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How to make consume mode work? - Printable Version

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How to make consume mode work? - gitarrero - 01-27-2020


what is the right way to activate the consume mode in moode?
For me it doesn't work reliable neither with moode 4 nor with version 6.4 (very very nice update though!!).

For example:

My playlist is empty and I would like to set the audioplayer into consume-mode.
Ashuffle is activated in the audio settings. No filters are selected in the ashuffle options.

When I select random play in the main window it automatically activates the consume option in the secondary menu (...)
but nothing further happens!!
When I randomly switched the options (consume off ... random off ... consume on .. random on...) and hit the play button in between sometimes I was able to start the the consume mode in moode 4. with some kind of latency. But I never found out what the correct sequence was that activated the consume mode.

Now, with moode 6 I never had success with any of my "methods".


I manually load two songs in my playlist.
Shuffle and consume are deactivated at this time.
Now I want to make moode consume after the last track is played.
I click shuffle and consume buttons but playback stops after the last track.

Moode 4 -sometimes- started to load 2 random songs into the playlist to do shuffle and crossfade correctly (great feature).
But with moode 6 the playback stops after the last song and nothing happens.


Consume and shuffle are activated.
I have two songs in my playlist.
"Autoplay at start" is activated.

Now, when I reboot moode the system reboots very fast (noticably faster as moode 4) and starts playing the two songs.
But after the last one: silence..


Consume and shuffle are activated.
Autoplay is activated.
Playlist is empty.

When I reboot the system autoplay dosn't work at all.

I would like if moode would go to ashuffle+consume automatically, when my pregenerated playlist reaches the end.
That would be great for partys when my selected music is at the end but the sound goes on.

What am I doing wrong (apart from my catastrophic english grammar) ??


Now I connected an USB-stick with 100 songs and all tagged them with "GENRE: test" and selected "test" within the ashuffle options.
That way it works as expected! But if the filter option is left blank moode doesn't want to consume from my "big" NAS archive... hmmmm?!

RE: How to make consume mode work? - Tim Curtis - 01-27-2020

It's not obvious to me what's happening on your end but auto-shuffle weirs fine for me starting with an empty Playlist.

How many tracks on your NAS? Auto-shuffle uses RAM to store it's randomized list of track paths and can crash if too many tracks.

pgrep ashuffle

RE: How to make consume mode work? - gitarrero - 01-28-2020

Hi Tim,

yes I think the problem correlates with the size of my different sources.

If I only select the tracks on my USB-stick (ca. 1000 files) with ashuffle filter set to "GENRE chill" everything works fine.
With my HDD connected to the Raspi (10.000 files consistently tagged with "GENRE mix") ashuffle obviously runs out of memory.

So I think there is no way to make this work with my NAS collection (+50.000 files with multiple tags  Big Grin ) because of these limitations.
Interresting:  I have just a hand full of tracks on my NAS which are tagged with "electro" and a bunch of files tagged with "rock".
If I filter ashuffle with "GENRE electro" > everything works fine from the NAS too! But when I select "rock" ashuffle capitulates.

But that's no problem at all.
I'll make limited compilations on USB with tags like "chillout", "party", "breakfast"... to use ashuffle + consume and feed my playlist manually from the NAS  from time to time.

Do you perhaps know what the max. GB size is, ashuffle is able to work with?
Does it possibly depend on the RAM of the Raspi?
At the moment I am using mod. 3B (1024MB). Could an upgrade to Raspi 4B with 4GB expand the capability of ashuffle?
The USB stick that works fine has ca. 9GB files on it.

Btw: Thank you for your excellent work. Moode continiously gets better from version to version.
I'm glad I have found this player after an unsatisfying journey with volumio...rune...picore...

RE: How to make consume mode work? - Tim Curtis - 01-28-2020

Refer to shuffle Git repo

RE: How to make consume mode work? - TheOldPresbyope - 01-29-2020


It would be telling you what you already know but you can confirm you are bumping into an out-of-memory (OOM) issue several ways.

1. In an SSH session, run 'moodeutl -m' and watch the RAM usage number climb toward 100 percent.

2. After the capitulation, check the system log or dmesg output for out of memory entries.

Sure, using an RPi4 with 2GB or 4GB of RAM would give you more headroom. Enough for your collection? Maybe. 
