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[SOLVED] 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - Printable Version

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9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-20-2024

Hi all,

There seems to be a regression in Moode 9.1.0 when using regular expressions on the Advanced Search page:

Up to Moode 9.0.8 I could use the Folder filter =~ nas/filestation/music/(somefolder|otherfolder) to get a combined view of all files in nas/filestation/music/somefolder and nas/filestation/music/otherfolder.

In Moode 9.1.0 this no longer works. The interface seems to accept the filter, but does not update the library view accordingly. Note that the offending character seems to be the |, because searching for just a single folder using  =~ nas/filestation/music/(somefolder) still works as expected.

Interestingly the similar expression '(filename =~ "nas/filestation/music/(somefolder|otherfolder)")' still works as Tag Filter option for Auto-shuffle.

Thanks & best regards

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - Tim Curtis - 09-20-2024

Did you apply ?

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - Tim Curtis - 09-20-2024

Nvm, I can repro.

Do you see any SECCHK lines in the moode log?

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-20-2024

Yes, installed the patch and rebooted. Still no change.

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-20-2024

And yes there are SECCHK lines:
20240920 232740 SECCHK: Invalid shell characters detected, request denied
20240920 232740 SECCHK: (file =~ 'nas/filestation/music/(somefolder|otherfolder)')

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-20-2024

I also noticed now that the Tag Filter for Auto-shuffle only worked, because the setting was restored from a backup. Manually entering the same string does not work but results in an HTTP 400 Bad request.

Here the log says (no surprise):

20240920 234106 SECCHK: Invalid shell characters detected, request denied
20240920 234106 SECCHK: '(filename =~ "nas/filestation/music/(somefolder|otherfolder)")'

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - Tim Curtis - 09-20-2024

As a test, in file /var/www/command/cfg-table.php, lets exclude 'library_flatlist_filter_str from SECCHK


chkVariables($_POST, array('library_flatlist_filter_str'));

Btw, you don't need to specify the entire folder path. You could do like below.

=~ (/somefolder|/otherfolder)

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-20-2024

  • Advanced Search works again after applying the patch.
  • Still HTTP 400 Bad request for the Auto-shuffle Tag Filter.

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - Tim Curtis - 09-20-2024

Security is quite challenging.

A simple exclusion of the variables won't be sufficient though because that creates a shell injection vulnerability. I'll have to think about it.

RE: 9.1.0 Advanced Search regression for regexp using "|" character - jenzd - 09-24-2024

Thanks for fixing in the upcoming version 9.1.2  Smile