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[PROBLEM] Spotify Connect for free acoount - Printable Version

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Spotify Connect for free acoount - Jedrek - 06-11-2023

Good morning.
I would like information on how to connect moodeaudio using a free Spotify account.
There probably isn't an official solution, but maybe there is a workaround, eg using a different library or an unsupported method. After all, there are devices and systems where the Connect connection works on a free account.
I am mainly interested in a direct connection without using an additional laptop or mobile phone.
Thank you

RE: Spotify Connect for free acoount - Tim Curtis - 06-11-2023

Not possible since the librespot component which moOde uses to provide Spotify Connect only works with a Spotify Premium account.

RE: Spotify Connect for free acoount - Jedrek - 06-11-2023

Is there any unsupported solution for this?

RE: Spotify Connect for free acoount - Tim Curtis - 06-11-2023

I don't know of any.

RE: Spotify Connect for free acoount - the_bertrum - 06-12-2023

The only workaround is called "Bluetooth" Smile