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Problem: Reduced Web Browser UI: no CV icon
Weird behavior.... (or is it just me...)

I started from scratch....wrote the v6.0 image to a new card (Sandisk 64GB). Configured everything the way I want (Audiophonics ES9028/9038 DAC (Pre 2019).
Created a NAS source.

Now, follow me in the next screenshots: moOde via Chrome web browser on Windows 10

Normal screen: Everything looks OK. The CV icon is there, right in the middle

Still pretty normal screen: The width has changed. Looks still OK, just a little bit squeezed. Icons start to move, due to lack of space

Width of moOde sceen like I want it: The width has been reduced some more until I have a screen the way I want it. Where do the double icons come from?

Same screen as before, but now after a Refresh: No more overlapping icons, but.... where did the CV icon go? Instead I have a "Repeat" icon (?!?)

Same screen as before but with ellipsis menu open: Repeat icon is there as well....

Sorry, but I don't know what else I can do...

There are a few things going on here.

1) if you reduce the window size to mobile portrait screen dimensions you’ll get the mobile portrait screen layout which does not include the cover view button. before the cover view button existed that position was taken up by the repeat button which is what is there for mobile portrait screen sizes.

2) the multiple rows of buttons is due to the css not updating when the window is resized, I’d have to look to see why that’s happening.

Originally we’d planned to allow the user to choose which buttons to display on-screen with the rest being moved to the menu but I haven’t had time to work on moode lately (there’s actually a bunch of stuff from like may hanging around I haven’t had time to integrate). If we do implement that then cover view will be an option along with the rest but I can’t see it ever being a default for mobile portrait screen sizes.
(08-19-2019, 02:08 AM)swizzle Wrote: There are a few things going on here.

1...before the cover view button existed that position was taken up by the repeat button which is what is there for mobile portrait screen sizes.

I'm confused. I thought the "repeat album" button (the concentric circles icon) was a different action from the "repeat" button (the circulating arrows icon).

On all my devices---Linux desktop, iPad tablet, Nexus6P Android phone---the "repeat album" button is always in the main playback window and the "repeat" button is always in the popup ("...") menu, whatever the screen size.

This with moOde 6.0.0.

Actually, there's a bug in the aria-label for the control (concentric circle icon) thats causing some confusion. See below. It should be aria-label="Random album". The class= statement has the class named "ralbum" in the list. This class has a JS event function bound to it that adds a random album to the PL :-)

<div id="togglebtns" class="hide">
<button aria-label="Repeat Album" class="btn btn-cmd ralbum"><i class="fal fa-dot-circle"></i></button>

@swizzle, I think it used to be Repeat in an earlier gen of the code base but IIRC since 5 it's been ralbum.
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(08-19-2019, 02:58 AM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:
(08-19-2019, 02:08 AM)swizzle Wrote: There are a few things going on here.

1...before the cover view button existed that position was taken up by the repeat button which is what is there for mobile portrait screen sizes.

I'm confused. I thought the "repeat album" button (the concentric circles icon) was a different action from the "repeat" button (the circulating arrows icon).

On all my devices---Linux desktop, iPad tablet, Nexus6P Android phone---the "repeat album" button is always in the main playback window and the "repeat" button is always in the popup ("...") menu, whatever the screen size.

The circle with an inner circle is to start playing another random album, that icon is the “light” version of the one used in the library view that selects but doesn’t immediately start playing a random album. There’s a toggle to have it display an asterisk that spins when you push it a la a roulette wheel (and a few other things) but that’s not standard. 

The main bug here is the double button rows image posted not the lack of cover view button but I haven’t had time to look into it to see if it’s something we can fix apart from a browser refresh. And as Tom mentioned the voiceover label, and the repeat playlist item in the menu as there really should be only one. 

While the default is unlikely to change there’s nothing stopping anyone from modifying the code to display the cv button instead of the playlist repeat toggle. And as mentioned before this will likely be configurable at some future point.

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