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[SOLVED] 4.2 and 4.3 UI problem after switching from Ethernet to WiFi - Printable Version

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4.2 and 4.3 UI problem after switching from Ethernet to WiFi - blarg - 10-01-2018

I had this problem in 4.2 and now 4.3

When I first start up Moode I'm using Ethernet, but I switch over to WiFi as my first order of business.  It appears that the Web UI doesn't make this change successfully.  The UI continues to work fine on Ethernet but will not work on the WiFi network.

I've tried disconnecting the Ethernet interface leaving only wifi, but it works in a strange half-working mode where some of the config settings work and some do not (for example I can't reboot using the UI, but I can change some system/network settings).

If I switch back to Ethernet the UI is still working fine there.

I've tried several different ways to change over networks, but haven't found a working method yet.  In 4.1 when I built it I switched to WiFi and disconnected from Ethernet before starting the Moode build.

I posted this problem a few days ago and after your suggestion I was able to isolate it to this network problem, but I haven't been able to fix it yet.  The UI continues to work over Ethernet (the original interface that was active) but will not work on the WiFi interface.


I have narrowed the problem down to only occurring when I set the IP address to static and enter it manually.  When set to DHCP the UI works fine on any interface - I can even have both Ethernet and WiFi working at the same time, however when I set an interface to static, the UI starts exhibiting problems.

RE: 4.2 and 4.3 UI problem after switching from Ethernet to WiFi - Tim Curtis - 10-01-2018

Interesting. I haven't tested static address in a couple years but as long as its in the same address space (subnet) and no other device on the network has that address there should be no issue.

RE: 4.2 and 4.3 UI problem after switching from Ethernet to WiFi - blarg - 10-01-2018

I was able to work around the problem by setting a reservation in DHCP and setting wifi to DHCP. I then removed the reservation and set the static IP and everything is working.

that's REALLY weird, but it's working now.

still having to change vers=3.0 for mount options to mount a Windows 10 share...but looks good so far.