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Cloudsmith graciously provides open-source package management and distribution for our project.

Another UK user
Hi all,

I am fairly new to moOde, and am very impressed with what it can do, and the level of customisation available.
I have limited software skills, so have found the forum a great resource for technical info.

I have built a couple of Raspberry Pi 3B players, using the USB output to a DAC. Nothing special, but will post some details. I am an electronics hardware engineer by day, and moOde gives me an excuse to build some electronics that I get to use at home!

I also have a question on setting up triggerhappy which I will direct to the relevant forum.
Welcome ! look forward to seeing some of your builds.
Hello and welcome.

The customisation options and the ressource of knowledge, help and support in the forum, are also weighty arguments why i choose moOde.

Kind regards
100% Linux noob (Linexia?) - Promoted, by Tim, to ‘not noob’ ‘novice’, with a single vote from Robert.
look forward am slightly nervous about what triggers the ‘dangerous’ promotion.
Proclaimed to ‘tinkerer status’ by Kent.
Almost anything is possible. It’s the subjective sum of the variables price, time and entertainment that determines whether it’s worth it or not.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I have posted some info on my latest player on "Audio gear".

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