RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - TookaFace - 09-03-2019
No problem for me with 21.13.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - rikardo1979 - 09-03-2019
I can not fail it either. Working as it should with MPD 0.21.13
@kit1cat have you tried to reinstall display scripts? what version of RPi you have?
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 09-03-2019
Thanks for info guys, will give it another go tomorrow.
using Pi-3B 1Gb v1.2. I did not try to reinstall display scripts, just reverted back to 20.23 and the display worked ok.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 09-03-2019
Turns out the display problem was caused by having volume control set to Disabled, setting volume control to Hardware solved the problem. A bug?
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - Pieter - 09-18-2019
(09-03-2019, 09:33 PM)kit1cat Wrote: Turns out the display problem was caused by having volume control set to Disabled, setting volume control to Hardware solved the problem. A bug?
I can reproduce. I've edited the script to no longer query for the volume value (nor for S/PDIF input as I don't use it anyway). Instead of the volume value I have it display "0dB"
Replace the script in /home/pi/oled with this and you should be back in business.
Code: #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 11 Septembre 2018
# EDIT 17 September 2019 - Pieter
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import os
import time
import socket
#import smbus
#bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
import re
import subprocess
#import json
#import urllib2
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw
from luma.core.interface.serial import spi
from luma.core.render import canvas
from luma.oled.device import ssd1306
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio_DC=27, gpio_RST=24)
device = ssd1306(serial, rotate=2)
mpd_music_dir = "/var/lib/mpd/music/"
title_height = 40
scroll_unit = 2
oled_width = 128
oled_height = 64
def make_font(name, size):
font_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fonts', name))
return ImageFont.truetype(font_path, size)
font_title = make_font('msyh.ttf', 26)
font_info = make_font('msyh.ttf', 18)
#font_vol = make_font('msyh.ttf', 55)
font_ip = make_font('msyh.ttf', 15)
font_time = make_font('msyh.ttf', 15)
font_20 = make_font('msyh.ttf', 18)
font_date = make_font('arial.ttf', 25)
#font_logo = make_font('msyh.ttf', 24)
font_logo = make_font('arial.ttf', 21)
font_32 = make_font('arial.ttf', 32)
awesomefont = make_font("fontawesome-webfont.ttf", 14)
speaker = "\uf028"
wifi = "\uf1eb"
link = "\uf0e8"
clock = "\uf017"
mpd_host = 'localhost'
mpd_port = 6600
mpd_bufsize = 8192
def getWanIP():
#can be any routable address,
fakeDest = ("", 53)
wanIP = ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
wanIP = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception, e:
return wanIP
def GetLANIP():
cmd = "ip addr show eth0 | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1"
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
output = p.communicate()[0]
return output[:-1]
def GetInput():
cmd = "amixer sget -c 0 'I2S/SPDIF Select' | grep Item0: | awk '{print $2}' "
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
output = p.communicate()[0]
return output[:-1]
# OLED images
image ='1', (oled_width, oled_height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
music_file =""
shift = 0
title_image ='L', (oled_width, title_height))
title_offset = 0
current_page = 0
#vol_val_store = 0
screen_sleep = 0
#timer_vol = 0
input_counter = 0
screensave = 3
# Socket
soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
soc.connect((mpd_host, mpd_port))
rcv = soc.recv(mpd_bufsize)
shift = 1
music_file = ""
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
def InputSelect():
global spdif
os.system("amixer sset -c 0 'I2S/SPDIF Select' SPDIF")
os.system("amixer sset -c 0 'I2S/SPDIF Select' I2S")
def optionButPress(value):
global startt,endt
if GPIO.input(22) == 1:
startt = time.time()
if GPIO.input(22) == 0:
endt = time.time()
#GPIO.add_event_detect(22, GPIO.BOTH, callback=optionButPress, bouncetime=200)
#os.system("amixer sset -c 1 'I2S/SPDIF Select' I2S")
with canvas(device) as draw:
draw.text((3, 10),"moOde 6.2.1", font=font_logo,fill="white")
while True:
buff = soc.recv(mpd_bufsize)
song_list = buff.splitlines()
buff = soc.recv(mpd_bufsize)
state_list = buff.splitlines()
info_state = ""
info_audio = ""
info_elapsed = 0
info_duration = 0
info_title = ""
info_artist = ""
