05-20-2019, 05:18 PM
(05-20-2019, 11:58 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @arjena
I see your problem. You're trying to mute the music instead of the real world
Tim, could a script to call an ALSA amixer do the trick? The sticky bit is getting the script to find which soundcard is in use. Being able to "undo" from whatever control device is at hand is another. I don't know how this affects "bit perfect" performance.
The OP's usage scenario has a coupe of parts including (1) moOde functions as a preamp with a master volume control when a renderer is active (2) that renderer sessions can be terminated directly from the Renderer Active Screen and (3) that preamp volume control is accessible from Web API.
Its doable but a substantial amount of work and so unless there are a lot more requests for something like this its not going to get any priority on the TODO list.
There is probably some type of script that could be written that would control ALSA hardware volume and provide something similar to a preamp volume control. The script /var/local/www/spspre.sh has code that shows how to set ALSA volume.