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Setting EQG curve via command
Hi there, I've had an IR setup with Moode for a while using trigger-happy. Pressing a key on the remote maps to running a script which in turns runs MPC commands. All good.

One of the radio stations I listen to has in my view poor sound quality (has a glare and lacks bass) so I would like to tweak the EQ settings for this station only. Is there any of doing this via curl and put this in the script? I can see eqg-config.php is used to drive the EQG UI, essentially I want activate a pre-defined curve.

Many thanks.
This post has some info on using curl from the shell to send a command to a script.

Looking at the code I think it's the snd-config.php script that changes the Graphic EQ curve. Not sure though what the URL looks like.
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(04-28-2023, 12:30 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: This post has some info on using curl from the shell to send a command to a script.

Looking at the code I think it's the snd-config.php script that changes the Graphic EQ curve. Not sure though what the URL looks like.

Thank you Tim, always impressed by your responsiveness, never mind writing such a brilliant application.

I worked it out by doing a capture of the POST and now it all works fine. If anyone is interested mine looks as follows - naturally, your individual Moode configuration will mean different parameter settings:

curl '' \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Referer:' \
-H 'Origin:' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' \
-H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' \
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.4 Safari/605.1.15' \
--data 'i2sdevice=IQaudIO+Pi-DAC%2B&i2soverlay=None&drvoptions=none&alsavolume_max=100&alsa_output_mode=plughw&alsa_loopback=Off&mpdver=0.22.11_p0x3&autoplay=1&ashufflesvc=0&ashuffle_mode=Track&ashuffle_filter=None&volume_step_limit=10&volume_mpd_max=100&volume_db_display=0&usb_volknob=0&rotaryenc=0&rotenc_params=100+2+3+23+24&mpdcrossfade=0&crossfeed=Off&invert_polarity=0&mpd_httpd=0&mpd_httpd_port=8000&mpd_httpd_encoder=lame&eqfa12p=0&alsaequal=name_of_saved_curve&update_alsaequal=novalue&camilladsp=off&btsvc=0&btname=Moode+Bluetooth&pairing_agent=0&btmulti=0&rsmafterbt=0&airplaysvc=1&airplayname=Dining+Airplay&rsmafterapl=Yes&spotifysvc=0&spotifyname=Moode+Spotify&rsmafterspot=No&slsvc=0&rsmaftersl=No&upnpsvc=1&upnpname=Dining&dlnasvc=0&dlnaname=Radio+Browser&upnp_browser=1'

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