info_album = ""
info_name = ""
info_file = ""
bit_val = ""
samp_val = ""
time_val = time_min = time_sec = audio_val = 0
#jsonapi = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(''))
for line in range(0,len(state_list)):
if state_list[line].startswith("state: "): info_state = state_list[line].replace("state: ", "")
if state_list[line].startswith("elapsed: "): #info_elapsed = float(state_list[line].replace("elapsed: ", ""))
time_val = float(state_list[line].replace("elapsed: ", ""))
time_bar = time_val
time_min = time_val/60
time_sec = time_val%60
time_min = "%2d" %time_min
time_sec = "%02d" %time_sec
time_val = str(time_min)+":"+str(time_sec)
if state_list[line].startswith("time: "): info_duration = float(state_list[line].split(":")[2])
# Volume
#if state_list[line].startswith("volume: "): vol_val = state_list[line].replace("volume: ", "")
# Volume NULL
#if vol_val == "" :
# vol_val = "0"
# subprocess.Popen(['mpc', 'volume', '0' ])
# Sampling rate / bit
if state_list[line].startswith(r"audio: "):
audio_val = state_list[line]
audio_val = audio_val.replace("audio: ", "")
audio_val = re.split(':',audio_val)
bit_val = audio_val[1]+'bit '
if audio_val[0] == '22050':
samp_val = '22.05k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '32000':
samp_val = '32k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '44100':
samp_val = '44.1k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '48000':
samp_val = '48k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '88200':
samp_val = '88.2k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '96000':
samp_val = '96k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '176400':
if audio_val[1] != '32':
samp_val = '176.4k/'
samp_val = 'DSD64/'
bit_val = '1bit'
elif audio_val[0] == '192000':
samp_val = '192k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '352800':
if audio_val[1] != '32':
samp_val = '352.8k/'
samp_val = 'DSD128/'
bit_val = '1bit'
elif audio_val[0] == '384000':
samp_val = '384k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '705600':
if audio_val[1] != '32':
samp_val = '705.6k/'
samp_val = 'DSD256/'
bit_val = '1bit'
elif audio_val[0] == '768000':
samp_val = '768k/'
elif audio_val[0] == '1411200':
samp_val = 'DSD512/'
bit_val = '1bit'
elif audio_val[0] == '6144000':
samp_val = 'DSD1024/'
bit_val = '1bit'
samp_val = state_list[line].replace("audio: ", "")
bit_val = ""
if audio_val[1] == 'f':
bit_val = '24bit'
for song_line in range(0,len(song_list)):
if song_list[song_line].startswith("file: "): info_file = song_list[song_line].replace("file: ", "")
if song_list[song_line].startswith("Artist: "): info_artist = song_list[song_line].replace("Artist: ", "")
if song_list[song_line].startswith("Album: "): info_album = song_list[song_line].replace("Album: ", "")
if song_list[song_line].startswith("Title: "): info_title = song_list[song_line].replace("Title: ", "")
if song_list[song_line].startswith("Name: "): info_name = song_list[song_line].replace("Name: ", "")
#Counter because Getinput slow down the scrolling
if input_counter == 10 :
dac_input = str(GetInput())
input_counter = 0
else :
input_counter = input_counter + 1
# Volume change screen
#if vol_val != vol_val_store : timer_vol = 20
#if timer_vol > 0 :
# with canvas(device) as draw:
# vol_width, char = font_vol.getsize(vol_val)
# x_vol = ((oled_width - vol_width) / 2)
# # Volume Display
# draw.text((0, 25), text="\uf028", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
# draw.text((x_vol, -10), vol_val, font=font_vol, fill="white")
# # Volume Bar
# draw.rectangle((120,0,127,62), outline=1, fill=0)
# Volume_bar = (58 - (int(float(vol_val)) / 1.785))
# draw.rectangle((122,Volume_bar,125,60), outline=0, fill=1)
# vol_val_store = vol_val
# timer_vol = timer_vol - 1
screen_sleep = 0
# SPDIF screen
# if(dac_input == "'SPDIF'"):
# if screen_sleep < 600 :
# with canvas(device) as draw:
# draw.text((20, -4),"SPDIF", font=font_title,fill="white")
# draw.text((45, 33), text="100", font=font_title, fill="white")
#draw.text((15, 41), text="\uf028", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
# Volume Bar
#draw.rectangle((120,0,127,62), outline=1, fill=0)
#Volume_bar = (58 - (int(float(vol_val)) / 1.785))
#draw.rectangle((122,Volume_bar,125,60), outline=0, fill=1)
# time.sleep(0.5)
#screen_sleep = screen_sleep + 1
#else :
#with canvas(device) as draw:
#draw.text((0, 48), ".", font=font_time, fill="white")
# Play screen
if info_state != "stop":
if info_title == "" :
name = info_file.split('/')
info_title = name[0]
info_album = name[1]
info_album = ""
