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[PROBLEM] Multiroom will not work - Printable Version

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Multiroom will not work - traveller5712 - 01-15-2025

Hey guys,

i want to setup a multiroom system, using moode and his multiroom-function with one sender and currently two receivers.

I did use the multiroom setup guide, which comes with the multiroom configuration topic. But i could not manage to bring it into function.

This is my configuration:

Release Information
    Release: 9.2.1 2024-12-30
    Maintainer: Tim Curtis © 2014
    Documentation: View release notes, View setup guide
    Contributors: View contributors
    License: View GPLv3
Platform Information
    RaspiOS: 12.8 Bookworm 64-bit
    Linux kernel: 6.6.62 64-bit
    Pi model: Pi-Zero 2 W 1.0 512MB
    MPD version: 0.23.14
Configuration see attachment

Receiver 1 (equal Receiver 2):
Release Information
    Release: 8.3.9 2024-02-23
    Maintainer: Tim Curtis © 2014
    Documentation: View release notes, View setup guide
    Contributors: View contributors
    License: View GPLv3
Platform Information
    RaspiOS: 11.9 Bullseye 32-bit
    Linux kernel: 6.1.21+ 32-bit
    Pi model: Pi-Zero W 1.1 512MB
    MPD version: 0.23.14
Configuration see attachment

The issue: Any time i click on discover to find my receivers, the GUI returns "No receiver found"

I've read the setup guide several times and followed any suggestion (even switch off any renderers) - but had no luck so get it running.

What i am doing wrong so far???

RE: Multiroom will not work - Tim Curtis - 01-15-2025

The Multiroom discovery format changed in the 9 series and thus it can't discover 8 series receivers. I'll update the documentation to reflect this.

RE: Multiroom will not work - traveller5712 - 01-16-2025

Thank you for that information!

Sorry to say, but this was not a good idea.
Now i have to downgrade my PI Zero2W to 32bit version. That's a pity.

After that i was able to discover my both receivers - but music will not be played. I think this is a problem of the DAC, and i will try this with a different DAC.

I will come back and report on weekend.

RE: Multiroom will not work - the_bertrum - 01-17-2025

It is rare that a system is not constrained by the least capable component and to do otherwise would prevent significant improvements from being made. However, though you are constrained to use v8 because of the 32bit Pi Zeros, you can still have a 64bit v8 on the Zero2 if you think the extra bits add value.

RE: Multiroom will not work - TheOldPresbyope - 01-17-2025


I suspect you are depending on the Raspberry Pi Imager program to select your moOde image. It does, indeed, offer only the 32-bit release of moOde 8.3.9.

However, if you go to the github repo for moOde you can find and download either 32-bit or 64-bit versions (as well as a ton of other releases). Once downloaded, you can direct Imager to flash the local image.

The navigation through the repo isn't obvious. To browse, you can start at Look under Assets for the release of interest.

Or, in your case, just click on

ETA - the forum software displays a foreshortened version of this link but if you hover over it you'll see the full path.


RE: Multiroom will not work - Tim Curtis - 01-17-2025

It's not a 32/64 bit OS issue but rather a lack of developer manpower on the project.

1. The multiroom discover protocol needed to be changed in moode 9 series but it causes the issue where 8 series receivers don't show up in the discovery list.
2. No developer for making back ports to moode 8 series (the discovery issue could in fact be fixed)
3. No developer for maintaining 32 bit 9 series packages and releases which would eliminate the need for having the old 32 bit moode 8 release around.

But then we have this in the Overview section of the multiroom setup guide.
"The Sender and Receivers should be a Pi-3A+ or higher and use the integrated Pi
WiFi adapter for consistent WiFi performance."

I suppose it should be updated to make that a requirement.

RE: Multiroom will not work - TheOldPresbyope - 01-17-2025

Performance issues aside, the OP could at least replace the Pi Zero W with a Pi Zero 2W so everything could run current 64-bit moOde releases. (If the physical enclosure of the receiver allows it, i'd go for a 3A+ or better.)

Personally, I think we should declare all those decade or more old Pi models to be unsupported, period. Doubling the effort on every release to produce a 32-bit version as well as a 64-bit version doesn't make much sense to me.

Just my 2 cents worth.


RE: Multiroom will not work - Tim Curtis - 01-17-2025

(01-17-2025, 12:39 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: Performance issues aside, the OP could at least replace the Pi Zero W with a Pi Zero 2W so everything could run current 64-bit moOde releases. (If the physical enclosure of the receiver allows it, i'd go for a 3A+ or better.)

Personally, I think we should declare all those decade or more old Pi models to be unsupported, period. Doubling the effort on every release to produce a 32-bit version as well as a 64-bit version doesn't make much sense to me.

Just my 2 cents worth.


I sort of agree in theory because there will always come a point where in order to move any given software forward some amount of backward compatibility has to be sacrificed. In our case that point came at the onset of the migration to PiOS Bookworm where it became evident that the project only had enough manpower to migrate and maintain the 64-bit builds.

The 32-bit Bookworm builds could be done but it requires a dedicated developer with the time, expertise and desire to take that on long term.

Its a great Linux infrastructure type project for an interested dev :-)

RE: Multiroom will not work - traveller5712 - 01-25-2025

Dear people,

now i'v setup a complete new system, using a PI02W as sender and an PI3B+/HifiBerry-DAC+ as receiver. Both are runing Moode 8.3.9, downloaded frm the website I followed exactly the moode multiroom setup guide step by step.

So far so god: Receiver will now be discovered

The bad news: The receiver will communicate with the sender (can be seen on the web-interface) - but will not play a single note of music. When i switch of the multiroom receiver i can play any music over the local DAC without any issue.




Any ideas???

RE: Multiroom will not work - Tim Curtis - 01-25-2025

The Audio Output config looks broken. The audio device is an I2S DAC and yet both Named I2S device and DT overlay are both "None". The correct config for the device would be to select "HifiBerry DAC+" from the Named I2S drop down and then reboot. This automatically updates the underlying config with the correct settings for this device.