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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
this is the configuration used:
For the 128x64 pixels oled using i2c interface and ssd1306 driver:
display_driver = luma_i2c
display_i2c_port = 1
display_i2c_address = 0x3C
display_devicetype = ssd1306
display_width = 128
display_height = 64
pagefile =
animation_smoothing = 0.15

4. To test if it works
sudo /usr/bin/docker run --network=host --privileged -ti -v /var/log:/var/log:rw -v /home/pi/pydPiper:/app:rw dhrone/pydpiper:v0.31-alpha /bin/bash
"control-c" to end the test, "exit" to go back to the command prompt.

5. To complete the installation:
cd pydPiper
sudo cp pydpiper.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable pydpiper
sudo systemctl start pydpiper

That's all. To customise the display you have to edit the page file used in your configuration. It is found in the directory /home/pi/pydPiper

Take note that:

For the i2c interface, use this command to detect your i2c adress:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
You will have numbers only like 27 or numbers with letters like 3c, your i2c adress is 0x27 and 0x3c.

If the display works but complains that there is no widget available, you have to edit your page file in order to get data from MPD:
cd pydPiper
sudo nano (or any other page file corresponding to your display)
In the sequence section, replace every "stream" by "encoding", so that you have db['encoding'] instead of db['stream'].
ctrl-x, yes, enter when finished.

i2c interface is known to be slow. To improve the performance for a good refresh rate, you have to edit the configuration.
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Add the following line
ctrl-x, yes, enter when finished, and restart
questo è il link dei post

it works it lights up but it only displays the time and nothing the lyrics of the songs scroll

Messages In This Thread
RE: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi - by ghera78 - 02-27-2020, 11:33 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 01:17 PM

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