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Hello from New Zealand - Printable Version

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Hello from New Zealand - PeterM - 05-28-2023

Hello all,

I am close to having all the parts to build the ProtoDAC.  I am eager to see how it performs with Moodeaudio and Pi.

My only problem is that I dont have a Pi!  The global shortage has made them hard to find with occasional second hand units getting snapped up instantly.

Hopefully they will be back in stock soon.

RE: Hello from New Zealand - TheOldPresbyope - 05-28-2023

Welcome aboard!

Pi’s are still unobtanium to most of us average DIYers here is the US. I can only imagine how difficult getting them in NZ might be.

North Island or South Island?


RE: Hello from New Zealand - PeterM - 05-29-2023

(05-28-2023, 10:41 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Welcome aboard!

Pi’s are still unobtanium to most of us average DIYers here is the US. I can only imagine how difficult getting them in NZ might be.

North Island or South Island?


Thanks for the welcome.

North Island, Auckland.  

The supplier I normally use is listing next stock for Pi's in November.  I am hoping they can do better than that.

RE: Hello from New Zealand - DRONE7 - 05-29-2023

Not often I get to welcome aboard a fellow Kiwi. !

Hiya Peter.

TradeMe might be your best source for a quick Pi (Always blow on it   :-)  ) Though there are plenty of silly prices there for second hand .

Both PBtech and RS-Online are out so not much chance any of the smaller retailers will have any.

That Pi2 might be one to watch if you dont need wifi.

RE: Hello from New Zealand - TheOldPresbyope - 05-29-2023

An old man's memory...

March 1995: My late wife and I were standing in a throng in the tourist center in Auckland City watching live TV coverage of the America's Cup Challenger race between Team New Zealand and One Australia when the Aussie boat split and sank. 

We spent a week puttering about North Island. Loved it but somehow never managed to get back.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
