nginx Bad Gateway after idle - demian.smith - 08-10-2023
-- edit --
as it turns pout, this was due to my usb drive, either not enough power or the drive starting to die
-- -- -- --
It is I again, harbinger of weird issues ?.
I recently upgraded moode and ever since I have a peculiar issue I cannot wrap my head around. I play music all day, then eventually "stop" (which is pause, really?) the music. Next morning, I will be getting bad gateway, but can ssh into to rpi. After a reboot, all is well again, until the next day. all services are running as far as i can tell, service stop / start doesn’t "do the trick". Any ideas would be appreciated...
Code: ╭─ ~ ✘ 0|1 rpi@rpi 10:44:16 AM
╰─❯ moodeutl -l
20230809 100634 worker: --
20230809 100634 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230809 100634 worker: --
20230809 100634 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230809 100634 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230809 100647 worker: Linux startup complete
20230809 100647 worker: Boot config backed up
20230809 100649 worker: File check (OK)
20230809 100650 worker: Session vacuumed
20230809 100650 worker: Session loaded
20230809 100650 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230809 100650 worker: --
20230809 100650 worker: -- Audio debug
20230809 100650 worker: --
20230809 100650 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:empty | 3:empty
20230809 100650 worker: MPD config: (1:Pi Headphone jack | mixer:(PCM) | card:1)
20230809 100650 worker: ALSA mixer actual (PCM)
20230809 100650 worker: ALSA PCM volume set to (0%)
20230809 100650 worker: --
20230809 100650 worker: -- System
20230809 100650 worker: --
20230809 100651 worker: Host (rpi)
20230809 100651 worker: Hardware (Pi-4B 1.2 2GB)
20230809 100652 worker: moOde (8.3.3 2023-06-08)
20230809 100652 worker: RaspiOS (11.2)
20230809 100652 worker: Kernel (6.1.21-v8+ #1642)
20230809 100652 worker: Procarch (aarch64, 64-bit)
20230809 100652 worker: MPD ver (0.23.12)
20230809 100652 worker: CPU gov (ondemand)
20230809 100652 worker: Userid (pi)
20230809 100652 worker: Homedir (/home/pi)
20230809 100652 worker: Timezone (Europe/Berlin)
20230809 100652 worker: Keyboard (de)
20230809 100652 worker: USB boot (enabled)
20230809 100652 worker: File sys (expanded)
20230809 100652 worker: HDMI port (Off)
20230809 100652 worker: Sys LED0 (Off)
20230809 100652 worker: Sys LED1 (On)
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100652 worker: -- Network
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100652 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230809 100652 worker: eth0 address check (Off)
20230809 100652 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 adapter exists
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 country (DE)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 configured SSID (xxx)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 SSID alternates (None)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 router mode (Off)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 address check (up to 90 secs)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 connected to SSID (xxxx)
20230809 100652 worker: wlan0 power save (Disabled)
20230809 100652 worker: IP addr (
20230809 100652 worker: Netmask (
20230809 100652 worker: Gateway (
20230809 100652 worker: Pri DNS (
20230809 100652 worker: Domain (lan)
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100652 worker: -- Software update
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100652 worker: Automatic check (Off)
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100652 worker: -- Audio config
20230809 100652 worker: --
20230809 100653 worker: MPD conf updated
20230809 100653 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20230809 100653 worker: MPD audio output (Pi Headphone jack)
20230809 100653 worker: Audio formats (U8, S16_LE)
20230809 100653 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20230809 100653 worker: MPD mixer type (hardware)
20230809 100653 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20230809 100653 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20230809 100653 worker: ALSA output mode (Default: plughw)
20230809 100653 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230809 100653 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20230809 100653 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230809 100653 worker: CamillaDSP volume sync (Off)
20230809 100653 worker: CamillaDSP volume range (60 dB)
20230809 100653 worker: --
20230809 100653 worker: -- File sharing
20230809 100653 worker: --
20230809 100653 worker: SMB file sharing (Off)
20230809 100653 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230809 100653 worker: --
20230809 100653 worker: -- MPD startup
20230809 100653 worker: --
20230809 100654 worker: MPD started
20230809 100654 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230809 100654 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230809 100654 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230809 100654 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230809 100654 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230809 100654 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230809 100654 worker: --
20230809 100654 worker: -- Music sources
20230809 100654 worker: --
20230809 100654 worker: USB sources
20230809 100654 worker: EFI
20230809 100654 worker: scaldic_art
20230809 100654 worker: NAS sources
20230809 100654 worker: None configured
20230809 100654 worker: --
20230809 100654 worker: -- Feature availability
20230809 100654 worker: --
20230809 100654 worker: Input select (available)
20230809 100654 worker: Input (MPD)
20230809 100654 worker: Output (Pi Headphone jack)
20230809 100654 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230809 100655 worker: AirPlay renderer (available)
