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[IDEA] Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - Printable Version

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Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - boxfirm - 11-22-2018

Hello, I would like very much that it is possible to send music directly from MoodeAudio on a Wifi speaker. (As is possible on a Bluetooth speaker)
Today I do not know how to do this thing even without MA with an iPhone.
Could you explain to me how you would do with an iPhone and if not, do you think it will be possible to do it directly with MoodeAudio soon?

thank you in advance

RE: Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - Tim Curtis - 11-22-2018

What is a UPnP WiFi Speaker?
Can you post a product link?

RE: Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - boxfirm - 11-22-2018

hello Tim,
And thank you for your fabulous work. I use every day MoodeAudio with my RaspBerry Pi 3 and a lowcast PiFi DAC and it works pretty well.

For my Wifi speaker, I have many, you will find their name and links with more information if necessary. (sorry sometimes it's french ...):

1) Xiaomi Mi Smart Network Wifi -->
2) GGMM E5 -->

and I would like to buy a SonoS Play 5 speaker but I do not want to use a SmartPhone application.
How do people with their wifi speakers and MoodeAudio?

thank you


RE: Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - Tim Curtis - 11-22-2018

Both of the products support Bluetooth so just use that to connect.

RE: Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - boxfirm - 11-22-2018

Yes but wifi is better for sound quality.
And Sonos don't play bluetooth...
For you, is not for the next update? and there is no need?

RE: Stream music to UPNP WiFi speakers - Tim Curtis - 11-22-2018

The only WiFi based streaming protocols supported by moOde are listed below. moOde functions only as a receiver using these protocols

SlimProto (Squeezelite)
Spotify Connect
