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[PROBLEM] Help for i2c script and LCDupdate engine - Printable Version

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Help for i2c script and LCDupdate engine - Bacchiro63 - 04-17-2020

Hi, I need a little help. Given that I am ignorant of programming and therefore I go to monkey among the various guides, I expose my problem hoping for your interest:

I want to drive an i2c lcd display, I tried with the guide of Dhrone7, but it didn't work. So I thought about going back to basics with a simple Python script like:

After editing it with nano and giving the command
sudo chmod +x

I tried it with
sudo python

and it works. The problem is: how to make it executable at startup since the address of the LCDupdate engine has disappeared in Moode Configure System?

[Image: lcd01.png?w=510&h=206]

I don't know how, since my programming bases are zero ...
Thanks for the help

translated with google translator from: Italian

RE: Help for i2c script and LCDupdate engine - DRONE7 - 04-17-2020

sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and add this line..

python /home/pi/
so it is the last entry before 'exit 0'

save and reboot..

There are more up to date ways of starting the script though this should work too.

Note too...I see from the above screenshot that you do not have the 'Metadata file" turned will need to do that.

RE: Help for i2c script and LCDupdate engine - Bacchiro63 - 04-18-2020

(04-17-2020, 07:13 PM)DRONE7 Wrote:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and add this line..

python /home/pi/
so it is the last entry before 'exit 0'

save and reboot..

There are more up to date ways of starting the script though this should work too.

Note too...I see from the above screenshot that you do not have the 'Metadata file" turned will need to do that.