20230809 100655 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20230809 100655 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230809 100655 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20230809 100655 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230809 100655 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230809 100655 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230809 100655 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230809 100655 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230809 100655 worker: Stream recorder (available: not installed)
20230809 100655 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230809 100655 worker: --
20230809 100655 worker: -- Other
20230809 100655 worker: --
20230809 100655 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230809 100655 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230809 100655 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230809 100655 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230809 100655 worker: MPD volume level (35) restored
20230809 100655 worker: ALSA PCM volume (74%)
20230809 100655 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230809 100655 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230809 100655 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230809 100655 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230809 100655 worker: Library scope (all)
20230809 100655 worker: View reset to playback
20230809 100655 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230809 100655 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230809 100655 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230809 100655 worker: --
20230809 100655 worker: -- Startup complete
20230809 100655 worker: --
20230809 100655 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230809 100655 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230809 100655 worker: Ready
╭─ ~ rpi@rpi 10:44:37 AM
╰─❯ systemctl status mpd
● mpd.service - Music Player Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: >
Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-09 10:06:54 CEST; 24h ago
Docs: man:mpd(1)
Main PID: 1341 (mpd)
Tasks: 7 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 7min 26.821s
CGroup: /system.slice/mpd.service
└─1341 /usr/bin/mpd --systemd /etc/mpd.conf
Aug 09 10:06:53 rpi systemd[1]: Starting Music Player Daemon...
Aug 09 10:06:53 rpi mpd[1341]: Ignoring the 'pid_file' setting in systemd mode
Aug 09 10:06:54 rpi systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
╭─ ~ ✘ INT 32s rpi@rpi 10:45:19 AM
╰─❯ systemctl status nginx
● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset:>
Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-09 10:06:34 CEST; 24h ago
Docs: man:nginx(8)
Main PID: 543 (nginx)
Tasks: 5 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 46.243s
CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service
├─543 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_p>
├─544 nginx: worker process
├─545 nginx: worker process
├─546 nginx: worker process
└─547 nginx: worker process
Aug 09 10:06:33 rpi systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a re>
Aug 09 10:06:34 rpi systemd[1]: Started A high performance web server and a rev>
╭─ ~ ✘ INT 23s rpi@rpi 10:45:42 AM
╰─❯ systemctl status php7.4-fpm
● php7.4-fpm.service - The PHP 7.4 FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/php7.4-fpm.service; enabled; vendor pr>
Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-09 10:06:34 CEST; 24h ago
Docs: man:php-fpm7.4(8)
Main PID: 497 (php-fpm7.4)
Status: "Processes active: 64, idle: 0, Requests: 1852, slow: 0, Traffic: >
Tasks: 65 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 4min 4.210s
CGroup: /system.slice/php7.4-fpm.service
├─ 423 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 437 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 497 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php/7.4/fpm/php-fpm.conf)
├─ 568 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 993 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1153 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1218 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1467 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1596 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1715 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1854 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 1990 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 2122 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 2254 php-fpm: pool www
├─ 2470 php-fpm: pool www
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - Tim Curtis - 08-10-2023
The startup log shows userid = pi
Code: 20230809 100652 worker: Userid (pi)
20230809 100652 worker: Homedir (/home/pi)
But your SSH login seems to show userid = rpi
Code: ╭─ ~ ✘ 0|1 rpi@rpi 10:44:16 AM
I'd try a fresh image and see if the problem reoccurs.
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - demian.smith - 08-10-2023
(08-10-2023, 12:55 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: The startup log shows userid = pi
Code: 20230809 100652 worker: Userid (pi)
20230809 100652 worker: Homedir (/home/pi)
But your SSH login seems to show userid = rpi
Code: ╭─ ~ ✘ 0|1 rpi@rpi 10:44:16 AM
I'd try a fresh image and see if the problem reoccurs.
That's very weird indeed, as there is no "pi" user on this system:
Code: ╭─ /home rpi@rpi 10:34:46 PM
╰─❯ getent passwd | grep pi
guess I'll download the image and reflash, which is a pity cause it was running very well for a year now
[Problem] nginx Bad Gateway after idle - demian.smith - 08-16-2023
I reflashed the SD card with a new image, did not restore the backup - same issue. It lasted for a couple of days without issue and started again today. The uid issue has disappeared though.
