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[SOLVED] Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - Printable Version

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Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - dersucher - 09-13-2023

Hello together,

I use the great audioplayer since many years. At this place: Many thanks to all contributors for the great work!

a few days ago, I tried to update my installation with this error message "Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space". The last Update I got the same error und reinstaled all new. But this time I took a deeper look.

There is still enough free space.

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            886M     0  886M   0% /dev
tmpfs           185M  2.4M  183M   2% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p2   29G  3.9G   24G  15% /
tmpfs           925M     0  925M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p1  253M   41M  212M  17% /boot
/dev/md0        3.7T  1.1T  2.6T  30% /media/raspberry
tmpfs           185M     0  185M   0% /run/user/1000

So I read a litte bit in the php code. In file /var/www/sys-config.php at line 73

$space = sysCmd("df | grep /dev/root | awk '{print $4}'");

but it seems that there is no /dev/root so the free space retrival is 0.

I commented some lines out below and the update worked very fine.

It would be great, if you take a look and do a modificaton in the code.

Many thanks in advance,

ln -s /dev/mmcblk0p2 /dev/root

could be the solution for my installation?

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - Nutul - 09-13-2023

$space = sysCmd("df | grep /dev/root | awk '{print $4}'");

I remember there was another guy, some time ago with the same situation, thou' I cannot remember what was the cause for it.

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - Tim Curtis - 09-13-2023

On an official image /dev/root exists

pi@moode:~ $ df | grep /dev/root | awk '{print $4}'

I'm not sure how it can get removed.

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - TheOldPresbyope - 09-13-2023

Yeah, it was a user who had been hacking his player but didn't tell us until late in the conversation


The moOde code parses the output of the df command so what do you get if you run it? You should see something like the output below (taken from one of my 8.3.6 players)

@rpi@m836-64:~ $ df
Filesystem            1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root              14984248   4309884  10017156  31% /
devtmpfs                 911948         0    911948   0% /dev
tmpfs                    946796         0    946796   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    378720      1364    377356   1% /run
tmpfs                      5120         4      5116   1% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p1           258095     31161    226935  13% /boot
/dev/sda1               1973536    134260   1628844   8% /media/gfg
//Omv-HC1.local/Music 240233124 168058980  72174144  70% /mnt/NAS/Omv-music
tmpfs                    189356         0    189356   0% /run/user/1000

If df isn't reporting filesystem /dev/root then moOde's System info report likely also says you have no Root size, etc.


RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - Nutul - 09-13-2023

(09-13-2023, 01:51 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Yeah, it was a user who had been hacking his player but didn't tell us until late in the conversation

Yep, that was!

So... before it's too late, maybe the OP wants to tell us more about his system, and apologize for not having told the whole story, shall it be the case, right?

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - dersucher - 09-13-2023

(09-13-2023, 02:01 PM)Nutul Wrote:
(09-13-2023, 01:51 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Yeah, it was a user who had been hacking his player but didn't tell us until late in the conversation

Yep, that was!

So... before it's too late, maybe the OP wants to tell us more about his system, and apologize for not having told the whole story, shall it be the case, right?
Yes, I added a litte RAID funcionality with mdtools package.

I will try Out a News SDCard with the Image.

Many thanks for fast replying. Sorry when wasting Your time Debugging my Installation.

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - dersucher - 09-13-2023

For the archive:
I used an initramfs in moode 8.3.5 for supporting btrfs. That is causing the missing /dev/root. It changes something I don't know at this time. This is further not a moode support question.

Many thanks to all ;-)

RE: Update fails: Update cannot proceed without at least 500M space - Nutul - 09-13-2023

(09-13-2023, 06:01 PM)dersucher Wrote: For the archive:
I used an initramfs in moode 8.3.5 for supporting btrfs. That is causing the missing /dev/root. It changes something I don't know at this time. This is further not a moode support question.

Many thanks to all ;-)

I was thinking... maybe you can ssh into the Pi, create the /root directory, mount it and try the update again...

sudo mkdir /root
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /root