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[SOLVED] Album view empty after update. - Printable Version

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Album view empty after update. - jonners - 08-23-2023

Since updating to 8.3.5 my library Tag and Album views are empty apart from the Stereo Test. The Folder view does show all the content of my USB drive however. I tried regenerating the library, but no change.

RE: Album view empty after update. - Tim Curtis - 08-24-2023

Any errors or oddness in the startup log?

moodeutl -l

RE: Album view empty after update. - Nutul - 08-24-2023

(08-23-2023, 10:09 PM)jonners Wrote: Since updating to 8.3.5 my library Tag and Album views are empty apart from the Stereo Test. The Folder view does show all the content of my USB drive however. I tried regenerating the library, but no change.

Reminds me of a permission issue I experienced when I installed moOde for the very first time; weird, though, that the Folder View shows the contents (cannot remember this in my situation)... but maybe enumerating the files has nothing to do with reading them...?

You can try

ls /var/lib/mpd/music/ -l

and from here, also check to some extent inside the path of your external drive. Everything should be

?rwxrwxrwx or ?rwxr-xr-x

? being either -, l or d

RE: Album view empty after update. - jonners - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 01:13 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Any errors or oddness in the startup log?

moodeutl -l
Last login: Mon Aug 14 19:57:15 on ttys000
john@Johns-MBP ~ % ssh pi@moodek.local
pi@moodek.local's password:
Linux: 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 | aarch64 (64-bit) | RaspiOS: 11.6
Model: Pi-4B 1.5 2GB
Audio: E30

                     ____     __      ___
         __ _  ___  / __ \___/ /__   ( _ )
        /  ' \/ _ \/ /_/ / _  / -_) / _  |
       /_/_/_/\___/\____/\_,_/\__/  \___/

                moOde audio player
             Release 8.3.5 2023-08-19
               (C) 2014 Tim Curtis

The programs included with moOde are free software; the
exact distribution terms for each program are described
in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright or
in the moOde source files. moOde comes with absolutely
no warranties either expressed or implied, or any other
such guarantees.

To set a new password for your userid type 'passwd'.

pi@moodek:~ $ moodeutl -l
20230823 235114 worker: --
20230823 235114 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230823 235114 worker: --
20230823 235114 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230823 235114 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230823 235132 worker: Linux startup complete
20230823 235133 worker: Boot config backed up
20230823 235135 worker: File check (OK)
20230823 235136 worker: Session vacuumed
20230823 235136 worker: Session loaded
20230823 235136 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230823 235136 worker: Reduced system logging (OFF)
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: -- Audio debug
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:E30 | 3:empty
20230823 235136 worker: MPD config: (2:E30 | mixer:(E30) | card:2)
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA mixer actual (E30)
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA E30 volume set to (0%)
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: -- System
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: Host      (moode)
20230823 235138 worker: Hardware  (Pi-4B 1.5 2GB)
20230823 235138 worker: moOde     (8.3.5 2023-08-19)
20230823 235138 worker: RaspiOS   (11.6)
20230823 235138 worker: Kernel    (6.1.21-v8+ #1642)
20230823 235138 worker: Procarch  (aarch64, 64-bit)
20230823 235138 worker: MPD ver   (0.23.12)
20230823 235138 worker: CPU gov   (ondemand)
20230823 235138 worker: Userid    (pi)
20230823 235138 worker: Homedir   (/home/pi)
20230823 235138 worker: Timezone  (Europe/London)
20230823 235138 worker: Keyboard  (us)
20230823 235138 worker: USB boot  (enabled)
20230823 235138 worker: File sys  (expanded)
20230823 235138 worker: HDMI port (Off)
20230823 235138 worker: Sys LED0  (On)
20230823 235138 worker: Sys LED1  (On)
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: -- Network
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (On)
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (up to 120 secs)
20230823 235138 worker: IP addr (
20230823 235138 worker: Netmask (
20230823 235138 worker: Gateway (
20230823 235138 worker: Pri DNS (
20230823 235138 worker: Domain  (lan)
20230823 235138 worker: wlan0 adapter does not exist
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: -- Software update
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: Automatic check (On)
20230823 235138 worker: Checking for available update...
20230823 235143 worker: Check for update failed
20230823 235143 worker: --
20230823 235143 worker: -- File sharing
20230823 235143 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: SMB file sharing (On)
20230823 235154 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: -- Audio config
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: MPD conf update skipped (USB device)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA card number (2)
20230823 235154 worker: MPD audio output (E30)
20230823 235154 worker: Audio formats (S32_LE, SPECIAL, DSD_U32_BE)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA mixer name (E30)
20230823 235154 worker: MPD mixer type (hardware)
20230823 235154 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20230823 235154 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA output mode (Default)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230823 235154 worker: Renderer active flags (reset)
20230823 235154 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: -- MPD startup
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: MPD started
20230823 235155 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD camilladsp volume sync (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD camilladsp volume range (60 dB)
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Music sources
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: USB sources
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK_
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK__
20230823 235155 worker: NAS sources
20230823 235155 worker: None configured
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Feature availability
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: Input select (available)
20230823 235155 worker: Input (MPD)
20230823 235155 worker: Output (E30)
20230823 235155 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230823 235156 worker: AirPlay renderer (available: started)
20230823 235156 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230823 235156 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20230823 235156 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230823 235156 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230823 235156 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230823 235156 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20230823 235156 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230823 235156 worker: --
20230823 235156 worker: -- Other
20230823 235156 worker: --
20230823 235156 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230823 235156 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230823 235156 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230823 235156 worker: MPD volume level (46) restored
20230823 235156 worker: ALSA E30 volume (84%)
20230823 235156 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: Library scope (all)
20230823 235156 worker: Library active search (None)
20230823 235156 worker: View reset to (Playback)
20230823 235157 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230823 235157 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230823 235157 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230823 235157 worker: --
20230823 235157 worker: -- Startup complete
20230823 235157 worker: --
20230823 235157 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230823 235158 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230823 235158 worker: Responsiveness (Default)
20230823 235158 worker: Ready
pi@moodek:~ $

    The only oddness I can see is that in the folder view I have just DISCK__. I just have that one USB source attached. DISCK and DISCK_ do not exist.

RE: Album view empty after update. - jonners - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 06:35 AM)Nutul Wrote:
(08-23-2023, 10:09 PM)jonners Wrote: Since updating to 8.3.5 my library Tag and Album views are empty apart from the Stereo Test. The Folder view does show all the content of my USB drive however. I tried regenerating the library, but no change.

Reminds me of a permission issue I experienced when I installed moOde for the very first time; weird, though, that the Folder View shows the contents (cannot remember this in my situation)... but maybe enumerating the files has nothing to do with reading them...?

You can try

ls /var/lib/mpd/music/ -l

and from here, also check to some extent inside the path of your external drive. Everything should be

?rwxrwxrwx or ?rwxr-xr-x

? being either -, l or d

Looks OK Al, thanks.

RE: Album view empty after update. - Nutul - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 08:49 AM)jonners Wrote:
(08-24-2023, 01:13 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Any errors or oddness in the startup log?

moodeutl -l

20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Music sources
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: USB sources
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK_
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK__

can you list the content of the USB at the level of DISCK (there should be at least 2 of the above look-alike folders?

and also tell in which folder your music files are (NOTE: not where you think they are, BUT WHERE THEY ACTUALLY are now)

Probably you'll have to remove some empty folders and rename one; but it could be also necessary to change some permissions, for this I am asking you the listing

RE: Album view empty after update. - Sunfish - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 09:22 AM)Nutul Wrote:
(08-24-2023, 08:49 AM)jonners Wrote:
(08-24-2023, 01:13 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Any errors or oddness in the startup log?

moodeutl -l

20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Music sources
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: USB sources
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK_
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK__

can you list the content of the USB at the level of DISCK (there should be at least 2 of the above look-alike folders?

and also tell in which folder your music files are (NOTE: not where you think they are, BUT WHERE THEY ACTUALLY are now)

Probably you'll have to remove some empty folders and rename one; but it could be also necessary to change some permissions, for this I am asking you the listing

FWIW: I had this issue too. It occurred when trying to access the usb atached drive on the rpi on a windows 10 computer in File Explorer. In File Explorer I tried to connect in "Network Connection". For reasons unclear an errormessage showed on the computer that the directory without underscore was not found anymore while still present in "/media". Instead a directory with the same name with an added underscore had been created. During another attemp a directory with yet another underscore added was created.
At the same time MoOde did not show any entries in the library as it was looking in the directory with the added underscore. Note that the original directory was also present in "/media".

