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[SOLVED] USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - Printable Version

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USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - eclick - 04-19-2020


can you please help me to solve this problem? I use active speakers with HW knobs (bass, treble, main volume) via USB.

I think there is something broken in configuration - maybe in "Device cfg"?

System select wrong Mixer name = Bass. Maybe because it is first? There should be PCM.

I changed default ALSA volume from 100 to 50 (default?) because of very bassy sound. But it is just temporary solution.

In Volumio i could choose right mixer control, but in Moode is no such settings in UI.

There are few logs from fresh install:

pi@moode:~ $ sudo /var/www/command/

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release           = 6.4.2 2020-02-12
Raspbian OS             = 10.2
Linux kernel            = 4.19.97+ #1293
Platform                = Pi-Zero 512MB v1.3
Architecture            = armv6l (32-bit)
System uptime           = up 1 hour, 11 minutes
Timezone                = Europe/Prague
Current time            = 2020-04-19 12:05:58

Host name               = moode
Ethernet address        = unassigned
Ethernet MAC            = no adapter
WLAN address            =
WLAN MAC                = d4:7b:b0:7a:25:0e
WLAN country            = CZ

SoC identifier          = bcm2835
Core count              = 1
Kernel timer freq       = 100 Hz
SDCard freq             = 50 MHz
USB boot                = not available
Warranty                = OK

Root size               = 3.4G
Root used               = 79%
Root available          = 695M
Root expand             = not expanded
Memory free             = 186 MB
Memory used             = 81 MB
SoC temperature         = 44.4°C

CPU governor            = ondemand
Onboard WiFi            = None
Onboard BT              = None
HDMI output             = Off
Eth addr wait           = Off
Max USB current         = Off
USB (UAC2) fix          = On
Pi-3B+ eth fix          = Off
SSH term server         = Off

PHP-FPM version         = 7.3.11
NGINX version           = 1.14.2
SQLite3 version         = 3.27.2
Hostapd version         = 2.8-devel
WiringPi version        = 2.50
RPi.GPIO version        = 0.7.0

A U D I O   P A R A M E T E R S

Audio device            = USB audio device
Interface               = USB
Mixer name              = Bass
Hardware volume         = Controller detected
Max ALSA volume         = 50
Audio source            = Local
Output device           = Local
Resume MPD              = No
Volume knob             = 10
Volume mute             = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol           = 0
Preamp volume           = 0
ALSA version            = 1.1.8-1+rpt1
SoX version             = 0.1.2-3

Bluetooth controller    = Off
Pairing agent           = Off
Airplay receiver        = Off
Spotify receiver        = On
Squeezelite             = Off
UPnP client             = On
DLNA server             = Off
GPIO button handler     = Off
UPnP browser            = Off

Auto-shuffle            = Off
Autoplay                = Off
Rotary encoder          = Off
Encoder params          = 100 2 3 23 24
Polarity inversion      = Off
Crossfeed               = Off
Crossfade               = Off
Parametric EQ           = Off
Graphic EQ              = Off
MPD httpd               = Off

A P P E A R A N C E   S E T T I N G S

Theme                   = Default
Accent color            = Emerald
Alpha blend             = 1.0
Adaptive background     = No
Background image        = No
Cover backdrop          = No
Cover blur              = 20px
Cover scale             = 1.25
CoverView auto-display  = Never
CoverView style         = Animated
Auto-shuffle filter     = None
Extra metadata          = Yes
Playback history        = No

L I B R A R Y   S E T T I N G S

Instant play action     = Clear/Play
Show genres column      = Yes
Album grouping          = by Artist
Compilation identifier  = Various Artists
Recently added          = 1 Month
Ignore articles         = a,an,the
UTF8 character filter   = No
Hi-res thumbs           = Auto
Cover search pri        = Embedded cover
Pixel ratio             = 1

M P D   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 0.21.16
Volume control          = software
ALSA device             = hw:1
SoX resampling          = disabled
SoX quality             = very high
SoX multithreading      = off
DSD over PCM (DoP)      = no
Replaygain              = off
Replaygain preamp       = 0
Volume normalization    = No
Audio buffer            = 4096 (kb)
Output buffer size      = 131072 (kb)

