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Radio Station not playing - Printable Version

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Radio Station not playing - derekr - 10-02-2018

Hi Tim - great work on Moode 4.3, nice update (as usual). As I've done with all previous versions of Moode from V3.x, I add the BBC World Service as a radio station. Always worked fine (except for jumping through the logo hoop) but this time, 4.3, it creates but will not play. I thought maybe it was my RPI/DAC so put in an SD card with 4.2 and it played the World Service fine. I then cleaned the 4.3 SD card and re-wrote the image of 4.3. Created the radio station and still no joy. This is the URL I'm using Could you give it a try and let me know what I'm doing wrong?

System log shows nothing amiss. Only thing I wonder about is that the output stream is 24-bit, 22.05kHz. But its the same on the 4.2 card and plays.



PS - I tried deleting the station and it deleted from the Music tab but the blank Moode logo remained in the Radio tab even after an update. This was before cleaning and re-imaging.
PPS - would you consider adding the World Service as one of the default stations?

RE: Radio Station not playing - DRONE7 - 10-02-2018

Tried your link...Plays here (New Zealand) fine on 4.3
BBC radio4 in Moode seems to be the same content when I switch between the two...

RE: Radio Station not playing - Tim Curtis - 10-02-2018

Works on my end but an odd input decode rate of 24K. See below from MPD status and moOde screen shot.

audio: 24000:24:2

pi@rp3:~ $ telnet localhost 6600
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
OK MPD 0.20.0
volume: 25
repeat: 0
random: 0
single: 0
consume: 0
playlist: 116
playlistlength: 47
mixrampdb: 0.000000
state: play
song: 46
songid: 47
time: 53:0
elapsed: 52.584
bitrate: 56
audio: 24000:24:2


Look in the MPD log to see if there are any errors
cat /var/log/mpd/log


RE: Radio Station not playing - derekr - 10-02-2018

Thanks drone7 and Tim for the prompt responses.

Got to the bottom of it - I realized that the 4.2 card I used as a test (and which played the World Service) on my RPI3B/DAC had SoX resampling enabled. When I disabled the SoX resampling the 4.2 card would not play the World Service - as the 4.3 would not. So I suspect my DAC does not like that odd 22.05 sample rate.

If I SoX resample either 4.2 or 4.3 cards with any 'standard' sample rate then my DAC plays the World Service. When I placed either card (4.2 and 4.3 with SoX disabled) in another RPI3B using a different DAC they both played so its a DAC issue, not Moode.

Looks like that World Service link has recently changed its sample rate as I've never had this issue before.

By the way drone7, the Radio 4 relay of the World Service is not all-day - it starts at 1am BST, when the regular programming of Radio 4 signs off for the night. You being on the Far Side of The World probably are bright-eyed after 1am BST... Smile

The logo not deleting issue might bear adding to your To Do list, Tim.

Thanks again for the response.

RE: Radio Station not playing - Tim Curtis - 10-02-2018

Hi Derek,

I'm able to delete radio stations from either the Music tab or the Radio tab. I just click the refresh button on each panel after MPD update finishes and the deleted stations logo disappears.