I can not recreate this event anymore. I happened while running MoOde 8.3.3

RE: Album view empty after update. - Nutul - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 09:42 AM)Sunfish Wrote: FWIW: I had this issue too. It occurred when trying to access the usb atached drive on the rpi on a windows 10 computer in File Explorer. In File Explorer I tried to connect in "Network Connection". For reasons unclear an errormessage showed on the computer that the directory without underscore was not found anymore while still present in "/media". Instead a directory with the same name with an added underscore had been created. During another attemp a directory with yet another underscore added was created.
At the same time MoOde did not show any entries in the library as it was looking in the directory with the added underscore. Note that the original directory was also present in "/media".

I can not recreate this event anymore. I happened while running MoOde 8.3.3

I am sure there are some folders to delete, but cannot remember if they got created on the USB root, or in the /media folder on the Pi, or anywhere else.
The problem is that in this moment a folder named DISCK already exists at mount-point level, so the OS cannot make its own, and resorts to create a new one with an appended underscore...
Now, the reason the folder is there I cannot remember... but surely the (error?) occurred at least twice, as the second time the OS wanted to mount DISCK_, found it already existing, and created DISCK__...

RE: Album view empty after update. - Tim Curtis - 08-24-2023

(08-24-2023, 08:49 AM)jonners Wrote:
(08-24-2023, 01:13 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Any errors or oddness in the startup log?

moodeutl -l
Last login: Mon Aug 14 19:57:15 on ttys000
john@Johns-MBP ~ % ssh pi@moodek.local
pi@moodek.local's password:
Linux: 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 | aarch64 (64-bit) | RaspiOS: 11.6
Model: Pi-4B 1.5 2GB
Audio: E30

                     ____     __      ___
         __ _  ___  / __ \___/ /__   ( _ )
        /  ' \/ _ \/ /_/ / _  / -_) / _  |
       /_/_/_/\___/\____/\_,_/\__/  \___/

                moOde audio player
             Release 8.3.5 2023-08-19
               (C) 2014 Tim Curtis

The programs included with moOde are free software; the
exact distribution terms for each program are described
in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright or
in the moOde source files. moOde comes with absolutely
no warranties either expressed or implied, or any other
such guarantees.

To set a new password for your userid type 'passwd'.