B L U E T O O T H   S E T T I N G S

Bluetooth ver           = 5.50
Bluealsa ver            = 2.0.0
Speaker sharing         = No
Resume MPD              = No
PCM buffer time         = 500000 (μs)

A I R P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 3.3.5
Friendly name           = Moode Airplay
ALSA device             = hw:1
Interpolation           = soxr
Output bit depth        = S16
Output sample rate      = 44100
Session interruption    = no
Session timeout         = 120 (ms)
Latency offset          = 0.0 (secs)
Audio buffer            = 0.2 (secs)
Resume MPD              = No

S P O T I F Y   S E T T I N G S

Friendly name           = Moode Spotify
ALSA device             = plughw:1
Bit rate                = 320
Initial volume          = 20
Volume curve            = Logarithmic
Volume normalization    = No
Normalization pregain   = 0
Resume MPD              = Yes

S Q U E E Z E L I T E   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 1.8.7-1052 "DSD/SRC enabled"
Friendly name           = Moode
ALSA device             = hw:0
ALSA params             = 80:4::1
Output buffers          = 40000:100000
Task priority           = 45
Codec list              = flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd
Other options           = -W -D 500 -R E -S /var/local
Resume MPD              = No

L O C A L   D I S P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Local UI display        = Off
Mouse cursor            = Off
Screen blank            = 600 Secs
Wake display on play    = Off
Brightness              = 255
Pixel aspect ratio      = Default
Rotate screen           = 0 Deg

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20200419 105447 worker: -- Start
20200419 105449 worker: Successfully daemonized
20200419 105451 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20200419 105451 worker: Session loaded
20200419 105451 worker: Debug logging (off)
20200419 105451 worker: Device raw: (0:ALSA|1:Codec|i2s:none)
20200419 105451 worker: Device cfg: (USB audio device|1|1|Bass|0)
20200419 105453 worker: ALSA volume set to (0%)
20200419 105459 worker: -- System
20200419 105519 worker: Host name     (moode)
20200419 105519 worker: moOde release (6.4.2 2020-02-12)
20200419 105519 worker: Raspbian OS   (10.2)
20200419 105519 worker: Linux kernel  (4.19.97+ #1293)
20200419 105519 worker: Platform      (Pi-Zero 512MB v1.3)
20200419 105519 worker: Architecture  (armv6l)
20200419 105519 worker: MPD version   (0.21.16)
20200419 105519 worker: CPU governor  (ondemand)
20200419 105519 worker: USB boot not available
20200419 105519 worker: File system not expanded yet
20200419 105520 worker: HDMI port off
20200419 105521 worker: File check (OK)
20200419 105521 worker: -- Network
20200419 105521 worker: eth0 does not exist
20200419 105521 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20200419 105521 worker: wlan0 exists
20200419 105521 worker: wifi country (CZ)
20200419 105521 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (UPC3476790)
20200419 105522 worker: IP addr (
20200419 105522 worker: Netmask (
20200419 105523 worker: Gateway (
20200419 105523 worker: Pri DNS (
20200419 105523 worker: Domain  (home)
20200419 105525 worker: -- Audio
20200419 105525 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20200419 105525 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20200419 105525 worker: Audio output (USB audio device)
20200419 105526 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE)
20200419 105526 worker: ALSA mixer name (Bass)
20200419 105526 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20200419 105526 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20200419 105526 worker: Max ALSA volume (50%)
20200419 105526 worker: -- Services
20200419 105526 worker: Reset renderer active state
20200419 105528 worker: MPD conf updated
20200419 105530 worker: MPD started
20200419 105531 worker: MPD accepting connections
20200419 105531 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA polarity inversion (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD output 7 HTTP stream (off)
20200419 105532 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20200419 105532 worker: Audio source (Local)
20200419 105532 worker: Output device (Local)
20200419 105532 worker: Spotify receiver started
20200419 105533 worker: UPnP renderer started
20200419 105533 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20200419 105533 worker: -- Music sources
20200419 105533 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20200419 105533 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20200419 105533 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20200419 105534 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20200419 105534 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20200419 105534 worker: MPD volume level (10) restored
20200419 105535 worker: ALSA volume level (50%)
20200419 105535 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20200419 105535 worker: Auto-shuffle service (Off)
20200419 105535 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20200419 105535 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20200419 105535 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20200419 105535 worker: Watchdog started
20200419 105535 worker: Ready