info_artist = name[2]
info_artist = ""
if info_name != "" : info_artist = info_name
if info_duration != 0 :
time_bar = time_bar / info_duration * 128
if info_file != music_file or time_bar < 5 :
#Called one time / file
music_file = info_file;
# Generate title image
#if title_width < artist_width:
# title_width = artist_width
bit_val = bytes(bit_val) #2018.1.5
samp_val = bytes(samp_val) #2018.1.7
artist_offset = 10;
album_offset = 10;
title_offset = 10;
title_width, char = font_info.getsize(info_title)
artist_width, char = font_info.getsize(info_artist)
album_width, char = font_info.getsize(info_album)
bitrate_width, char = font_time.getsize(samp_val + bit_val)
# OFFSETS*****************************************************
x_artist = 0
if oled_width < artist_width :
if artist_width < -(artist_offset + 20) :
artist_offset = 0
if artist_offset < 0 :
x_artist = artist_offset
artist_offset = artist_offset - scroll_unit
x_album = 0
if oled_width < album_width :
if album_width < -(album_offset + 20) :
album_offset = 0
if album_offset < 0 :
x_album = album_offset
album_offset = album_offset - scroll_unit
x_title = 0
if oled_width < title_width :
if title_width < -(title_offset + 20) :
title_offset = 0
if title_offset < 0 :
x_title = title_offset
title_offset = title_offset - scroll_unit
x_bitrate = (oled_width - bitrate_width) / 2
# artist name, album name, audio format *****************
audio_val = state_list[line]
audio_val = audio_val.replace("audio: ", "")
audio_val = re.split(':',audio_val)
with canvas(device) as draw:
if current_page < 100 :
draw.text((x_title, 0), info_title, font=font_info, fill="white")
if title_width < -(title_offset - oled_width) and title_width > oled_width :
draw.text((x_title + title_width + 10,0), "- " + info_title, font=font_info, fill="white")
draw.text((x_bitrate, 25), (samp_val + bit_val), font=font_time, fill="white")
if info_state == "pause":
draw.text((0, 52), text="\uf04c", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((1, 48), time_val, font=font_time, fill="white")
#draw.text((58, 48), text="\uf001", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.rectangle((0,45,time_bar,47), outline=0, fill=1)
draw.text((85, 51), text="\uf028", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((101, 48), text="0dB", font=font_time, fill="white")
current_page = current_page + 1
artist_offset = 10
album_offset = 10
elif current_page < 250 :
# artist name
draw.text((x_artist,0), info_artist, font=font_info, fill="white")
if artist_width < -(artist_offset - oled_width) and artist_width > oled_width :
draw.text((x_artist + artist_width + 10,0), "- " + info_artist, font=font_info, fill="white")
# album name
draw.text((x_album, 20), info_album, font=font_info, fill="white")
if album_width < -(album_offset - oled_width) and album_width > oled_width :
draw.text((x_album + album_width + 10,20), "- " + info_album, font=font_info, fill="white")
# Bottom line
if info_state == "pause":
draw.text((0, 52), text="\uf04c", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((1, 48), time_val, font=font_time, fill="white")
draw.rectangle((0,45,time_bar,47), outline=0, fill=1)
draw.text((85, 51), text="\uf028", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((101, 48), text="0dB", font=font_time, fill="white")
current_page = current_page + 1
if current_page == 250 :
current_page = 0
title_offset = 10
else :
# Time IP screen
music_file = ""
ip = getWanIP()
#ip = str(GetLANIP())
if screen_sleep < 20000 :
with canvas(device) as draw:
#draw.text((1, -6),"Volumio", font=font_logo,fill="white")
if ip != "":
draw.text((18, 29), ip, font=font_ip, fill="white")
draw.text((1, 32), wifi, font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((18, 29),time.strftime("No connection"), font=font_ip, fill="white")
draw.text((1, 32), link, font=awesomefont, fill="white")
draw.text((2,-6),time.strftime("%H:%M"), font=font_32,fill="white")
draw.text((19, 48), text="0dB", font=font_time, fill="white")
draw.text((2, 51), text="\uf028", font=awesomefont, fill="white")
screen_sleep = screen_sleep + 1
else :
with canvas(device) as draw:
screensave += 2
if screensave > 120 :
screensave = 3
draw.text((screensave, 45), ".", font=font_time, fill="white")
except Exception as e:
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 09-18-2019
Thanks for info Peter, will give it ago sometime. I am using default mpd at the moment, had a few other problems with 0.21.13.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 11-29-2019
Anyone got the remote working in moode 6.4?