pi@moodek:~ $ moodeutl -l
20230823 235114 worker: --
20230823 235114 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20230823 235114 worker: --
20230823 235114 worker: Successfully daemonized
20230823 235114 worker: Waiting for Linux startup...
20230823 235132 worker: Linux startup complete
20230823 235133 worker: Boot config backed up
20230823 235135 worker: File check (OK)
20230823 235136 worker: Session vacuumed
20230823 235136 worker: Session loaded
20230823 235136 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20230823 235136 worker: Reduced system logging (OFF)
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: -- Audio debug
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA cards: (0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:E30 | 3:empty
20230823 235136 worker: MPD config: (2:E30 | mixer:(E30) | card:2)
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA mixer actual (E30)
20230823 235136 worker: ALSA E30 volume set to (0%)
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235136 worker: -- System
20230823 235136 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: Host      (moode)
20230823 235138 worker: Hardware  (Pi-4B 1.5 2GB)
20230823 235138 worker: moOde     (8.3.5 2023-08-19)
20230823 235138 worker: RaspiOS   (11.6)
20230823 235138 worker: Kernel    (6.1.21-v8+ #1642)
20230823 235138 worker: Procarch  (aarch64, 64-bit)
20230823 235138 worker: MPD ver   (0.23.12)
20230823 235138 worker: CPU gov   (ondemand)
20230823 235138 worker: Userid    (pi)
20230823 235138 worker: Homedir   (/home/pi)
20230823 235138 worker: Timezone  (Europe/London)
20230823 235138 worker: Keyboard  (us)
20230823 235138 worker: USB boot  (enabled)
20230823 235138 worker: File sys  (expanded)
20230823 235138 worker: HDMI port (Off)
20230823 235138 worker: Sys LED0  (On)
20230823 235138 worker: Sys LED1  (On)
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: -- Network
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 adapter exists
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (On)
20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (up to 120 secs)
20230823 235138 worker: IP addr (
20230823 235138 worker: Netmask (
20230823 235138 worker: Gateway (
20230823 235138 worker: Pri DNS (
20230823 235138 worker: Domain  (lan)
20230823 235138 worker: wlan0 adapter does not exist
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: -- Software update
20230823 235138 worker: --
20230823 235138 worker: Automatic check (On)
20230823 235138 worker: Checking for available update...
20230823 235143 worker: Check for update failed
20230823 235143 worker: --
20230823 235143 worker: -- File sharing
20230823 235143 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: SMB file sharing (On)
20230823 235154 worker: NFS file sharing (Off)
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: -- Audio config
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: MPD conf update skipped (USB device)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA card number (2)
20230823 235154 worker: MPD audio output (E30)
20230823 235154 worker: Audio formats (S32_LE, SPECIAL, DSD_U32_BE)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA mixer name (E30)
20230823 235154 worker: MPD mixer type (hardware)
20230823 235154 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20230823 235154 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA output mode (Default)
20230823 235154 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20230823 235154 worker: Renderer active flags (reset)
20230823 235154 worker: CamillaDSP configuration (off)
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235154 worker: -- MPD startup
20230823 235154 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: MPD started
20230823 235155 worker: MPD accepting connections
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (On)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD camilladsp volume sync (Off)
20230823 235155 worker: MPD camilladsp volume range (60 dB)
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Music sources
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: USB sources
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK_
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK__
20230823 235155 worker: NAS sources
20230823 235155 worker: None configured
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: -- Feature availability
20230823 235155 worker: --
20230823 235155 worker: Input select (available)
20230823 235155 worker: Input (MPD)
20230823 235155 worker: Output (E30)
20230823 235155 worker: Bluetooth (available)
20230823 235156 worker: AirPlay renderer (available: started)
20230823 235156 worker: Spotify renderer (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20230823 235156 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20230823 235156 worker: Multiroom sender (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Multiroom receiver (available)
20230823 235156 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20230823 235156 worker: DLNA server (available)
20230823 235156 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20230823 235156 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20230823 235156 worker: HTTPS-Only mode (n/a)
20230823 235156 worker: --
20230823 235156 worker: -- Other
20230823 235156 worker: --
20230823 235156 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20230823 235156 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20230823 235156 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20230823 235156 worker: MPD volume level (46) restored
20230823 235156 worker: ALSA E30 volume (84%)
20230823 235156 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: LocalUI (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: Automatic CoverView (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: On-screen keyboard (Off)
20230823 235156 worker: Library scope (all)
20230823 235156 worker: Library active search (None)
20230823 235156 worker: View reset to (Playback)
20230823 235157 worker: Maintenance interval (360 minutes)
20230823 235157 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20230823 235157 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20230823 235157 worker: --
20230823 235157 worker: -- Startup complete
20230823 235157 worker: --
20230823 235157 worker: Mount monitor (off)
20230823 235158 worker: Watchdog monitor (started)
20230823 235158 worker: Responsiveness (Default)
20230823 235158 worker: Ready
pi@moodek:~ $

    The only oddness I can see is that in the folder view I have just DISCK__. I just have that one USB source attached. DISCK and DISCK_  do not exist.

Issue #1: The 169.254. IP address is a private address. This type of address is only assigned by Linux when there is no static address defined and the Router's DHCP service failed to deliver a legit address. This is typically because of some sort of network or Router issue.

20230823 235138 worker: eth0 adapter exists
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (On)[/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: eth0 address check (up to 120 secs)[/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: IP addr ([/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: Netmask ([/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: Gateway ([/font][/size]
[size=small][font=Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace]20230823 235138 worker: Pri DNS ([/font][/size]
20230823 235138 worker: Domain  (lan)

Issue #2: Ghost USB mount folders. It's a relatively rare thing but I think it can occur when the drive is removed or the Pi shutdown/rebooted but Linux is not able to successfully unmount the drive and remove the mount folder. The next mount attempt for the drive sees the disk label folder already there and so it adds an underscore to create a new mount folder name. Similar to what @Nutul said.

20230823 235155 worker: DISCK
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK_
20230823 235155 worker: DISCK__

The cleanup for this is as follows:
1. Remove all USB storage drives
2 Open an SSH terminal
3 Run the command below after making sure there are no USB drives plugged in

# Force un-mount to be sure and ignore any errors returned by the commands
sudo umount -f /media/DISCK
sudo umount -f /media/DISCK_
sudo umount -f /media/DISCK__

# Remove the folders
sudo rmdir /media/DISCK
sudo rmdir /media/DISCK_
sudo rmdir /media/DISCK__

# There should be no folders listed under /media now
ls -l /media

Insert the USB drive and verify that /media contains the correct folder name i.e., it matches the drive label.

RE: Album view empty after update. - jonners - 08-24-2023

That cleanup sorted the problem. Thanks Tim and Al for your help.