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Reclocker suggestions? - Printable Version

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Reclocker suggestions? - Gaspar74 - 09-13-2023

Hi, I am looking to add a reclocker to my Protodac project I just finished. IM not able to find ANY Kali reclockers on used market and only other one I can find is Ian Of Canada however he seems very pricey and ordering isnt so straight forward. Im in the US. Are there any other manufacturers that make one? Im not opposed to a good Quality Chinese Ali special but I cant even find any there only ONE and says ONLY for the Pi 4b. Why ould it only be for the 4b? I asked vendor and got a non answer answer. Any help appreciated.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - Gaspar74 - 09-14-2023


RE: Reclocker suggestions? - bitlab - 09-14-2023

The Ian Canada Fifopi is nice reclocker (and galvanic isolator), I use it myself in a DDDAC 1794 setup.
The price very much depends on the used clock for the Fifopi.

If you just want a better clock for your Protodac than the default not, so good, Pi I2S master clock. Then there is also a different solution
You can just use an other I2S master clock instead of the Pi. A lot of I2S audio boards have it onboard. For example the Hifiberry DigiPro(2) is cost effective solution.
It contains two crystals (for mulitple of 44.1x and 48x).
Of course it isn't the same level as the Fifopi, but it is really a good step up from the Pi internal I2S master clock.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - Gaspar74 - 09-15-2023

I do have a digi2 pro and was wondering if it could be used in that manner. It has a header on it already so would I just run the Gpio pins associated with the Digi clocks to the Protodac GPIO PINS?

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - Gaspar74 - 09-15-2023

This is from the Hifiberry HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro, Digi2 Pro

GPIO2-3 (pins 3 and 5) are used by our products for configuration. If you are experienced with I2C, you might add other slave devices. If you a a novice, we don’t recommend this at all.
GPIOs 18-21 (pins 12, 35, 38 and 40) are used for the sound interface. You can’t use them for any other purpose.

GPIOs 5 and 6 are used for the clock circuit and cannot be used for anything else.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - DRONE7 - 09-15-2023

The previous Digi+ Pro had i2s out from the P4 (P6?) header and could be connected to a DAC and operate as master subject to compatibility with the DAC's operation.
The configuration used to be on the HiFiBerry site but it seems to have been removed. (images found elsewhere are shown below)
There was some discussion over on DiyAudio forum referencing the DAC+ Pro that had the same header.

Looking at images of the Digi2 Pro the header and output do not appear and are not available as the link below states.

This link has the Digi+Pro pinout #

DIYinHK have a FiFo reclocker at a good price. Have not used this.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - bitlab - 09-15-2023

@Gaspar74 just stack the Hifiberry Digi+ Pro or Digi2 Pro on the Pi and stack the Protodac on that 40 pins GPIO header (sandwich of 3).
Select as audio card the Hifiberry Digi Pro. Make sure you just playback 16bits and don't forget to inverse the audio.

@DRONE7 concerning the Digi2 Pro; that is about the separate I2S header, no need with the Protodac it is directly connected to the 40 pins GPIO header. And if you need the I2S signals for an external DAC (which doesn't have the Pi GPIO header) you can just breakout this signals from the 40 pins GPIO header.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - DRONE7 - 09-15-2023

Are you certain that the MCLK is passed through the 40 pin GPIO stack ?

I thought the MCLK was for the spdif out on the HiFiBerry board and this link seems to suggest so
Happy to know otherwise :-)

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - bitlab - 09-15-2023

@DRONE7 I never said that the MCLK is present:-)
But the Protodac of the OP doens't require a MCLK, just like some other DAC (like external I2S DDDAC 1794).

The Pi + Protodac combination works, only then the I2S master clock of the Pi is used.
We only use the hifiberry to improve the performance of the clock by making the Pi I2S a slave to the hifiberry I2S master clock.

But you are right if you would use a different I2S DAC that requires MCLK; there is no MCLK available is that case and it will not work.

RE: Reclocker suggestions? - DRONE7 - 09-15-2023

Yes, all these clocks! :-) confusing..

Lets see if I've got it right now...

The HiFiBerry configures the RPi as slave for BCLK and LRCLK overriding the RPi clock and as the Protodac does not need MCLK then that's all good.
The HiFiBerry configures the RPi as slave for BCLK and LRCLK overriding the RPi clock and uses it's own MCLK for the output to it's SPDIF.
The HiFiBerry Digi+Pro configures the RPi as slave for BCLK and LRCLK overriding the RPi clock and uses it's own MCLK for the output to the P4 header for connection to other i2s DAC's and for it's SPDIF output.
The HiFiBerry Digi2Pro does the first two but not the last as it lacks any header to expose MCLK