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[PROBLEM] slow interface on android phone with a small collection - Printable Version

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slow interface on android phone with a small collection - s_mury - 04-13-2020

Hi all,

I am new to Moode and have just set it up on a RP4 2GB. I use a Sandisk ultra class 10 microSD and have my modest collection of ~400 albums consisting of 4,500 tracks, mostly mp3s on a 128GB Sandisk extreme pro 3.1 usb stick.

On my PC it works really well but on my android phone it is very slow and laggy and chrome often crashes. I have read other posts on here from people with the same issue but they generally have much larger collections and others with smaller collections say they do not have problems.

I have not yet tried swizzle's recommendations

My andoid phone is an honor 9 lite. It's not the most modern but I have never had issues like this before. It has 4gb RAM.

I was wondering if the way I have my cover images might be affecting things. Most album folders have both a folder.jpg and .folder.png file (due to whatever music software i was using in the past). The jpg file is ~50% smaller than the png. New albums just have a jpg.

Another issue is that the USB stick gets very hot, too hot to keep holding tightly, even when no music is playing. This suggest that Moode is reading the collection all the time. That can't be right. Does anyone else have this issue? Perhaps I should ask that in a separate post.

I would be grateful for any suggestions. I really the design of moode. The UI is very beautiful and natural and I would like to be able to stay with it.
Thanks to the developers for all their efforts!


RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - CallMeMike - 04-13-2020

(04-13-2020, 08:58 AM)s_mury Wrote: Hi all,

I am new to Moode and have just set it up on a RP4 2GB. I use a Scandisk ultra class 10 microSD and have my modest collection of ~400 albums consisting of 4,500 tracks, mostly mp3s on a 128GB Scandisk extreme pro 3.1 usb stick.

On my PC it works really well but on my android phone it is very slow and laggy and chrome often crashes. I have read other posts on here from people with the same issue but they generally have much larger collections and others with smaller collections say they do not have problems.

I have not yet tried swizzle's recommendations

My andoid phone is an honor 9 lite. It's not the most modern but I have never had issues like this before. It has 4gb RAM.

I was wondering if the way I have my cover images might be affecting things. Most album folders have both a folder.jpg and .folder.png file (due to whatever music software i was using in the past). The jpg file is ~50% smaller than the png. New albums just have a jpg.

Another issue is that the USB stick gets very hot, too hot to keep holding tightly, even when no music is playing. This suggest that Moode is reading the collection all the time. That can't be right. Does anyone else have this issue? Perhaps I should ask that in a separate post.

I would be grateful for any suggestions. I really the design of moode. The UI is very beautiful and natural and I would like to be able to stay with it.
Thanks to the developers for all their efforts!


 First, is it just a typing error, Scandisk instead of SanDisk...?

The size of the 'cover'/ 'front'/ 'folder' images matters indeed.

Does the existing RPi/DAC kit play radio stations for a good length of time?

The fact that your USB flash memory stick gets very hot suggests a hardware issue. Do you have a spare USB flash memory stick of any size? Format it, load some music files, test on a different USB port and then on the same port where the 128 GB stick was used. All fine...?... add some more files and so on...

Make sure you do not have any other USB devices (DACs and storage) attached and the RPi is the sole music player (sound to headphones via the RPi headphone port, Moode to be re-configured as 'no I2S device' even there is a HAT DAC attached, etc).

RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - TheOldPresbyope - 04-13-2020


Speed: Had to look up the Huawei Honor 9 Lite to find out what it is. The data on suggest it is substantially slower than, say, my Google Pixel 3a, from factor of x2 to x20 depending on the specific benchmark test (some of which aren't relevant here). Certainly this is one factor in your issue.

I have a comparable sized (5300 tracks) collection on a NAS and performance of the moOde UI on my Google Pixel 3a and on my Apple iPad 9.7" is good.

Stability: Chrome crashing isn't acceptable at any speed. I'm not sure what's causing this but can you tell us what version is on your phone?

Hot SanDisk USB thumb drive: This seems to be a problem with more than one model SanDisk thumbdrive, see, e.g., the thread at is it harmful if...? May not be a direct factor on your issue but I can't imagine it means good things (like power draw on your RPi).


RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - s_mury - 04-13-2020

Thank you both for the tips.

I put the USB stick in my PC and waited to see if it heats up. It didn't. It got fairly warm, probably the usual amount for these drives based on what other people are saying but I can easily hold it.

I then took CallMeMike's idea and put some music (156 albumns, ~13GB) on another stick (an older 16GB sandisk extreme 3.0, formatted to exFAT like the original). That worked much better on my phone. The responsiveness is still a little bit slow but to the level I would expect given my phone is not so powerful. Changing between the library views works fine and if I swipe down rapidly then it takes a second to catch up but it is completely different than before, where the screen would just freeze for ~10s seconds or crash. I just felt the stick and its warm, not hot like before, though it has not been so long.

So the question now is whether the problem is due to the stick or simply having a 60% smaller library. I could try with the full library on an external hard drive to test the latter possibility.

@Kent Chrome on my phone is 80.0.03987.162. I should clarify that when I say 'crash' I mean that I get the popup that says chrome is not responding and asks me if I want to wait or close it.
The power draw concerns me. My idea was to leave the Pi plugged in all the time so I would like to keep the power draw low.

RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - TheOldPresbyope - 04-13-2020


Quote:@Kent Chrome on my phone is 80.0.03987.162. I should clarify that when I say 'crash' I mean that I get the popup that says chrome is not responding and asks me if I want to wait or close it.

The power draw concerns me. My idea was to leave the Pi plugged in all the time so I would like to keep the power draw low.

Ok, your Chrome version is the same as on my phone. 

I have seen the "not responding" message in testing beta versions of the forthcoming moOde 6.5.0 but not in using moOde 6.4.2. I'm not sure yet what's causing it. Have you tried the FireFox browser for Android? It didn't seem to have this problem in my testing.

I leave all my RPis on all the time. I was thinking of power draw in terms of its affect on the voltage present at the RPi CPU (which would be due to an inadequate power supply and/or inadequately sized wiring from the supply to the RPi).


RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - s_mury - 04-13-2020

(04-13-2020, 12:50 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @s_mury

I have seen the "not responding" message in testing beta versions of the forthcoming moOde 6.5.0 but not in using moOde 6.4.2. I'm not sure yet what's causing it. Have you tried the FireFox browser for Android? It didn't seem to have this problem in my testing.

I leave all my RPis on all the time. I was thinking of power draw in terms of its affect on the voltage present at the RPi CPU (which would be due to an inadequate power supply and/or inadequately sized wiring from the supply to the RPi).

It's on my list of things to try. Swizzle also wrote that it works better for larger libraries than chrome.

I'm using the official RPi power supply so the Pi  should be getting enough power.

RE: slow interface on android phone with a small collection - s_mury - 04-13-2020

So I tried Firefox and it is much better, even with my complete library. The difference is remarkable. It's completely functional with Firefox and only barely with Chrome.

I think the temperature issue is a separate problem. When I put the usb stick in my PC and play music from it (using MusicBee on Windows 10), it does not heat up nearly as much. It just gets slightly warm. This is not very quantitative but it does seem to be the case. I used top and iotop on the Pi but I didn't see anything unusual. Yet someone the sticks run hot. The Pi itself does not seem to be overheating. Its running at around 55C and the metal case it is in feels fine.