pi@moode:~ $ amixer -c 1 scontrols
Simple mixer control 'Bass',0
Simple mixer control 'Bass Boost',0
Simple mixer control 'Treble',0
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
Simple mixer control 'PCM Capture Source',0
Simple mixer control 'Line',0
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
Simple mixer control 'Auto Gain Control',0
Simple mixer control 'Loudness',0

pi@moode:~ $ amixer -c 1 controls
numid=15,iface=CARD,name='Keep Interface'
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Tone Control - Bass'
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='Tone Control - Treble'
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Switch'
numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Source'
numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Switch'
numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Volume'
numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='Line Capture Volume'
numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume'
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Auto Gain Control'
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Bass Boost'
numid=2,iface=PCM,name='Capture Channel Map'
numid=1,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map'

pi@moode:~ $ amixer -c 1
Simple mixer control 'Bass',0
 Capabilities: volume volume-joined
 Playback channels: Mono
 Capture channels: Mono
 Limits: 0 - 96
 Mono: 48 [50%]
Simple mixer control 'Bass Boost',0
 Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
 Playback channels: Mono
 Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Treble',0
 Capabilities: volume volume-joined
 Playback channels: Mono
 Capture channels: Mono
 Limits: 0 - 96
 Mono: 48 [50%]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
 Capabilities: pvolume cvolume cvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined
 Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
 Capture channels: Mono
 Limits: Playback 0 - 44 Capture 0 - 41
 Mono: Capture 41 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
 Front Left: Playback 41 [93%] [0.00dB] [on]
 Front Right: Playback 41 [93%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM Capture Source',0
 Capabilities: enum
 Items: 'PCM' 'Mic' 'Line'
 Item0: 'Mic'
Simple mixer control 'Line',0
 Capabilities: cvolume cvolume-joined
 Capture channels: Mono
 Limits: Capture 0 - 15
 Mono: Capture 15 [100%] [15.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
 Capabilities: cvolume cvolume-joined
 Capture channels: Mono
 Limits: Capture 0 - 15
 Mono: Capture 15 [100%] [31.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Auto Gain Control',0
 Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
 Playback channels: Mono
 Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Loudness',0
 Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
 Playback channels: Mono
 Mono: Playback [off]

pi@moode:~ $ awk -F"'" '/Simple mixer control/{print "(" $2 ")" ;}' <(amixer -c 0)

pi@moode:~ $ awk -F"'" '/Simple mixer control/{print "(" $2 ")" ;}' <(amixer -c 1)
(Bass Boost)
(PCM Capture Source)
(Auto Gain Control)

pi@moode:~ $ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]
 Subdevices: 7/7
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
 Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
 Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
 Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
 Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
 Subdevice #6: subdevice #6

card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 2: bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI1 [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI1]
 Subdevices: 1/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

card 1: Codec [Micronas USB Codec], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
 Subdevices: 0/1
 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


Thank you for any hint or fix!


RE: USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - Tim Curtis - 04-19-2020

The method for getting the mixer name has changed in upcoming 6.5.0 release.

Try the command below and let me know if it returns the correct mixer name for your audio device.
amixer -c 1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS="Simple mixer control"} $0 ~ "pvolume" {print $1}' | awk -F"'" '{print "(" $2 ")";}'

If it works then edit the file below, comment out the existing awk and add the new awk in the specified code block
sudo nano /var/www/command/

code block:

# Get alsa mixer name
if [[ $1 = "get-mixername" ]]; then
    CARD_NUM=$(sqlite3 $SQLDB "select value from cfg_system where param='cardnum'")
    #awk -F"'" '/Simple mixer control/{print "(" $2 ")";}' <(amixer -c $CARD_NUM)
    amixer -c $CARD_NUM | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS="Simple mixer control"} $0 ~ "pvolume" {print $1}' | awk -F"'" '{print "(" $2 ")";}'

RE: USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - eclick - 04-19-2020

Thank you very much, Tim.

The first command returned PCM. So I modified and everything works perfectly ... ;-)

The ALSA volume is set back to 100 and the hardware volume is turned on.

Thank you for your work!