Code: rpi@rpi:~ $ moodeutl -l
20230812 130228 worker: --
20230812 130228 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230812 130228 worker: --
20230812 130228 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230812 130228 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230812 130241 worker: Linux startup complete
20230812 130241 worker: Boot config backed up
20230812 130243 worker: File check (OK)
20230812 130244 worker: Session vacuumed
20230812 130244 worker: Session loaded
20230812 130244 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230812 130244 worker: --
20230812 130244 worker: -- Audio debug
20230812 130244 worker: --
20230812 130244 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:empty | 3:empty
20230812 130244 worker: MPD config: (1:Pi Headphone jack | mixer:(PCM) | card:1)
20230812 130244 worker: ALSA mixer actual (PCM)
20230812 130244 worker: ALSA PCM volume set to (0%)
20230812 130244 worker: --
20230812 130244 worker: -- System
20230812 130244 worker: --
20230812 130246 worker: Host (rpi)
20230812 130246 worker: Hardware (Pi-4B 1.2 2GB)
20230812 130246 worker: moOde (8.3.3 2023-06-08)
20230812 130246 worker: RaspiOS (11.7)
20230812 130246 worker: Kernel (6.1.21-v8+ #1642)
20230812 130246 worker: Procarch (aarch64, 64-bit)
20230812 130246 worker: MPD ver (0.23.12)
20230812 130246 worker: CPU gov (ondemand)
20230812 130246 worker: Userid (rpi)
20230812 130246 worker: Homedir (/home/rpi)
20230812 130246 worker: Timezone (Europe/Berlin)
20230812 130246 worker: Keyboard (de)
20230812 130246 worker: USB boot (enabled)
20230812 130246 worker: File sys (expanded)
20230812 130246 worker: HDMI port (Off)
20230812 130246 worker: Sys LED0 (Off)
20230812 130246 worker: Sys LED1 (On)
20230812 130246 worker: --
20230812 130246 worker: -- Network
20230812 130246 worker: --
20230812 130246 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230812 130246 worker: eth0 address check (Off)
20230812 130246 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 adapter exists
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 country (DE)
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 configured SSID (xxx)
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 SSID alternates (None)
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 router mode (Off)
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 address check (up to 90 secs)
20230812 130246 worker: wlan0 connected to SSID (xxx)
20230812 130247 worker: wlan0 power save (Disabled)
20230812 130247 worker: IP addr (
20230812 130247 worker: Netmask (
20230812 130247 worker: Gateway (
20230812 130247 worker: Pri DNS (
20230812 130247 worker: Domain (lan)
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: -- Software update
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: Automatic check (Off)
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: -- Audio config
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: MPD conf updated
20230812 130247 worker: ALSA card number (1)
20230812 130247 worker: MPD audio output (Pi Headphone jack)
20230812 130247 worker: Audio formats (U8, S16_LE)
20230812 130247 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20230812 130247 worker: MPD mixer type (hardware)
20230812 130247 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20230812 130247 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20230812 130247 worker: ALSA output mode (Default: plughw)
20230812 130247 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230812 130247 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20230812 130247 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230812 130247 worker: CamillaDSP volume sync (Off)
20230812 130247 worker: CamillaDSP volume range (60 dB)
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: -- File sharing
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: SMB file sharing (Off)
20230812 130247 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130247 worker: -- MPD startup
20230812 130247 worker: --
20230812 130248 worker: MPD started
20230812 130248 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230812 130248 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230812 130248 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230812 130248 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230812 130248 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230812 130248 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230812 130248 worker: --
20230812 130248 worker: -- Music sources
20230812 130248 worker: --
20230812 130248 worker: USB sources
20230812 130248 worker: EFI
20230812 130248 worker: scaldic_art
20230812 130248 worker: NAS sources
20230812 130248 worker: None configured
20230812 130248 worker: --
20230812 130248 worker: -- Feature availability
20230812 130248 worker: --
20230812 130248 worker: Input select (available)
20230812 130248 worker: Input (MPD)
20230812 130248 worker: Output (Pi Headphone jack)
20230812 130249 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230812 130249 worker: AirPlay renderer (available)
20230812 130249 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20230812 130249 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230812 130249 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20230812 130249 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230812 130249 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230812 130249 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230812 130249 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230812 130249 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230812 130249 worker: Stream recorder (available: not installed)
20230812 130249 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230812 130249 worker: --
20230812 130249 worker: -- Other
20230812 130249 worker: --
20230812 130249 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230812 130249 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230812 130249 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230812 130249 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230812 130249 worker: MPD volume level (35) restored
