05-06-2021, 09:23 PM
@katariat nothing in the logs that clarifies the issues. Only the error the following error, but that provides not enough info:
If you feel comfortable with the command-line terminal, you could try to increase the log output of camilladsp by editing the file /etc/alsa/conf.d/camilladsp.conf (requires sudo).
Make -v argument comment and add the -l debug to the section below:
Start playback again and the look/post the /var/log/mpd/log again.
In my case this looks like:
May 01 13:32 : exception: Failed to play on "ALSA Default" (alsa): snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents() failed: No such device
If you feel comfortable with the command-line terminal, you could try to increase the log output of camilladsp by editing the file /etc/alsa/conf.d/camilladsp.conf (requires sudo).
Make -v argument comment and add the -l debug to the section below:
# Uncomment the following lines, #
# if you want more detailed logging output in #
# /var/log/mpd/log #
cargs [
# -v
-l debug
-p "1234"
-a ""
Start playback again and the look/post the /var/log/mpd/log again.
In my case this looks like:
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: opened _audioout type=COPY
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: buffer: size=3840..16384 time=80000..341334
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: period: size=1920..2048 time=40000..42667
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 341333/4 = 85333
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: format=S24_LE (Signed 24 bit Little Endian)
May 06 23:11 : alsa_output: buffer_size=16384 period_size=2048
May 06 23:11 : output: opened "ALSA Default" (alsa) audio_format=48000:24:2
May 06 23:11 : output: converting in=48000:16:2 -> f=48000:24:2 -> out=48000:24:2
May 06 23:11 : client: [4] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [4] process command list
May 06 23:11 : client: process command "status"
May 06 23:11 : client: command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: process command "currentsong"
May 06 23:11 : client: command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [4] process command list returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] process command "status"
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] process command "currentsong"
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [4] closed
May 06 23:11:00.366 DEBG Read config file Some("/usr/share/camilladsp/working_config.yml"), module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.368 DEBG Apply override for samplerate: 48000, module: camillalib::config
May 06 23:11:00.368 DEBG Samplerate changed, adjusting chunksize: 1024 -> 1024, module: camillalib::config
May 06 23:11:00.369 DEBG Scale extra samples: 0 -> 0, module: camillalib::config
May 06 23:11:00.369 DEBG Apply override for capture channels: 2, module: camillalib::config
May 06 23:11:00.369 DEBG Apply override for capture sample format: S24LE, module: camillalib::config
May 06 23:11:00.370 DEBG Config is valid, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.370 DEBG Start websocket server on, module: camillalib::socketserver
May 06 23:11:00.371 DEBG Wait for config, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.372 DEBG Config ready, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.372 DEBG Using channels [true, true], module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.372 DEBG Build new pipeline, module: camillalib::filters
May 06 23:11:00.373 DEBG build filters, waiting to start processing loop, module: camillalib::processing
May 06 23:11:00.373 DEBG Capture thread ready to start, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.378 DEBG Opening audio device "hw:1,0" with parameters: HwParams { channels: Ok(2), rate: "Ok(48000) Hz", format: Ok(S16LE), access: Ok(RWInterleaved), period_size: "Ok(480) frames", buffer_size: "Ok(2048) frames" }, SwParams(avail_min: Ok(480) frames, start_threshold: Ok(544) frames, stop_threshold: Ok(2048) frames), module: camillalib::alsadevice
May 06 23:11:00.379 DEBG Audio device "hw:1,0" successfully opened, module: camillalib::alsadevice
May 06 23:11:00.379 DEBG Playback thread ready to start, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.380 DEBG Both capture and playback ready, release barrier, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:00.380 DEBG Starting playback loop, module: camillalib::alsadevice
May 06 23:11:00.380 DEBG starting captureloop, module: camillalib::filedevice
May 06 23:11:00.380 DEBG starting captureloop, module: camillalib::filedevice
May 06 23:11:00.381 INFO Starting playback from Prepared state, module: camillalib::alsadevice
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] process command "lsinfo "SDCARD/Stereo Test/LRMonoPhase4.flac""
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] process command "close"
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] command returned 4
May 06 23:11 : client: [2] closed
May 06 23:11 : client: [5] opened from
May 06 23:11 : client: [5] process command "status"
May 06 23:11 : client: [5] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [5] process command "idle"
May 06 23:11 : client: [5] command returned 1
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] opened from
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] process command "playlistinfo"
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] command returned 0
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] process command "close"
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] command returned 4
May 06 23:11 : client: [6] closed
May 06 23:11 : client: [7] opened from
May 06 23:11 : client: [7] process command "stop"
May 06 23:11 : playlist: stop
May 06 23:11 : player: played "SDCARD/Stereo Test/LRMonoPhase4.flac"
May 06 23:11:03.212 DEBG End of file, read only 4096 of 8192 bytes, module: camillalib::filedevice
May 06 23:11:03.232 DEBG Reached end of file, module: camillalib::filedevice
May 06 23:11:03.252 INFO Capture finished, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:03.321 INFO Playback finished, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:03.322 DEBG Restarting with new config, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:03.322 DEBG Wait for config, module: camilladsp
May 06 23:11:03.322 DEBG No config and not in wait mode, exiting!, module: camilladsp