Moode Forum
MPD error - Printable Version

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MPD error - transfers - 04-25-2024

When I turn on the sox resampling in MPD, I get the following error, and no audio: 

Failed to open "ALSA Default" (alsa); Failed to open ALSA device "_audioout": No such device

If I turn resampling off, audio comes back. 
I am running Moode as a Upnp renderer on a Pi 3B+ with a Hifiberry Digi card.

RE: MPD error - Tim Curtis - 04-25-2024

Reboot and then post the contents of the startup log.

The log can be viewed via the SSH command moodeutl -l or downloaded via the Logs section in System Config, or via Menu, System info from the any of the Config screens. The startup log will be at the end of System info output.

RE: MPD error - transfers - 04-25-2024

Annoyingly it seems OK now. But let me know if you can see anything here:
20240425 101553 worker: --
20240425 101553 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20240425 101553 worker: --
20240425 101553 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240425 101553 worker: Wait for Linux startup...
20240425 101559 worker: Linux startup complete
20240425 101559 worker: Boot config backed up
20240425 101601 worker: Session loaded
20240425 101604 worker: Package holds applied
20240425 101606 worker: File check complete
20240425 101606 worker: Debug logging off
20240425 101606 worker: Reduced logging off
20240425 101606 worker: --
20240425 101606 worker: -- Audio debug
20240425 101606 worker: --
20240425 101606 worker: ALSA cards:   0:sndrpihifiberry | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20240425 101606 worker: MPD config:   0:HIFI Digi | mixer:none | cardnum:0
20240425 101606 worker: Mixer name:   none exists
20240425 101606 worker: Hdwr volume:  controller not detected
20240425 101606 worker: Volume knob:  0
20240425 101606 worker: --
20240425 101606 worker: -- System
20240425 101606 worker: --
20240425 101608 worker: Host:     moode
20240425 101608 worker: Model:    Pi-3B+ 1.3 1GB
20240425 101608 worker: moOde:    8.3.9 2024-02-23
20240425 101608 worker: RaspiOS:  11.6 Bullseye 64-bit
20240425 101608 worker: Kernel:   6.1.21 64-bit
20240425 101608 worker: MPD ver:  0.23.14
20240425 101608 worker: CPU gov:  ondemand
20240425 101608 worker: Userid:   pi
20240425 101608 worker: Homedir:  /home/pi
20240425 101608 worker: Timezone: Australia/Sydney
20240425 101608 worker: Keyboard: us
20240425 101609 worker: USB boot: enabled
20240425 101609 worker: File sys: expanded
20240425 101609 worker: HDMI out: off
20240425 101609 worker: Sys LED0: off
20240425 101609 worker: Sys LED1: off
20240425 101609 worker: --
20240425 101609 worker: -- Network
20240425 101609 worker: --
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: adapter exists
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: timeout off
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: method  dhcp
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: address
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: netmask
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: gateway
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: pri DNS
20240425 101609 worker: Eth: domain  lan
20240425 101609 worker: Wlan: adapter does not exist
20240425 101609 worker: --
20240425 101609 worker: -- Software update
20240425 101609 worker: --
20240425 101609 worker: Automatic check: on
20240425 101609 worker: Checking for available update...
20240425 101610 worker: Software is up to date
20240425 101610 worker: --
20240425 101610 worker: -- File sharing
20240425 101610 worker: --
20240425 101610 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240425 101610 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240425 101610 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240425 101610 worker: --
20240425 101610 worker: -- Audio config
20240425 101610 worker: --
20240425 101610 worker: MPD config:    updated
20240425 101610 worker: Audio device:  HIFI Digi
20240425 101610 worker: Formats:       S16_LE, S24_LE
20240425 101610 worker: Mixer type     Fixed (0dB)
20240425 101610 worker: Mixer name     none exists
20240425 101610 worker: Hdwr volume:   controller not detected
20240425 101610 worker: ALSA card:     0
20240425 101610 worker: ALSA mode:     Default
20240425 101611 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240425 101611 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20240425 101611 worker: Renderers:     active flags reset
20240425 101611 worker: --
20240425 101611 worker: -- MPD startup
20240425 101611 worker: --
20240425 101611 worker: MPD service:        started
20240425 101611 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240425 101611 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240425 101611 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240425 101611 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20240425 101611 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240425 101611 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     yes
20240425 101611 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240425 101611 worker: MPD CDSP volrange:  60 dB
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: -- Music sources
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: USB auto-mount: udisks-glue
20240425 101612 worker: USB drives:     no drives found
20240425 101612 worker: NAS sources:    no music sources defined
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: -- Feature availability
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: Input select:    available, src MPD, out HIFI Digi
20240425 101612 worker: Bluetooth:       available, ALSA mode Default
20240425 101612 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240425 101612 worker: Spotify Connect: started
20240425 101612 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240425 101612 worker: RoonBridge:      not installed
20240425 101612 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240425 101612 worker: UPnP client:     started
20240425 101612 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240425 101612 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240425 101612 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: -- Volume levels
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: Volume knob:   0
20240425 101612 worker: Saved MPD vol: -1
20240425 101612 worker: Saved SRC vol: 0
20240425 101612 worker: Mixer type:    none
20240425 101612 worker: Hdwr volume:   controller not detected
20240425 101612 worker: CDSP volume:   -120.0dB
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101612 worker: -- Peripherals
20240425 101612 worker: --
20240425 101613 worker: Local display:   off
20240425 101613 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240425 101613 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240425 101613 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240425 101613 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240425 101613 worker: --
20240425 101613 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240425 101613 worker: --
20240425 101613 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240425 101613 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240425 101613 worker: Auto-shuffle:      off
20240425 101613 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240425 101613 worker: Web SSH server:    off
20240425 101613 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240425 101613 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240425 101613 worker: Session check:     ok
20240425 101613 worker: --
20240425 101613 worker: -- Startup complete
20240425 101613 worker: --
20240425 101613 worker: Mount monitor:    off
20240425 101613 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240425 101613 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240425 101613 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240425 101613 worker: Ready
20240425 115949 worker: Job upnpsvc
20240425 120113 worker: Job alsa_loopback
20240425 120252 worker: Job mpdcfg
20240426 073136 worker: Job mpdcfg
20240426 073337 worker: Job mpdcfg

RE: MPD error - Tim Curtis - 04-25-2024

Right, its kind of odd.

Is it a Hifiberry card or a clone? It shouldn't make a diff but maybe YMMV. I'd prolly remove the card and spray some Contact Cleaner on the headers.