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[PROBLEM] No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - Printable Version

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No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - batman75 - 04-30-2024


Sorry, I have tried searching for this problem but couldn't find anything specifically relating to this.

I've just tried connecting my Pi4 to my amp using a standard 3.5mm-2 phono cable, but I'm getting no sound out of the amp. I've tried a couple of RCA inputs on the amp, and then retested on a second amp, both of which are happily playing sound from my turntable. I'm not sure if there are specific moode settings I need to configure, but I'm hoping I can use this setup rather than buying a separate audio hat for the pi.

I've tried all volume options on the Audio menu, and kept both Named I2S device and DT overlay set to None. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

Release: 8.3.9 2024-02-23
Maintainer: Tim Curtis © 2014
Documentation: View release notes, View setup guide
Contributors: View contributors
License: View GPLv3
RaspiOS: 11.3 Bullseye 64-bit
Linux kernel: 6.1.21 64-bit
Pi model: Pi-4B 1.2 4GB
MPD version: 0.23.14

RE: No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - Tim Curtis - 04-30-2024

Reboot and then post the contents of the startup log.

The log can be viewed via the SSH command moodeutl -l or downloaded via the Logs section in System Config, or via Menu, System info from the any of the Config screens. The startup log will be at the end of System info output.

RE: No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - batman75 - 04-30-2024

(04-30-2024, 11:08 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Reboot and then post the contents of the startup log.

The log can be viewed via the SSH command moodeutl -l or downloaded via the Logs section in System Config, or via Menu, System info from the any of the Config screens. The startup log will be at the end of System info output.

I've just restarted, and here is the latest log. Thanks for your help.

