl disable haveged" as mentioned followed by reboot fixed the issue for me as well.

I've not seen this issue on anything other than arm6 Zero.

Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit moOde on the 4B?

This is my system info, if that helps?

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release        = 8.3.1 2023-04-17
RaspiOS            = 11.2
Linux kernel        = 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Platform        = Pi-4B 1.2 2GB
Architecture        = aarch64 (64-bit)
Home directory        = /home/pi
System uptime        = up 8 hours, 14 minutes
Timezone        = Europe/Berlin
Current time        = 2023-04-19 23:01:37
SoC identifier        = bcm2711
Core count        = 4
Kernel timer freq    = 250 Hz
SDCard freq        = 50 MHz
USB boot        = enabled
Warranty        = OK

Root size        = 15G
Root used        = 22%
Root available        = 11G
Root expand        = expanded
Memory total        = 1893 MB
Memory free        = 1681 MB
Memory used        = 212 MB
SoC temperature        = 43.8°C
Throttled bitmask    = 0x0
Throttled text        = No throttling has occurred

CPU governor        = ondemand
USB auto-mounter    = udisks-glue
Onboard WiFi        = On
Onboard BT        = Off
HDMI output        = Off
LED state        = 0,1
IP addr timeout        = 90 (secs)
Ethernet check        = No
SSH term server        = Off