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[SOLVED] Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - Printable Version

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Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - muddiver - 08-14-2024

Hello forum,

i created an folder in /home, named /home/pi
In this folder i have my scripts to changeĀ  to set the behavior of my remotecontrole-buttons.
In the media.conf i entered the scripts in the folder /home/pi.

Everything was working as it should, now i returned from hollydays and the buttons do nothing.
The folder /home/pi is gone.

i recreated it vir "sudo mkdir /home/pi"
then i changed the writepermissions via "sudo chmod -R 777 /home/pi"
so i can write files via scp command.
Then i sent the files from my Main-PC to the Moode-Device.

Anything works great again.
After a reboot, the folder /home/pi is again gone...

Has there been a change in permissions?
Why is the folder deleted after every reboot?

Thanks in advance! Greets, Tom

RE: Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - Tim Curtis - 08-14-2024

Is your userid pi?

RE: Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - muddiver - 08-14-2024

Hi Tim,

no, my user is not pi,is that the problem?
It worked for a long time, but now i have the described problems..

Greets, Tom

RE: Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - muddiver - 08-14-2024

I tried to move the scripts to my personal folder under /home, then i changed the media.conf to the new path, works now even after a reboot..
Change in general behavion in the /home path?

RE: Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - Tim Curtis - 08-14-2024

Yes if /home/pi exists and there is no pi userid/password the directory gets deleted during moode startup.

This is to ensure that there is only one legit home directory and corresponding userid/password. This is important for things that run in the context of the logged in user for example the Local Display service.

The /home directory should only contain userid subdirectories corresponding to logon id's

In your case you might want to place your files in your actual home directory or in /usr/share/DIRECTORY_NAME and then update media.conf accordingly.

RE: Folders /home/pi gets lost after reboot - muddiver - 08-14-2024


got it, it works for me now,
Thanks for your support!