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Easiest way to access music files on ext. USB HDD over network?
(06-30-2021, 01:53 PM)RikRokk Wrote:
Quote:Configure / Library / Music source / CREATE

Hey Oliver,
this looks like the place to connect the RPi/moode with Music stored on a NAS etc. over network. What I've been looking for is the possibility to make a USB HDD (containing my music), which is directly connected to my moode-RPi accessible via the RPi for other machines in the network.

Got an idea on that?

Sorry, I misunderstood you question. As Kent already wrote, MoOde provides the attached usb drive ootb as a SMB share. He also wrote, the share is owned by the user pi, but on my Mac I'm not able to connect with the same user/password, I use for ssh. I can only connect as 'Guest', but this is fine, because I can add/delete all files on the share, so no problem for me.


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RE: Easiest way to access music files on ext. USB HDD over network? - by gerontosepp - 07-02-2021, 10:21 AM

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