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HDMI CEC control - Printable Version

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HDMI CEC control - jeromeof - 01-14-2022

  One little extension I have tweaked locally with my Moode setup is to turn on my AMP / Receiver and set it to the right import via HDMI CEC commands. This works wonderful well so I would almost suggest this as a future feature. 
  Specifically, I have a little wakeUpReceiver script - which I have been playing around with. 

So once the cec-client app is installed you can do some neat tricks. So I have the RPI connected to HDMI but I also have the RCA out of my RPI connected to the Receiver - so effectively I am only using the HDMI for display and now for activation. Here are a couple of sample cec-client calls:

// Scan the CEC 'bus' for devices connected - this provides a list of the devices connected to my receiver (including my TV but also the RPI) 
echo "scan" | cec-client RPI -s -d 1

// This command turns on the the receiver - mostly if I leave it on the RPI this is enough to start to hear music from my speakers !! 
echo "on 5" | cec-client RPI -s -d 1

// This command would set the RPI to be the Active Source - effectively telling the Receiver to switch to this device (but I believe this sometimes doesn't work - CEC is very vendor specific 
echo "as" | cec-client RPI -s -d 1

// Alternatively this command transmits a 'Frame' from Device 5 to 'f' to wake up and switch its source to the device ID "12:00"  (which though a little experimentation was my RPI) 
echo "tx 5f:82:12:00" | cec-client RPI -s -d 1

Which is the right command for a give receiver is going to be dependent on the receiver (I have an Onkyo) but its definitely useful IMO as a 'wakeup' option on Moode.

Note: I mostly use the "on 5" command above as it doesn't wake up the TV but does wake up the receiver and mostly I just want to listen.