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20240430 201158 worker: --
20240430 201158 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20240430 201158 worker: --
20240430 201158 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240430 201158 worker: Wait for Linux startup...
20240430 201232 worker: Linux startup complete
20240430 201232 worker: Boot config backed up
20240430 201233 worker: Session loaded
20240430 201235 worker: Package holds applied
20240430 201236 worker: File check complete
20240430 201236 worker: Debug logging off
20240430 201236 worker: Reduced logging off
20240430 201236 worker: --
20240430 201236 worker: -- Audio debug
20240430 201236 worker: --
20240430 201236 worker: ALSA cards:   0:b1 | 1:Headphones | 2:empty | 3:empty
20240430 201236 worker: MPD config:   1:Pi Headphone jack | mixer:PCM | cardnum:1
20240430 201236 worker: Mixer name:   [PCM]
20240430 201236 worker: Hdwr volume:  set to 0%
20240430 201236 worker: Volume knob:  70
20240430 201236 worker: --
20240430 201236 worker: -- System
20240430 201236 worker: --
20240430 201238 worker: Host:     moode
20240430 201238 worker: Model:    Pi-4B 1.2 4GB
20240430 201238 worker: moOde:    8.3.9 2024-02-23
20240430 201238 worker: RaspiOS:  11.3 Bullseye 64-bit
20240430 201238 worker: Kernel:   6.1.21 64-bit
20240430 201238 worker: MPD ver:  0.23.14
20240430 201238 worker: CPU gov:  ondemand
20240430 201238 worker: Userid:   pi
20240430 201238 worker: Homedir:  /home/pi
20240430 201238 worker: Timezone: Europe/London
20240430 201238 worker: Keyboard: gb
20240430 201238 worker: USB boot: enabled
20240430 201238 worker: File sys: expanded
20240430 201238 worker: HDMI out: on
20240430 201238 worker: Sys LED0: off
20240430 201238 worker: Sys LED1: off
20240430 201238 worker: --
20240430 201238 worker: -- Network
20240430 201238 worker: --
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: adapter exists
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: timeout off
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: method  dhcp
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: address
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: netmask
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: gateway
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: pri DNS
20240430 201238 worker: Eth: domain  Home
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: adapter exists
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: country GB
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: SSID    42_Beaconsfield_Avenue
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: other   none
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: router  on
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: timeout up to 90 secs
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: connect to 42_Beaconsfield_Avenue
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: sleep   disabled
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: method  dhcp
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: address
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: netmask
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: gateway
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: pri DNS
20240430 201238 worker: Wlan: domain  Home
20240430 201238 worker: --
20240430 201238 worker: -- Software update
20240430 201238 worker: --
20240430 201238 worker: Automatic check: on
20240430 201238 worker: Checking for available update...
20240430 201239 worker: Software is up to date
20240430 201239 worker: --
20240430 201239 worker: -- File sharing
20240430 201239 worker: --
20240430 201239 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240430 201239 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240430 201239 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240430 201239 worker: --
20240430 201239 worker: -- Audio config
20240430 201239 worker: --
20240430 201239 worker: MPD config:    updated
20240430 201239 worker: Audio device:  Pi Headphone jack
20240430 201239 worker: Formats:       U8, S16_LE
20240430 201239 worker: Mixer type     Software
20240430 201239 worker: Mixer name     PCM
20240430 201240 worker: Hdwr volume:   controller detected
20240430 201240 worker: ALSA max vol:  100%
20240430 201240 worker: ALSA card:     1
20240430 201240 worker: ALSA mode:     Default
20240430 201240 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240430 201240 worker: CamillaDSP:    custo
20240430 201240 worker: Renderers:     active flags reset
20240430 201240 worker: --
20240430 201240 worker: -- MPD startup
20240430 201240 worker: --
20240430 201240 worker: MPD service:        started
20240430 201240 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240430 201240 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240430 201240 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240430 201240 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20240430 201240 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240430 201240 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     yes
20240430 201240 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240430 201240 worker: MPD CDSP volrange:  60 dB
20240430 201240 worker: --
20240430 201240 worker: -- Music sources
20240430 201240 worker: --
20240430 201240 worker: USB auto-mount: udisks-glue
20240430 201240 worker: USB drive:      2a77ab39-aedf-4ddb-8988-e384a63697d0
20240430 201240 worker: USB drive:      MUSICEXFAT
20240430 201240 worker: NAS source:     MyMusic
20240430 201242 worker: NAS mount:      mount all submitted
20240430 201242 worker: --
20240430 201242 worker: -- Feature availability
20240430 201242 worker: --
20240430 201242 worker: Input select:    available, src MPD, out Pi Headphone jack
20240430 201250 worker: Bluetooth:       started, Pairing Agent started, ALSA mode Default
20240430 201250 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240430 201250 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20240430 201250 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240430 201250 worker: RoonBridge:      not installed
20240430 201250 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240430 201250 worker: UPnP client:     available
20240430 201250 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240430 201250 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240430 201250 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: -- Volume levels
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: Volume knob:   70
20240430 201250 worker: Saved MPD vol: -1
20240430 201250 worker: Saved SRC vol: 0
20240430 201250 worker: Mixer type:    software
20240430 201250 worker: Hdwr volume:   100%
20240430 201250 worker: CDSP volume:   0.0dB
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: -- Peripherals
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: Local display:   off
20240430 201250 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240430 201250 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240430 201250 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240430 201250 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240430 201250 worker: --
20240430 201250 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240430 201250 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240430 201250 worker: Auto-shuffle:      off
20240430 201250 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240430 201251 worker: Web SSH server:    on
20240430 201251 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240430 201251 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240430 201251 worker: Session check:     ok
20240430 201251 worker: --
20240430 201251 worker: -- Startup complete 
20240430 201251 worker: --
20240430 201251 worker: Mount monitor:    off
20240430 201251 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240430 201251 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240430 201251 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240430 201251 worker: Ready

RE: No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - Tim Curtis - 04-30-2024

I don't see anything suspicious in the log.The audio device and volume configuration looks fine.

When something is playing the "Audio info" screen will show the PCM stream attributes in the "Output format" line. If this is happening in your case then its a mystery to me why there is no volume output.

RE: No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - TheOldPresbyope - 05-02-2024


So you said "I've just tried connecting my Pi4 to my amp using a standard 3.5mm-2 phono cable, but I'm getting no sound out of the amp."

That 3.5mm jack on the Pi looks like an ordinary headphone jack but it's actually a 4-pole audio and video jack. Not all 3.5mm-to-RCA patch cords are wired the same (the wonderful thing about standards is there's so many of them).

It's likely your patch cable is correct but an easy way to check is to plug in headphones directly instead (for test purposes, I use the wired earbuds that came with some phone or another in the past). 

If you hear audio through the headphones and you can control the volume from the moOde WebUI then moOde is configured correctly. Your problem is either in the patch cable or in a mismatch between the output level of the Pi and the input sensitivity of your amp.


RE: No audio from headphone jack (Pi4) - Phil323UK - 05-03-2024

Just to add to Kent's reply.

Raspberry Pi's 1-4 have a 3.5mm TRRS (tip, ring, ring, spacer) socket.

So you will need a cable with a 3.5mm TRRS jack to connect to your amp.

So headphones with an inline microphone should work with no problem.