20230812 130249 worker: ALSA PCM volume (74%)
20230812 130249 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230812 130249 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230812 130249 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230812 130249 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230812 130249 worker: Library scope (all)
20230812 130249 worker: View reset to playback
20230812 130249 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230812 130249 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230812 130249 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230812 130249 worker: --
20230812 130249 worker: -- Startup complete
20230812 130249 worker: --
20230812 130249 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230812 130249 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230812 130249 worker: Ready
20230812 130313 worker: Job mpdcfg
20230812 130315 worker: Job mpdcfg: devchg|mixchg (|0), alsavol (74%), playstate (paused)
Code: rpi@rpi:~ $ systemctl status nginx
● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-08-12 13:02:28 CEST; 3 days ago
Docs: man:nginx(8)
Main PID: 544 (nginx)
Tasks: 5 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 45.184s
CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service
├─544 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;
├─545 nginx: worker process
├─546 nginx: worker process
├─547 nginx: worker process
└─548 nginx: worker process
Code: rpi@rpi:~ $ systemctl status mpd
● mpd.service - Music Player Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-08-12 13:03:15 CEST; 3 days ago
Docs: man:mpd(1)
Main PID: 1580 (mpd)
Tasks: 7 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 29min 40.379s
CGroup: /system.slice/mpd.service
└─1580 /usr/bin/mpd --systemd /etc/mpd.conf
Code: rpi@rpi:~ $ systemctl status php7.4-fpm
● php7.4-fpm.service - The PHP 7.4 FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/php7.4-fpm.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-08-12 13:02:28 CEST; 3 days ago
Docs: man:php-fpm7.4(8)
Main PID: 486 (php-fpm7.4)
Status: "Processes active: 64, idle: 0, Requests: 3612, slow: 0, Traffic: 0req/sec"
Tasks: 65 (limit: 2137)
CPU: 5min 21.656s
CGroup: /system.slice/php7.4-fpm.service
├─ 486 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php/7.4/fpm/php-fpm.conf)
├─ 1658 php-fpm: pool www
├─570145 php-fpm: pool www
├─583507 php-fpm: pool www
├─583524 php-fpm: pool www
├─585317 php-fpm: pool www
├─585330 php-fpm: pool www
├─585593 php-fpm: pool www
├─585707 php-fpm: pool www
├─585819 php-fpm: pool www
├─585922 php-fpm: pool www
├─586083 php-fpm: pool www
├─586088 php-fpm: pool www
├─586191 php-fpm: pool www
├─586321 php-fpm: pool www
├─586419 php-fpm: pool www
├─586701 php-fpm: pool www
├─586706 php-fpm: pool www
├─586945 php-fpm: pool www
├─586958 php-fpm: pool www
├─587050 php-fpm: pool www
├─587425 php-fpm: pool www
├─587430 php-fpm: pool www
├─587543 php-fpm: pool www
├─587544 php-fpm: pool www
├─587641 php-fpm: pool www
├─587941 php-fpm: pool www
├─587943 php-fpm: pool www
├─588037 php-fpm: pool www
├─588042 php-fpm: pool www
├─588139 php-fpm: pool www
├─588140 php-fpm: pool www
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - Tim Curtis - 08-16-2023
I'm not able to repro on my end, in fact I've sometimes had systems up continuously for weeks at a time with no issues whatsoever.
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - the_bertrum - 08-16-2023
(08-16-2023, 07:33 AM)demian.smith Wrote: The uid issue has disappeared though.
Which UI issue do you refer to, I thought the issue was "bad gateway" when loading the UI. If that's working now, what residual problem remains?
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - TheOldPresbyope - 08-16-2023
Have you consulted the nginx error log? /var/log/nginx/error.log
Like Tim, I've run moOde players 24/7 for weeks without seeing this issue.
Conventional InterWeb wisdom is that most such errors with nginx occur because of various misconfigurations but that wouldn't seem relevant here.
One possibility which comes to mind is that some system resource is getting consumed over time which causes some php process to stop responding to nginx but, again, I haven't been able to repro the issue so I don't have any useful data to act on.
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - DRONE7 - 08-16-2023
What is this in the O/P start-up log ?
20230812 130248 worker: scaldic_art
Does not show in my install on same hardware and google says it is a led-array display.
What devices for display are connected ?
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - demian.smith - 08-23-2023
(08-16-2023, 10:42 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I'm not able to repro on my end, in fact I've sometimes had systems up continuously for weeks at a time with no issues whatsoever.
Same here, it was running for months on end without any issue before the latest update / version.
Quote:20230812 130248 worker: scaldic_art
that's my external hard drive / library
uid issue, not ui. there was a wrong uid running the processes, which was resolved after reflashing.
Thanks for the pointer to the nginx log, i get a lot of this:
Code: 2023/08/23 09:51:34 [error] 546#546: *84994 connect() to unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /engine-mpd.php?state=reconnect&_=1692777094581 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""
Not sure what could be using up resources, this pi is doing nothing but moode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'll google around for that error a bit, but maybe someone has experienced something similar already.
RE: nginx Bad Gateway after idle - the_bertrum - 08-23-2023
(08-23-2023, 09:01 AM)demian.smith Wrote: @the_bertrum
uid issue, not ui. there was a wrong uid running the processes, which was resolved after reflashing.
<embarrassed face>