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radio station field report - Printable Version

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radio station field report - Listener - 03-28-2022

I have notice a couple of problems with the radio stations, so a few days ago I embarked on a project to check them all. I started with S through Z. These are the stations that had problems at that time.

Scala Radio

Soma FM redirected to 1.FM



Happy listening,


RE: radio station field report - Tim Curtis - 03-28-2022

Try the automated station URL checker in 8.0.2

moodeutl -u

moodeutl -U

pi@sig:~ $ moodeutl --help
Usage: moodeutl [OPTION]
Moode utility programs

With no OPTION print the help text and exit.

-a             Print features availability
-A [add|rm N]  Update features availability
-c             Detect highest CIFS protocol version [host or ip address]
-C             Detect CIFS shares [host or ip address]
-d             Dump session file (requires sudo)
-D [var name]  Delete session variable (requires sudo)
-e [filename]  Export settings to [filename] or ./moodecfg-<timestamp>.ini
-i             Import /boot/moodecfg.ini
-f             Print supported audio formats
-F             Print full alsacap info
-l             Print moode log
-m             Run system monitor
-n             Detect NBT (Samba) hosts
-o             List audio overlays
-q             Query sql database
-r             Restart servers
-R             Restart renderer [--bluetooth | --airplay | --spotify | --squeezelite | --roonbridge]
-s             Print system info
-t             Print last 10 lines of moode log and wait
-u             Check radio station urls for playability
-U             Check station urls, list only unplayable
--btreset      Reset Bluetooth to off
--mpdlog       Print MPD log
--mooderel     Print moOde release
--revision     Print the hardware revision
--version      Print the program version
--help         Print this help text
pi@sig:~ $

RE: radio station field report - Listener - 04-11-2022

Cool. Will do.


RE: radio station field report - TheOldPresbyope - 04-12-2022


Be sure to report which release of moOde (and which specific URLs) are involved. There are updates in almost every release. Here's a portion of the /var/www/relnotes.txt file for release 8.0.2

Radio stations

- NEW: Soma FM - n5MD Radio
- NEW: Soma FM - Synphaera
- NEW: Soma FM - Vaporwaves
- UPD: Byte FM
- UPD: Absolut Hot
- UPD: Absolut music XL
- UPD: Absolut Relax
- UPD: SWR 2
- UPD: WBJC Baltimore 91.5 Classical
- DEL: SomaFM - BaGel Radio (discontinued)

Know that URLs may fail to play for a variety of reasons, for example
  • the station's server is temporarily offline or unreachable because of routing issues
  • the station has changed server URL or stream endpoint
  • the station has gone off the air permanently
Know too that the automated URL checker is only a starting point because it may report as questionable a URL which in fact does stream through moOde. For example, just now my moOde 8.0.2 player shows

pi@m8pi3a:~ $ moodeutl -U
Id    URL    Station
13    ?    ArtSound FM 92.7 |
220    ?    PRM - Prog Rock & Metal |
226    ?    Dandelion Radio |

yet all three of these stations play here. (This discrepancy can occur because of the nature and timing of the station's response to the checker.)

Scala Radio is already part of another discussion

As an aside, "SomaFM" (maybe the Bagel Radio channel?) is not forwarding to 1.FM. I think, rather, that you were playing 1.FM and selected SomaFM. When MPD couldn't get a stream for SomaFM it reverted to the previously playing stream.

Whew! We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


RE: radio station field report - Listener - 04-14-2022

Wow! Thanks for all that.
