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[IDEA] Bookmark Library Folders - Printable Version

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Bookmark Library Folders - Lttlwing16 - 09-16-2022

Is it possible (now) or to add a sorting method where certain folders in a library can be bookmarked/favorited and the library is sorted with the bookmarks or "favorites" at the top of the library sorting order?



RE: Bookmark Library Folders - Tim Curtis - 09-16-2022

It's a good idea but could be a lot of work to implement since MPD doesn't carry a "favorite" field in its database. I think the MPD "sticker.sql" side-database would have to be used

RE: Bookmark Library Folders - Lttlwing16 - 09-21-2022

Thanks Tim,

I ended up just setting up a separate SMB share with the folder in specific that I go to frequently. However, would be easier and more svelte to just be able to favorite some folders and have those at the top, *if it's not a nightmare of work* to implement. 

