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Screensaver? - Printable Version

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Screensaver? - Taki8888 - 07-13-2020

Hi Tim,

Is there an option to save your own jpgs in a folder and have Moode
shows those images for a user defined period of time?

Does the Moode determine what output resolution will be shown on the

Thank you  Big Grin

RE: Screensaver? - Tim Curtis - 07-13-2020

Theres no option for that type of screen saver because it's not Music focused.

Yes, moOde automatically determines the resolution of an HDMI connected displays.

RE: Screensaver? - swizzle - 07-15-2020

(07-13-2020, 06:24 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Theres no option for that type of screen saver because it's not Music focused.

The initial request for a screen saver type function was for a display better suited to viewing the current track from a distance. Showing random album covers seems counterintuitive but it could be done if a user was so inclined and a little technically adept. I’m not sure if Tim would add it to the project proper (featuritis is a real thing yo) but if you implement it and think it offers general improvement you should file a pull request and let Tim see what he thinks based on implementation rather than suggestion.