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[PROBLEM] Update/Regen/Gen Library - Printable Version

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Update/Regen/Gen Library - _mAo_ - 05-10-2020

I'm new to moodeAudio, so forgive me.
I have already searched for this problem in the forum and on the internet, and I have already followed the various indications that were once provided but since I don't get results I try to ask: maybe I didn't understand it.

I have a Raspberry Pi 4, with moodeAudio 6.5.2, on a 16GB microSD, with 12GB available in the root, a nas4free NAS that works without problems and that exhibits a share samba.
The connection to the share works without problems and is mounted.
The problem arises when I do an update or a re-gen of the library.
I often get nothing as a result: only the moode audio test.
In the mdp / log file I have no particular indications but nothing more: in the end there is no error, simply each MP3 file reports date, time, updated, added, and the path of the file.
I checked the log file during the scan and I see the various added files appear. It end even at same point: I think the next file/folder (alphabetically order) was corrupted, and then I delete it.
Nothing change.

When library is fully generated (no more wor in mpd/log appear, but also no artist, only Koz->Sound test) I found this in syslog:

May 10 09:13:40 moode systemd[1]: mpd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=7/BUS
May 10 09:13:40 moode systemd[1]: mpd.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
May 10 09:13:41 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::openconn failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:41 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:191::MPDCli::updStatus: can't get status
May 10 09:13:41 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::updStatus failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:42 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::openconn failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:42 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:191::MPDCli::updStatus: can't get status
May 10 09:13:42 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::updStatus failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:43 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::openconn failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:43 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:191::MPDCli::updStatus: can't get status
May 10 09:13:43 moode upmpdcli[1114]: :2Confusedrc/mpdcli.cxx:147::MPDCli::updStatus failed: Connection refused
May 10 09:13:43 moode systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
May 10 09:13:44 moode mpd[11794]: May 10 09:13 : exception: Input plugin 'tidal' is unavailable: No Tidal application token configured
May 10 09:13:44 moode mpd[11794]: May 10 09:13 : exception: Input plugin 'qobuz' is unavailable: No Qobuz app_id configured


RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - Tim Curtis - 05-10-2020

To troubleshoot do the following.

1. Write a fresh moOde 6.5.2 image to a known good SD Card
2. Power the Pi
3. After its fully booted post the Moode log

moodeutl -l

RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - _mAo_ - 05-10-2020

mmm. It happens only if I use 64bit, if I set 32 bit under System->Config then the process end without problems.
Is a bug?

RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - Tim Curtis - 05-10-2020

Prolly a kernel or MPD bug or a compatibility issue between 64 bit kernel and the Pi-4B. You could try swapping in a 3B+ and see if the issue is still present.

RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - TheOldPresbyope - 05-10-2020

Hold on a sec.

Here, an RPi4B/2GB RAM with moOde 6.5.2 on a SanDisk Ultra uSD card and an OpenMediaVault NAS hosting several SMB shares and accessed over WiFi.

This has been running fine on the 32-bit kernel since I installed 6.5.2.

I just switched it to 64-bit kernel and rebooted.

I could update the Library without issue where the CPU governor was set to On-Demand or to Performance. 'mpc stats' shows the same count in all cases and the Library views are fully populated.

Perhaps the OP's issue can be related to a corrupt install or to an inadequate power source but based on this test I can't fault the kernel.


RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - _mAo_ - 05-10-2020

I do not know what to think.
from me, the problem is reproducible. I worked on it several hours before I understood. 32 bit works, 64 no.
if you want I can try to reinstall moode to check if it is actually a problem of some corruption.
as soon as I have some time I will try.

RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - TheOldPresbyope - 05-10-2020


I'm suspicious of this error from your log

May 10 09:13:40 moode systemd[1]: mpd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=7/BUS
May 10 09:13:40 moode systemd[1]: mpd.service: Failed with result 'signal'.

If you're really curious and are comfortable working from the command line (via ssh), you could  see if more information is available using the journalctl command. Here's an example for my working system:

pi@moodelr:~ $ sudo journalctl -u mpd
-- Logs begin at Sun 2020-05-10 10:38:32 EDT, end at Sun 2020-05-10 11:27:15 EDT. --
May 10 10:38:52 moodelr systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/mpd.service:8: CPU scheduling priority is out of range, ignoring: 43
May 10 10:38:52 moodelr systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
May 10 10:38:52 moodelr mpd[1082]: May 10 10:38 : exception: Input plugin 'tidal' is unavailable: No Tidal application token configured
May 10 10:38:52 moodelr mpd[1082]: May 10 10:38 : exception: Input plugin 'qobuz' is unavailable: No Qobuz app_id configured
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr systemd[1]: Stopping Music Player Daemon...
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr systemd[1]: mpd.service: Succeeded.
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr systemd[1]: Stopped Music Player Daemon.
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr mpd[1398]: May 10 10:39 : exception: Input plugin 'tidal' is unavailable: No Tidal application token configured
May 10 10:39:04 moodelr mpd[1398]: May 10 10:39 : exception: Input plugin 'qobuz' is unavailable: No Qobuz app_id configured

Truth in advertising: this is what bitheads like me do. Tim's suggestion that you reinstall likely will prove more productive!


RE: Update/Regen/Gen Library - TheOldPresbyope - 05-10-2020

PS - I owe you a thank you. As a result of checking this issue also on a RPi3B+, I now know that a moOde 6.5.2 with my moOde splash screen solution installed won't boot properly when the 64-bit kernel is selected. I have some detective work of my own to do!