RE: USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - Tim Curtis - 04-19-2020

This command?

amixer -c 1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS="Simple mixer control"} $0 ~ "pvolume" {print $1}' | awk -F"'" '{print "(" $2 ")";}'

RE: USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - eclick - 04-19-2020

(04-19-2020, 04:46 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: This command?

amixer -c 1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n"; RS="Simple mixer control"} $0 ~ "pvolume" {print $1}' | awk -F"'" '{print "(" $2 ")";}'


After edit and restart:

pi@moode:~ $ sudo /var/www/command/

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release           = 6.4.2 2020-02-12
Raspbian OS             = 10.2
Linux kernel            = 4.19.97+ #1293
Platform                = Pi-Zero 512MB v1.3
Architecture            = armv6l (32-bit)
System uptime           = up 3 hours, 30 minutes
Timezone                = Europe/Prague
Current time            = 2020-04-19 20:31:08

Host name               = moode
Ethernet address        = unassigned
Ethernet MAC            = no adapter
WLAN address            =
WLAN MAC                = d4:7b:b0:7a:25:0e
WLAN country            = CZ

SoC identifier          = bcm2835
Core count              = 1
Kernel timer freq       = 100 Hz
SDCard freq             = 50 MHz
USB boot                = not available
Warranty                = OK

Root size               = 3.4G
Root used               = 79%
Root available          = 695M
Root expand             = not expanded
Memory free             = 160 MB
Memory used             = 70 MB
SoC temperature         = 44.4°C

CPU governor            = ondemand
Onboard WiFi            = None
Onboard BT              = None
HDMI output             = Off
Eth addr wait           = Off
Max USB current         = Off
USB (UAC2) fix          = On
Pi-3B+ eth fix          = Off
SSH term server         = Off

PHP-FPM version         = 7.3.11
NGINX version           = 1.14.2
SQLite3 version         = 3.27.2
Hostapd version         = 2.8-devel
WiringPi version        = 2.50
RPi.GPIO version        = 0.7.0

A U D I O   P A R A M E T E R S

Audio device            = USB audio device
Interface               = USB
Mixer name              = PCM
Hardware volume         = Controller detected
Max ALSA volume         = 100
Audio source            = Local
Output device           = Local
Resume MPD              = No
Volume knob             = 20
Volume mute             = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol           = 0
Preamp volume           = 0
ALSA version            = 1.1.8-1+rpt1
SoX version             = 0.1.2-3

Bluetooth controller    = Off
Pairing agent           = Off
Airplay receiver        = Off
Spotify receiver        = On
Squeezelite             = Off
UPnP client             = On
DLNA server             = Off
GPIO button handler     = Off
UPnP browser            = Off

Auto-shuffle            = Off
Autoplay                = Off
Rotary encoder          = Off
Encoder params          = 100 2 3 23 24
Polarity inversion      = Off
Crossfeed               = Off
Crossfade               = Off
Parametric EQ           = Off
Graphic EQ              = Off
MPD httpd               = Off

A P P E A R A N C E   S E T T I N G S

Theme                   = Default
Accent color            = Emerald
Alpha blend             = 1.0
Adaptive background     = No
Background image        = No
Cover backdrop          = No
Cover blur              = 20px
Cover scale             = 1.25
CoverView auto-display  = Never
CoverView style         = Animated
Auto-shuffle filter     = None
Extra metadata          = Yes
Playback history        = No

L I B R A R Y   S E T T I N G S

Instant play action     = Clear/Play
Show genres column      = Yes
Album grouping          = by Artist
Compilation identifier  = Various Artists
Recently added          = 1 Month
Ignore articles         = a,an,the
UTF8 character filter   = No
Hi-res thumbs           = Auto
Cover search pri        = Embedded cover
Pixel ratio             = 1

M P D   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 0.21.16
Volume control          = hardware
ALSA device             = hw:1
SoX resampling          = disabled
SoX quality             = very high
SoX multithreading      = off
DSD over PCM (DoP)      = no
Replaygain              = off
Replaygain preamp       = 0
Volume normalization    = No
Audio buffer            = 4096 (kb)
Output buffer size      = 131072 (kb)

B L U E T O O T H   S E T T I N G S

Bluetooth ver           = 5.50
Bluealsa ver            = 2.0.0
Speaker sharing         = No
Resume MPD              = No
PCM buffer time         = 500000 (μs)