I have tried both dtoverlay=lirc-rpi,gpio_in_pin=4 and dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=4 in /boot/config.txt and added the line /usr/bin/irexec -d /etc/lirc/lircrc to /etc/rc.local.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - TookaFace - 11-29-2019
Hey, here what i've done with 6.4 (oled + IR):
Code: sudo apt-get -y install python-smbus libjpeg-dev lirc
Maybe you will have issue with lirc during install, it's normal.
Code: sudo pip install -U pip
sudo -i pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo -H pip install --upgrade luma.oled
Add to /boot/config:
Code: dtparam=spi=on
Download those updated scripts for oled and lirc (with a menu now) (those files came from audiophonics iso image):
Extract 'oled' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi/oled
sudo chmod 755
sudo chmod 644 oled.service
sudo cp oled.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable oled
Extract 'lirc' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi
sudo cp -r lirc/* /etc/lirc
And for finish:
Code: sudo apt-get install -f
That should normalize broken lirc install
Remove lines in /etc/modules or /etc/rc.local if you added these.
No need to do anything else now.
Reboot, and if i didn't forget anything, it should work.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 11-29-2019
(11-29-2019, 02:52 PM)TookaFace Wrote: Hey, here what i've done with 6.4 (oled + IR):
Code: sudo apt-get -y install python-smbus libjpeg-dev lirc
Maybe you will have issue with lirc during install, it's normal.
Code: sudo pip install -U pip
sudo -i pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo -H pip install --upgrade luma.oled
Add to /boot/config:
Code: dtparam=spi=on
Download those updated scripts for oled and lirc (with a menu now) (those files came from audiophonics iso image):
Extract 'oled' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi/oled
sudo chmod 755 /home/pi/oled/
sudo chmod 644 oled.service
sudo cp oled.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable oled
Extract 'lirc' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi
sudo cp -r lirc/* /etc/lirc
And for finish:
Code: sudo apt-get install -f
That should normalize broken lirc install
Remove lines in /etc/modules or /etc/rc.local if you added these.
No need to do anything else now.
Reboot, and if i didn't forget anything, it should work.
Thanks, will give it ago.
RE: AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC Mini Kit - I-Sabre ES9038Q2M - kit1cat - 11-29-2019
(11-29-2019, 03:01 PM)kit1cat Wrote: (11-29-2019, 02:52 PM)TookaFace Wrote: Hey, here what i've done with 6.4 (oled + IR):
Code: sudo apt-get -y install python-smbus libjpeg-dev lirc
Maybe you will have issue with lirc during install, it's normal.
Code: sudo pip install -U pip
sudo -i pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo -H pip install --upgrade luma.oled
Add to /boot/config:
Code: dtparam=spi=on
Download those updated scripts for oled and lirc (with a menu now) (those files came from audiophonics iso image):
Extract 'oled' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi/oled
sudo chmod 755 /home/pi/oled/
sudo chmod 644 oled.service
sudo cp oled.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable oled
Extract 'lirc' folder into /home/pi/
Code: cd /home/pi
sudo cp -r lirc/* /etc/lirc
And for finish:
Code: sudo apt-get install -f
That should normalize broken lirc install
Remove lines in /etc/modules or /etc/rc.local if you added these.
No need to do anything else now.
Reboot, and if i didn't forget anything, it should work.
Thanks, will give it ago.
Installed with no problems, but still no working remote. Will try again tomorrow with a fresh 6.4 image, mine has been updated a few times from 6.3.1. Remote was working fine in 6.3.