06-19-2020, 01:21 PM
I have a couple scripts that run on the Pi. One script mounts a share from my Mac that contains the cloned repo source tree. The other script batch copies files from the source tree into the corresponding dirs on the Pi for a full build. If I just need to copy a few files I do that manually. I use Atom editor on my Mac to edit the files. It works in tandem with GitHub Desktop app.
SQL updates are not scripted. I manually make the modifications after using SQLiteSutdio to make the mods to the master database file for example here are the commands run on the Pi to create a new cfg_radio table with additional columns. The DDL and .csv export comes from SQLiteStudio.
When all is looking good on the Pi I use GitHub Desktop on my Mac to push the commits to the development repo.
There is also a new build process developed by @bitlab thats based on GULP and incorporates a lot more automation. I haven't had the time to test it yet... https://github.com/moode-player/moode/issues/129
Ultimately we want to get to a canned build process that any developer can install and start using with minimal learning curve.
SQL updates are not scripted. I manually make the modifications after using SQLiteSutdio to make the mods to the master database file for example here are the commands run on the Pi to create a new cfg_radio table with additional columns. The DDL and .csv export comes from SQLiteStudio.
sudo sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "DROP TABLE cfg_radio"
sudo sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "CREATE TABLE cfg_radio (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, station CHAR (128), name CHAR (128), type CHAR (8), logo CHAR (128), genre CHAR (32), broadcaster CHAR (32), language CHAR (32), country CHAR (32), region CHAR (32), bitrate CHAR (32), format CHAR (32))"
sudo ./dev.sh mount-moode
sudo cp /mnt/moode-player/components/sqlite/cfg_radio.csv ./
# Edit and remove line 1 column headers
sudo nano ./cfg_radio.csv
sudo sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db -csv ".import ./cfg_radio.csv cfg_radio"
sudo rm ./cfg_radio.csv
When all is looking good on the Pi I use GitHub Desktop on my Mac to push the commits to the development repo.
There is also a new build process developed by @bitlab thats based on GULP and incorporates a lot more automation. I haven't had the time to test it yet... https://github.com/moode-player/moode/issues/129
Ultimately we want to get to a canned build process that any developer can install and start using with minimal learning curve.