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Playlist Too Large - Out Of Memory
Here is a script that will display the playlist duration

mpc playlist -f '%time%' | tr ':' ' ' | awk '
   BEGIN {i = 0}
   {i += $1*60 + $2}
       if (int(i/3600) > 0)
           print int(i/3600) "h " int((i%3600)/60) "m " int(i%60) "s"
       else if (int(i) > 0)
           print int((i%3600)/60) "m " int(i%60) "s"
           print "(empty)"

5h 1m 27s

Messages In This Thread
Playlist Too Large - Out Of Memory - by quimbo - 04-14-2022, 08:59 PM
RE: Playlist Too Large - Out Of Memory - by quimbo - 04-16-2022, 01:54 PM

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