A I R P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 3.3.5
Friendly name           = Moode Airplay
ALSA device             = hw:1
Interpolation           = soxr
Output bit depth        = S16
Output sample rate      = 44100
Session interruption    = no
Session timeout         = 120 (ms)
Latency offset          = 0.0 (secs)
Audio buffer            = 0.2 (secs)
Resume MPD              = No

S P O T I F Y   S E T T I N G S

Friendly name           = Moode Spotify
ALSA device             = plughw:1
Bit rate                = 320
Initial volume          = 20
Volume curve            = Logarithmic
Volume normalization    = No
Normalization pregain   = 0
Resume MPD              = No

S Q U E E Z E L I T E   S E T T I N G S

Version                 = 1.8.7-1052 "DSD/SRC enabled"
Friendly name           = Moode
ALSA device             = hw:0
ALSA params             = 80:4::1
Output buffers          = 40000:100000
Task priority           = 45
Codec list              = flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,alac,dsd
Other options           = -W -D 500 -R E -S /var/local
Resume MPD              = No

L O C A L   D I S P L A Y   S E T T I N G S

Local UI display        = Off
Mouse cursor            = Off
Screen blank            = 600 Secs
Wake display on play    = Off
Brightness              = 255
Pixel aspect ratio      = Default
Rotate screen           = 0 Deg

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20200419 170053 worker: -- Start
20200419 170055 worker: Successfully daemonized
20200419 170056 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20200419 170056 worker: Session loaded
20200419 170056 worker: Debug logging (off)
20200419 170056 worker: Device raw: (0:ALSA|1:Codec|i2s:none)
20200419 170056 worker: Device cfg: (USB audio device|1|1|PCM|0)
20200419 170058 worker: ALSA volume set to (0%)
20200419 170104 worker: -- System
20200419 170111 worker: Host name     (moode)
20200419 170111 worker: moOde release (6.4.2 2020-02-12)
20200419 170111 worker: Raspbian OS   (10.2)
20200419 170111 worker: Linux kernel  (4.19.97+ #1293)
20200419 170111 worker: Platform      (Pi-Zero 512MB v1.3)
20200419 170111 worker: Architecture  (armv6l)
20200419 170111 worker: MPD version   (0.21.16)
20200419 170111 worker: CPU governor  (ondemand)
20200419 170111 worker: USB boot not available
20200419 170111 worker: File system not expanded yet
20200419 170111 worker: HDMI port off
20200419 170113 worker: File check (OK)
20200419 170113 worker: -- Network
20200419 170113 worker: eth0 does not exist
20200419 170113 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20200419 170113 worker: wlan0 exists
20200419 170129 worker: wifi country (CZ)
20200419 170129 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (UPC3476790)
20200419 170129 worker: IP addr (
20200419 170129 worker: Netmask (
20200419 170130 worker: Gateway (
20200419 170131 worker: Pri DNS (
20200419 170131 worker: Domain  (home)
20200419 170133 worker: -- Audio
20200419 170134 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20200419 170134 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20200419 170134 worker: Audio output (USB audio device)
20200419 170135 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE)
20200419 170136 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20200419 170136 worker: MPD volume control (hardware)
20200419 170136 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20200419 170136 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20200419 170136 worker: -- Services
20200419 170136 worker: Reset renderer active state
20200419 170138 worker: MPD conf updated
20200419 170138 worker: MPD started
20200419 170140 worker: MPD accepting connections
20200419 170140 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA polarity inversion (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 6 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD output 7 HTTP stream (off)
20200419 170141 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20200419 170141 worker: Audio source (Local)
20200419 170141 worker: Output device (Local)
20200419 170142 worker: Spotify receiver started
20200419 170143 worker: UPnP renderer started
20200419 170143 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20200419 170143 worker: -- Music sources
20200419 170144 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20200419 170144 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20200419 170144 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20200419 170144 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20200419 170144 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20200419 170146 worker: MPD volume level (0) restored
20200419 170146 worker: ALSA volume level (0%)
20200419 170146 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20200419 170146 worker: Auto-shuffle service (Off)
20200419 170146 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hrs)
20200419 170146 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20200419 170147 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20200419 170147 worker: Watchdog started
20200419 170147 worker: Ready

RE: USB audio device - wrong selected Mixer name - Tim Curtis - 04-19-2020

Thanks for confirming :-)