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[How to do instruction] How to play the Moode HTTP stream output on an Alexa speaker - Printable Version

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How to play the Moode HTTP stream output on an Alexa speaker - thety65 - 09-15-2023

A question was asked  a while ago about Alexa control of Moode. This method does not do this but
will give playback of the Moode output stream via an Alexa speaker.  The trick is to use an Alexa skill 
that has been written which allows you setup of a list of  audio stream URLs and then  select and 
play them on voice command. (Remember to thank the author of the skill)

This avoids the pre-run ads that Intune etc inserts if you use a normal Alexa command to play a radio

Enable the HTTP streaming from the PI via Configuration/Audio/Options/and set HTTP streaming
 to ON on port 8000 and to Lame (MP3). Any device/browser on your network should then play
 the stream on where xxxx is the PI ip address.

Setup the Alexa skill (link below) using your Alexa app following the instructions shown for the skill
and use the stream address as above.

Provided you know the stream URL it will play most things e.g. I monitor transAtlantic HF Aeronautical comms
from the LIVEATC web site and also streaming output (local network only)  from my PC in my ham shack.