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Hello - dewen - 03-11-2025

Hello :

I am new here. 
I am using a Raspberry Pi 5 with an Inno Maker DAC Hat and a Waveshare 5.5-inch AMOLED display. 
I wish to install Moode to use it as a CD player. 
I have much to learn. 

Thank you !

RE: Hello - TheOldPresbyope - 03-11-2025

(Yesterday, 02:30 PM)dewen Wrote: Hello :

I am new here. 
I am using a Raspberry Pi 5 with an Inno Maker DAC Hat and a Waveshare 5.5-inch AMOLED display. 
I wish to install Moode to use it as a CD player. 
I have much to learn. 

Thank you !

Welcome to the forum.

I think you'll find moOde runs nicely on a Pi 5 with an Inno Maker DAC. I have their DAC Pro, actually, and I like the combo very much. I'm not sure their manual has caught up with the current version of moOde but we can talk you through setup problems if you have any.

It may take you a bit to set up the Waveshare display. I don't have any but a number of users have posted in this forum about their problems and solutions. A challenge seems to be that there are many different Waveshare products and no one-size-fits-all solution.

I'm not sure what you mean by "use it as a CD player"?
